X:Post - remember me? jacked up surgeon experience update!!!!

on 4/27/10 4:13 am

So – if any of you around remember my saga with my plastic surgeries – I’m here to post a quick update…….


Recap (and this ain’t even the TIP of the iceberg but for those of you who don’t know anything):


Had plastics back in mid 2008.  At the time, had insurance approval for a panni and paid $5K to upgrade to full TT.  Doc only did the panni, didn’t file insurance on time and UHC didn’t pay, doc kept my $5K and has refused to pay.


In early 2009, I started having problems with scarring and the way he left things from just doing the panni, I did other consults and had a plastic surgeon get approval from UHC for a anchor cut TT.  That was done May 2009 – went perfectly – I couldn’t be happier!!!!


I filed BBB and Texas Medical Board complaints on the 2008 doc – the Medical Board investigation is still active (it’s been a whole year as active). So I was intended to file a small claims court case on my $5K but talked to a lawyer yesterday and she wants to review it because I might be in line for more of a malpractice/personal injury thing.


Now – before you think I’m just money hungry – let’s look at the facts…….


1 – I had preapproval from UHC for the panni when I walked in his door – he knew he would get paid from UHC – he’s in network with UHC so he has to adhere to their fee schedule.

2 – I understood the panni wouldn’t give me the results I wanted so that’s why I paid the extra $5K.

3 – on the day of surgery, he didn’t examine me or mark me up – I was just wheeled in to be chopped up.

4 – he wasn’t around after surgery, didn’t leave any notes or communication.  I found out 3 days later after removing my bandages that he didn’t do the full TT.

5 – He’s told me that I should be happy with the results I got because there was so much to start off with – he told me that he’d file with UHC and give me whatever they paid him. Then he files after the 90day limit.  Mind you, the anesthesiologist and facility filed on time and got paid.


So – I have decided to keep pursing this full on – it’s unfair to me that I paid what I was supposed to, did not get the work done that I paid for and can’t get my $$ back.  If he’d done the TT and it just looked like crap, that’s one thing – but he didn’t do it at ALL!!!!


Anyhoo – that’s just my update – 2 years later (almost) and still ongoing…….  Thanks for listening and for all your support over this time!

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 4/27/10 4:31 am
I remember, and thank you for the update. I wondered what happened.

And about your comment about anyone thinking your just money hungry?? Puhleeze - you don't need to justify ****!
Shame on that surgeon, and he needs to be held accountable! It sucks that you get to be the one to do it, but you should be compensated for the time and distress.

I'm glad you got finally got the stomach you wanted, and hope that the rest of it goes your way.
on 4/27/10 5:25 am, edited 4/27/10 5:25 am

  thank you!!!!!!  I get a lil pissed at mofos who think *I* am the one trippin.....then they see the pics and go 'whoa - that IS jacked up'.......

remember that doctor scorecard website?  there's STILL negative reviews popping up on there! 


on 4/27/10 7:51 am - Mouseville, FL
You had to go through two surgeries -- to get the results you should have had in the first place.  I remember your pictures.  Make all the noise you want to -- cause that just stinks!





on 4/27/10 8:44 am - phila., PA
 I remember you, we had surgery around the same time. glad to hear you are doing well and all thing turned out well. hope you can get this guy so he cant do it to the next one
on 5/1/10 4:55 am
No way you are just in it for the money! I had the same thing happen, and I've seen quite a few posts on here from others that didn't get what the PS promised and have had to pay for a second surgery. You go Mack!
on 5/2/10 1:08 am - MO
I'm not on here much, but I remember your very justified rant! As a physician myself, all I can say is WOW! I'm embarrassed for our profession. My guess is that he has a habit of doing this and hasn't got caught YET! What he did was illegal from standpoint of charging for services not rendered as well as patient abandonment for not seeing you everyday you are in the hospital! I would continue to pursue this just as you are. I would even go to other PS sites and tell your story...bad news travels fast! He will surely regret keeping your money when his business dries up!




on 5/2/10 3:20 am
Hi there!  thank you for your reply.  I have gone on several other websites and posted my factual account of what happened - on one website in particular, I think he has 'spies' because they immediately launched a counterattack by putting positive reviews and trying to attack my comments.  It got so bad, the admin to the site posted that he received a 'cease and desist' from the doc's lawyer stating that the comments were untrue and must be removed immediately or they would be slander. 

The admin did his own research and found everything to be true - the comments stayed!  So he made things WAY worse for himself. 

The really bad thing?  I keep seeing NEW bad reviews from people who've had work done after me - and they have had facial things done that didn't go well - now THAT is heartbreaking.  At least I could cover mine up with shapewear, I couldn't imagine something like that happening to my face........

anyway, thank you for your kind words of support - I'll keep posting as things unfold!
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