Ouch! My nipple hurts!!

on 11/30/09 1:55 am - Guilford, NY
Ok, so I have been home a week and 3 weeks out from PS to various parts.

Everyday since I have been home, my ritual has involved a shower, stuff into compression garments, dressed, then hair and makeup. I have not had any problems

Right now, I am attempting to curl my hair with the curling iron and for some reason...today is he first time, when I raise my right arm, my nipple hurts. Wassup with that.

Ah, I actually may have figured it out...it just zapped me again and my arm is down,. Nerve regeneration ya think? Mama no likee!

O. Kufi
on 11/30/09 2:19 am
 Yea the nerves can get you...ouchy! Good thing is they do pass. Couldn't tell you the last time I felt one of those. They can get ya and not anything you can do about it except massage the area, at least thats what I did. Good thing is it means feelings are kicking back in.

Glad to see ya have a routine and life sounds good for ya!


We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

on 11/30/09 4:00 am
Sorry Teri, but good to hear from you! Pain aside, your post made me think of the "tweezer test" coversation we had in MX! I needed a good laugh.

Highest weight 250/ SW 233/Lowest Weight 135/Regain Highest 175/Current Weight 160

on 11/30/09 11:16 am - Guilford, NY
LOLO...yes, the tweezer test. Actually, I think what he as doing to Fab was not poking her with a tweezer, but removing her sutures. He didnt poke mine..just pulled ever so slowly!

Glad you got home ok. Are you feeling better? I sure hope so...you were such a trooper!

Hope to hear all about your final days there,

Miss you too much!

(deactivated member)
on 12/2/09 3:17 am

No he was done taking all my stitches out & said "your not going to like what I'm going to do, but I have to do that anyway" & then he grabbed the tweezers... OUCH, but I didn't care I was so glad to still have nipple sensation...

I have been getting those jolts too but mostly in my abdominal region def nerves regenerating so it's a good thing!

Hope all is going well, Miss you & Katie both,

on 12/2/09 9:34 am - Guilford, NY
Hi Fab,

I just got back from taking my son back to his facility and I thought of you all the way home. So nice to see you here,

Thankfully, he didnt poke mine with the tweezer but he did grab at the sutures, and missed once or twice. That is why I thought maybe he was doing the same to you.

I get the jolts in othere areas as well. Part of the process, I suppose.

I havent been able to upload pix. My camera card is too small for the computer. Dont know what else to do.,

I'll call some time so we can catch up. Take care,

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/09 5:11 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Yep sounds like nerves reconnecting to me..........massage the nipple and the whole boob....it will help it feel better. 
on 11/30/09 11:13 am - Guilford, NY
After I whined about this, my son and I went shopping and while driving home, I put my arm up just to check and it was fine.

Funny how it just happened today, and only the right arm/nipple. Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings! LOL

Thanks everyone, for indulging my waaa waaa moment!

on 11/30/09 12:35 pm - Holland, TX
Hey Soapy. I am 10 days out from LBL and breast reconstruction. I didn't even notice my breasts until about 4 days ago, and suddenly "OUCH". The pain seems to move around . Today was my best day until tonight then EVERYTHING started hurting. Part of the process I suppose.

I hear ya...no likee either!

(((HUGS))) Mary      Pink RibbonSurvivor 
Handle every stressful situation like a dog.
If you can't eat it or play with it,
Just pee on it and walk away.


on 11/30/09 9:25 pm - Guilford, NY
Hey Corky,

Today they are fine...but I do get the jolts in other areas too...thighs, arms...not so much around the body, tho. Thank God..there is alot that could give me grief that isnt,

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