I have SC medicaid (Blue Choice) and I want to know if SC medicaid will pay for a paiculectomy. Has anyone on this board had it done and if so what do i need to do to get the ball to rolling? I have 2 hernias but they are pretty high I think its called umbulical hernia (hope I spelled that right). I have asked at the SC board but there is absolutely no traffic over there. If there is anyone that knows something please repond/reply. THANKS!!!
Just wanna get it right
I am not from SC but am gonig in for a small hernia repair and TT. The hernia is consider out patient. Unless there is a rider for PS on your policy you must she a well document with photos and doctor (S) backing that your surgery a medical necessity.
I chose not to wait for potienial complications and am self pay. Took out a secured loan.
Best of luck
I chose not to wait for potienial complications and am self pay. Took out a secured loan.
Best of luck