Smoking - Please don't reply unless you are / were a smoker. I know it's a nasty habit and...

on 3/8/10 1:46 pm - phila., PA

 I was a smoker for 30 years, I quit 12 years ago, because I smoked 2 and my husband smoked 3 packs a day & we started a business and needed the money to  pay for the van , our cigarette habit was more then the van payments and now I can't stand the smell, I quit several times & always gained weight so then I would start again to loose the weight. well the last tme I quit I didn't gain any weight so I thought if I quit smoking I could loose weight . well that didn't happen on my own, I needed the help of WLS. I could never cut down on cigs I had to quit  cold turkey, the first 3 days are the worst but then after 3 weeks u r okay. It takes 21 days to break a habit. I know how hard it is, but it is the best thing to quit for surgery & anesthesia. we are all human 7 not perfect so don't beat yourself up if u have trouble quitting just do your best. Don't pay attention to nasty remarks u r hear cause you want help & answers not critisizm, u already know it is a unhealthy habit n u r trying to do something about it. my PS likes u to quit 6 weeks before.

on 3/8/10 10:06 pm - MA

Thank you for the info, it is such a struggle because oddly enough I still enjoy it from time to time. I did it before and lasted 3 years but for whatever reason I can get in the right mind space again.

on 3/10/10 11:40 pm

GGGGGRRRRR I had to quit 2 months before WLS, I was shocked at how easy it was. I stayed quit for 3 months after, but then started again. Now I want to quit again, but it is a big ol' ******!


I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer.
Douglas Adams


Amy Farrah Fowler
on 3/11/10 7:58 am
I was told 6 weeks prior to surgery, but managed to quit before that (told that by plastic surgeon, and WLsurgeon). Surgeon said he'd test to make sure I didn't have nicotine in me, and had me scared. Hardest thing I've ever done, but do think Chantix helps. If I had to do it again, that's what I'd use.
So Blessed!
on 3/12/10 5:18 am

I smoked for about 12 years.  It took me 2 attempts before I quit for good.  I haven't smoked for over 20 years now.  Quitting is difficult, but it can be done.  You might want to check with your local hospitals and find out if they offer smoking cessation classes. 

Good luck with it!

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