thighplasty and fepblue coverage and reconstruction of breast implants

on 4/29/10 7:39 pm
I had a DS done 1 year ago and had a tummy tuck, hernia repair and breast augmention done in November. My insurance, which is BCBS through federal employees covered the tummy tuck and hernia and I paid out of pocket for breast augmentation. I am now experiencing yeast infections due to an abundance of skin in my thigh area. Has anyone ever gotten their federal plan to approve a thighplasty procedure? Also, my implants have slipped due to the poor elasticicty of my breast tissue. They look horrible. I am now told I need a lift and the implants "pinned" up. They stated insurance would not cover this procedure even though having implants resting on my rib cage is quite painful! Does anyone have experience with either of these issue and insurance coverage?
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