Wavering ...

(deactivated member)
on 11/24/09 4:39 pm - San Jose, CA
I have the time, I have the money.  I seem to have misplace my nerve.

I had my lower face lift, cheek autoaugmentation, neck lift, upper blepharoplasty and canthopexy, and brachioplasty with lipo including of my lower arms, on Nov. 1st.

I am scheduled for a lower body lift, spiral thigh lift, butt autoaugmentation, mons lift and lots of lipo, on Nov. 30th.

When this was initially scheduled, I was a little annoyed that it was so long between the surgeries.  Of course, at that time, I thought I was just having the face work done -- the brachiplasty was added on the day of surgery when Agha decided that I needed the cheek augmentation, which would make the scheduled lower blepharoplasty not a good idea at the same time, so he substituted the brachioplasty (which was previously scheduled for a later surgery) instead (and as a source for the fat for augmentation).

I don't know what my problem is.  I remember feeling pretty anxious a few times while I was in the recovery cottage a day or so after surgery -- both from the pain and from feeling trapped and being unable to escape. 

Then about 5 days out, I had what I now recognize was a panic attack while in the hotel with my husband -- I became nauseous and lightheaded, and felt tightness in my chest, and I tried to overcome it by doing slow deep breathing, only it didn't work and I started becoming short of breath -- and then I freaked out because I couldn't catch my breath and my fingers and toes were tingling and I had my husband call 911 (the first time I have ever called 911) -- and it turned out of course I was just hyperventilating.

At the time, I thought what happened was because I had been on demerol (a very strong narcotic) for too many days, and that it was making me spacy and nauseous and I HATE being nauseous.  So I switched to percosets (also a strong narcotic, but less so than demerol) and added the reglan, and things got better.

Now, I've been on percoset since then (almost 3 more weeks).  I asked whether I should taper off them last week, and was told if they were working OK, to just continue using them.  Well, every time the pill starts to wear off, it hurts pretty badly, so I figured sure that makes sense -- I'll just be going back on narcotics anyway when I have the surgery on the 30th.

Sunday night, I had another and even worse panic attack -- I didn't hyperventilate this time, but the AWFUL feeling of fear and panic and that I was losing my mind went on for several hours.  I took a Lunesta, but it didn't put me to sleep at all -- I just sat in my recliner for hours with that horrible feeling.  It was just the worst feeling and it would just ebb and peak over and over and I couldn't talk myself into believing it was nothing but my mind playing tricks.

Monday, I called my PCP's office and got a prescription for Ativan, to have on hand in case that happens again as badly as that.  However, it seems that the precipitating thing for some of these feelings of fear and trepidation is the thought of my upcoming LBL.

To be honest, the face and arm work hurt more than I was expecting.  Much more.  Probably a lot having to do with the lipo - Agha does a lot of contouring.  But I was not prepared for it, and maybe overly sensitive.  I find myself getting that fear feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I think about the surgery -- like right now.

I don't know, however, if this is REAL fear or something that is still drug-induced.  I wrote to Agha and told him of my concerns, and he immediately suggested postponing the next surgery a while.  We talked on the phone, and I suggested that I first try to drop down from the percosets to Tylenol with codeine #3s, to see if this is a drug-induced side effect.  Agha doesn't think it is, but I'm giving it a try for a few doses.  He also thinks I shouldn't be having the pain this long, but of course everyone experiences pain differently.

By the way, T#3 does not work as welll on the pain, but it's tolerable.

So I need to make a decision by mid-day tomorrow about whether I want to delay the surgery.  He can reschedule me for January 5th or 6th.  I am so torn.

I am 56 years old.  But I'm in pretty good shape -- I've been working out for TWO YEARS, much of it with a personal trainer, to prepare for this surgery.  I just came into the money to do it, after 2 years of fighting with my insurance company (I won my appeal with the CA DMHC, and my insurance company STILL refused to pay, so there is a DMHC action AND I filed a class action lawsuit against them), and I just got laid off with a nice severance package -- so, as I said, I have the time and money to do this -- but I DO need to get back to my job hunt as soon as possible.

Anyway, I am not healed from the brachioplasty or even the face lift completely -- the face is still VERY uncomfortable, and my arms are still scabby, still have stitches and are still very tight and still somewhat painful.  But nothing that would prevent me from having the surgery on Monday -- if my guts were not telling me they were too scared.

I'm scared of the pain.  I'm scared it will be too much to bear.  I'm scared that I will feel trapped while recuperating.  That I am too weak from th first surgery (?).  I don't know -- I just know I feel scared when I think about undergoing all that extensive surgery next week.

But -- I need to get back to my job hunt.  I know I'm not REALLY too physically weak to have this surgery.  If I am having unreasonable fear, that is not going to dissipate by waiting another 5 weeks -- it will just extend the anxiety by another 5 weeks.  The plane tix are bought, the hotels and care facility (hotels the night before, and for 3 weeks after with my DH, as well as one night in the hospital, 4 nights at Camilla's Cottage), and rental car are all arranged.  Am I making a mountain out of a molehill??

Can I postpone?  Yes -- if my job hunt is delayed, it is delayed.  I have the money to put it off a bit.  Should I?  I just don't know.

I'll wait to see how I feel in the AM, when the percosets are out of my system and it's just codeine, and I'll know whether it was just the meds.  I've already substitued one dose of codeine, and I've already passed the time for the second percoset.  I'm not feeling any difference yet -- the ookiness has been going off most of the time while I've been writing this post.  But Agha needs a decision noonish tomorrow to cancel the OR, etc., etc.

I'm also a little afraid if I put it off now, I'll chicken out altogether in January.

I feel like such a wuss.
on 11/24/09 9:42 pm - IL
VSG on 12/11/07 with
  I do NOT think you're a wuss.  I think you're normal.  You're still very much aware of the procedures you just had done and the pain and discomfort, so you're certainly not looking forward to going through it again.  
 If you were "put out" I consider it major surgery and I don't feel your mind or body is ready for it again so soon - especially the major things you plan to have done Nov. 30  I definitely think you should wait until at least January.  I don't think you'll chicken out because you'll be past the worst of the healing and looking forward to more of a new you. 
 Yes, all people have different tolerances of pain and I didn't have as many procedures done at one time, but I agree with your doctor that you shouldn't be in so much pain at three weeks post op that you still need such strong drugs.  But you have made him aware of your concerns. 
  Whatever you decide to do,  I wish you the best.    Barb

on 11/24/09 10:08 pm - Central, FL
This is such a tough call. I know for me that my thinking and reasoning is very skewed when I'm under the influence of the percocets. I think trying to detox to see if that's your culprit of your fears is a good idea. I know you're under a time crunch and that's got to be adding stress.

I will tell you honestly that you are going to really feel the difference energy wise in having the procedures so close together. You just can't bounce back with your strength that soon. As far as the pain, I think you can keep it well managed and I know Agha will make sure that's covered.

My surgeon prescribes a small supply of Xanax with each surgery. One is to be taken the night before surgery and the remaining are for if you are having trouble sleeping. Maybe your Ativan is for similar instances. I'm not familar with it. Ask Dr. Agha about it. Just let him know that you really need something to help to relax you post-op.

Waiting will allow you to build up some strength and I think once you are thinking with a clear head you won't chicken out. You are going tolove the results you have and you'll see that you want to finish the job.

Good luck in your decision!

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 11/24/09 11:04 pm - phila., PA
In my opinion I would postpone the surgery. you should have sometime in between anesthesia my PS wouldl like you to wait 3 months between all that surgery. I just had a blepharoplasty, brachioplasty and lipo to my abdomen. my eyes hurt the worst cause you have to blink them my arms don.t hurt as long as I don't move them and my lipo is sore but it doesn't hurt as long as I am sitting. You can't go by me cause everyone is different but I am not taking any pain meds cause they all give me the dry heaves which is HORRIBLE, when I was in the recovery room they made me take pain meds cause my BP was 220/120 because of the pain as soon as I got the pain meds it went to 150/64 but I was so sick, to me I would have rather had the pain I get so sick they even gave Zofran which is one of the best anti nausea drugs & did not help.also when you are on the pain meds it causes constipation and it makes me so woozy. so when the pain gets so bad I do breathing like they taught me in my natural childbirth classes & it seems to help. I jst can't imagine getting more surgery when you are in so much pain from your first one. last year I had a TT & hysterctomy in Dec. not bad at all. In April I had inner thigh ,back & butt lifft,back & butt was fine no pain @ all now the inner thigh that was a differebt story my thighs hurst so bad for the first 3 days was really bad I felt like they were going to split open but they didn't. I had a raised toilet seat for the toilet and I couldn't stretch my legs out so I kept them on a stool. wouldi do it agin  YES in a heartbeat your body heals & the pain goes away & the rsults are awesome. I went into the inner thigh lift know how bad i would be, and if your arms are sill sore you need your arms to help you get up from the abdomen & esp with the thigh lift , you will need your arms. I marvel @ peoplle that can have all that done @ once

Good Luck with whatever you choose to do
Good Luck with your decision
on 11/24/09 11:55 pm - San Diego, CA
I think you're having too much surgery done at the same time.  I've had what you're having done in four rounds spread over two years.  I think staging is important to your physical as well as mental health.  After each phase, I was back in the gym getting myself back to good shape before the next round.

I had body contouring liposuction, my final procedure a month ago yesterday.  This was my toughest procedure.  I cannot imagine getting this done with an LBL and thighs.  I lost a lot of blood with my lipo and was severely anemic.  I didn't need a transfusion but I came close.  And I'm in excellent shape - I run 3 miles every morning in under 27 minutes and I weigh 138 pounds.  This really kicked my butt. 

My way of comparison, I had more facial work done than you did and it was my easiest surgery.  My arms and breasts were my second easiest surgery.  I was back to work in two weeks with my face (only because of bruising) and I was back to work in five days after my arms and breasts.  I was back in the gym quickly in both cases as well.

If I were in your position, I'd split the remaining work into two surgeries and I'd wait at least four months between surgeries.   I know my surgeon will not do lipo in conjunction with a body lift.  Several others I consulted with prior to my surgery stated the same thing.  The lipo will inhibit wound healing for the LBL. 

You're not a wuss - this is tough stuff.
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
How does Lipo inhibit healing with a LBL?  I am having the butt part of the LBL done early next year ,  HAD the full TT and thigh last year and finishing up the back section soon. I am wondering if Lipo is usually done in conjunction with it as I have read where some had it along with the surgery?
on 11/25/09 2:12 am - San Diego, CA
Shirl, I know that surgeons will do lipo of the flanks with an extended TT.  All the ones that I spoke with about an LBL refused to do lipo of the flanks with the LBL.  I'm not a surgeon so I don't know why the lipo is bad when it's close to incisions but I'm sure if you ask your surgeon they will have an explanation.  I'm sure you can find surgeons willing to do flank lipo with an LBL but the five I consulted with all refused.  Donna
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
(deactivated member)
on 11/25/09 1:06 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I don't think you are being a wuss.

My best advise is "listen to your gut".  My mom always told me....When in doubt throw it out....in other words if it doesn't feel right, change it.

There is nothing wrong with splitting the procedures up more (I did that and am glad I did), yes it takes a little longer to get it all done but my recoveries have been easy (don't want to jinx myself as I have surgery next week too, but it's been a breeze for me after my TT).

I'm sure your surgeon will understand if you are more comfortable doing less work at one time and even delaying it if you have it.

Best wishes...it's not an easy decision....listen to your gut and do what YOU are comfortable with.

on 11/25/09 1:19 am

Do not feel like a Wuss.  You have put your body through alot of trauma! I just had a anchor TT and BA/BL on 11/4/09 .... and I NEVER want any more plastics again.  And I have no pain killers in my system... no more plastics for me.. no way, no how.  I am enjoying the results of my new body... but I will keep my flabby arms and thighs and deal with it.  I just can't deal with the emotional BS that comes along with plastics. I was so depressed up until this past weekend... crying, cranky biotch... nobody wanted to be around me....  I needed my sexy back.... finally starting to feel it again....

So if I were in your shoes I would just get it over with.  Not sure what pain it will bring, but you wanted it badly enough to get this far into it , so go ahead and do it.  Don't turn back now. You can do this.... Good Luck!

Revision Band to Sleeve scheduled 10/29

on 11/25/09 1:51 am
Hi Diana;

Honestly I think you should postpone your next surgery and let yourself heal a bit more.  I think like childbirth after the pain is gone you don't remember it as much and that makes you less anxious.  But what do I know I've never had a kid, but that's what I've heard.  It really sounds to me that you need to give yourself time to heal and adjust to the current work you've had done.

Like you I am out of work and need to get back sooner rather than later and am actively searching.  I even have a company I'd love to work for interested although they've said they are delaying hiring for a bit now.  The HR person is getting back to me next week to let me know the status of the open position.  The earliest my surgeon can get me in is mid January and I'm having enough done that I'll need 2 surgeries.  By the way he likes to space them 3 months apart not sure why I didn't ask.

I am only a year out VSG but was a light weight so the PS I'm looking at is not as extensive as many however being 46 I am planning to get some face work done and due to the healing time want to get it done now before I return to work. 

I'm looking at  maybe a lower and mid face lift, definitely a upper and lower blepharoplasty maybe a temporal brow lift, as I’d like to lift the outer corners of my eyes and I'm looking at fat grafting for my lips and my laugh lines. I also want a Benelli breast lift and augmentation (can't decide over or under the muscle), a small tummy tuck, a small thigh lift, lipo of the thighs and a butt augmentation.  I'm gonna have some bruising and scaring on my face so need some time before I am public again  I guess I'm hoping to have my face work and BL/BA done prior to returning to the work force.  I can wait on my TT and thigh lift in need be, even if it takes a year.  A job is more important at his juncture.

Good luck to you, remember you've really gone through a lot.  Take it easy and take your time is my recommendation.  Any advice you have for me as someone researching PS, I'd love to hear it!


46 yr old female; 5'6"; 11/13/08 VSG Dr. Jossart LapSF, SF, CA
SW 213, GW 150, CW 140, dream GW 130 and/or 20% body fat or less
12/22/09 mini face lift; Dr. Hove, Monarch Med Spa, KoP, PA
01/09/10 Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico
U & L eye lid lifts, mini tt w/o muscle tightening, Brazilian buttock lift by fat grafting, Benelli BL & BA

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