Here I go again....Only a few days away and I'll be in surgery again

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 4:03 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
It's that time again......
I'm going in on Weds for the rest of my LBL (had the tummy tuck done)....I'll be having the Butt Lift w/flap augmentation and the Outer Thighs lifted.  I expect there to be some lipo done on the legs so I'm not looking forward to the recovery from that.  Lipo always makes the swelling worse.

I'm just starting to get a little nervous today....mainly about the recovery.
The nurse told me I have to lay down perfectly straight...I can't spend the days sitting in the recliner like I did right after the tummy tuck.  I'm not sure why that is but I can't figure out how I will be laying flat and have to get up with a perfectly straight back so I don't pull on the stitches. Let's face it I'm still healing from the tummy tuck so I will need help getting up I'm sure.  She also said it is very common to have stitches split in this area .  I'm hoping I'll be the exception to that rule!

How did all you gals who had the full LBL at one time do it.  You are pulled forward from the tummy tuck and yet can't bend at the waist cause you don't want to split the stitches on along your butt either.  Not looking forward to it.  I'm really hoping that I'm just worried about nothing and I will be pleasantly surprised.  

I've been so busy this week I haven't had time to worry about the procedure until just now.....

Any advice on how you get in and out of bed, or up and down from sitting after the LBL (Back lift) would sure be appreciated!

Thanks all!!
Laugh Out Loud
on 11/29/09 4:35 am

I came out of my LBL two weeks ago sewn and taped together; and with the compression garment on, I felt snug and secure - not so much like pulling and splitting.  I moved the night stand closer to the head of the bed to use for support if I needed it, but I never did.  My instructions about getting up and being in bed were different, so I cannot comment on that.
Wishing you well with this procedure and a speedy recovery.  Good luck,

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 9:43 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thanks for the well wishes!!
on 11/29/09 5:27 am - Guilford, NY
I am almost 3 weeks out (tomorrow, Monday) and I had no problems getting up or down and even sitting in a recliner. There is no sign of pulling and I was fairly upright on my second day post-op.

I dont understand the "lay down perfectly straight". I was on my back with pillows under my knees from the first day post-op. I did NOT, however, have the flap augmentation, maybe that makes the difference. (Although, laying on that flap sounds ouchy to me)

I think different doctors have different notions and you just do what is recommended by YOURS.

Good luck. You will be happy in the end (pun intended). Keep up on your pain meds and you should be fine.

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 9:44 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thanks for the note.  I think you are right about each doctor doing things differently.

I'm going to play it by ear and see how I'm feeling.....For sure I will check with the nurse again when I'm getting prep'd pre-op.

O. Kufi
on 11/29/09 7:36 am
I hope all goes well with your next procedure. I am with Soapy and Cindy. The compression garment really helps to keep you secure and I learned to make slow and methodical movements so that I minimized discomfort.
I hope your recovery is as painless as possible, quick and uneventful.

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 9:15 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I still wear the compression garment after my tummy tuck (almost 3 months out)....I feel more "secure" in it. 

I'm just worried about how I'm going to lay down and get up.  Oh well I'll figure it I'm sure.

Thanks for the well wishes!!

on 11/29/09 10:00 am - phila., PA
Hi Ruth
 well I wish you luck on this one, i don't know what to tell you, when I had my butt done I was allowed to sit in a recliner, but I had to walk perfectly straight not bent over, bbut you r still heling from the TT.
it will be fine you can do it. you won't spllit your stitches , one thing you can't do is bend over.
keep m posted.
 I will be thinking of you
(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 9:42 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Susan,
I did a bunch of reading last night and turns out a lot of surgeons tell you to lay down on your stomach or side (or back if you must) for the first 3-7 days (like everything else each surgeon has their preference).  I know when my surgeons nurse told me to lay on stomach at first I cringed...I'm not a stomach sleeper.
I've been standing straight after the tt for a long time now so I'm not worried about the leaning forward...I'll just have to remember not to bend over for a while. 

Oh the lengths we go thru with this stuff.....

Thanks for the well wishes.
I'll keep you posted.
on 11/29/09 10:34 am - Central, FL
Hi Ruth,
I don't have the answers to your questions but I wanted to be sure and wish you well. I hope everything goes smoothly and I'm sure it will. If you need anything while you are here PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know. You'll do fine and I'll be thinking of you and looking for your updates!

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