WARNING - Members copying pictures and posting them!!

(deactivated member)
on 11/25/09 12:59 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Ok, I'll start by saying that I might be over-reacting a little but I'm steaming about this.

Someone copied and pasted the picture of another member and posted it the thread below. 

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/plasticsurgery/4070466/For-Dr-JLo -et-al-re-brachioplasty-incision-location/

I don't want to start a war here but I think it is very wrong to copy and paste the picture of someone else.  Despite that the fact that someone had the courage to share their before/after pictures for others to learn from it does not give another member the right to steal it and paste it in another message. 

I learned a lot from the folks who had their procedures done before me and they were brave and kind enough to post pics that I learned from.  I wanted to "pay it forward" but this gives me great pause about posting any additional pictures of myself.

Maybe it's just me but I find it very inappropriate!!! 
on 11/25/09 1:26 am - Detroit, MI

I don't feel the person was posting the pics to harm the person in the pics. Actually she was giving the person results a compliment. I too am guilty of doing that but it was only on one occasion and I wanted everyone to see that everyone don't come out with great results. If you post your pics on this website/message board or any board dealing with the internet you are subject to something like that to happen. I don't want you to take this the wrong way but if the pics aren't there then no one can steal/re-post them. Yes I do know this board is for educational purposes and I too love to see before and after pics. Heck I have my own pics up an some of them I'm naked. It really wouldn't bother me if someone used my pic as an example. I knew the consequences of putting pics like that up before I did it.

One way of controlling whom can even see your pics is to put your pics on private so that people would have to inbox you for the password to see them.

Again please don't take this the wrong way. It's only my opinion.

(deactivated member)
on 11/25/09 1:44 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I totally understand what you mean about someone not doing this hurt the other person and that it was in a way a compliment.  I also agree with you that I took the risk of putting my pictures out on the internet but I gave permission for "friends" to SEE my pictures, NOT copy them and NOT paste them anywhere.

It's cool that we have a difference of opinion but I've already heard from 6 other people (PM) who are just as upset as I am about this sort of thing happening.

I guess I'll be updating my "friends" list and removing pictures.

I'm not looking to debate this with everyone, just wanted to put it out there and make others aware of it because I was shocked to see it happen.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.  Differences of opinion are cool...it's what makes the world an interesting place.  :-)

on 11/25/09 3:06 am
Ruth, I completely agree.  The fact that we are sharing photos for others out there does not give them the right (ethiclly) to post them anywhere on these boards.  I would be Pissed off!! This gives me secomd thoughts about posting my pics next week.  I don't think I need to be used as a surgical example for anyone.  Even if it is meant in a complimentary manner.

Revision Band to Sleeve scheduled 10/29

on 11/25/09 3:08 am - phila., PA
Hi Ruth
you are right I saw that and I thought is was inappropriate even though she posted her pix it is up to her to post it on the main plastics board,
How would the person that posted the pix like her photo recopied and put on the main board
on 11/25/09 3:12 am - Orlando, FL
Ruth, I agree with you!
on 11/25/09 3:50 am

Please  - PLEASE - do not cruify me for what I am about to say - it is just my opinion.

First - I agree with you - posting someone elses pictures probably wasn't the right thing to do.

Now for the opinion part - if you don't want people to look at your pictures - then you shouldn't post them. The internet is accessable by EVERYONE

So is your e-mail by the way. This means that those photos that you sent to your PS could have been viewed by anyone who wanted to intercept them.

I work in a hospital & we can't even send patient names through the e-mail unless we go through  the "certified mail" e-mail system. This encrypts the e-mail so no one else can view it.

While I concur that is may have been ethically the right thing to do - if the pictures are available on the internet and not copyrighted (which I did not see) then anyone can do anything with them they choose.

I think everyone should be aware that their photos are not only viewable - but can be shared.

All of us need to be catious.

Nuff said. . . . . Thanks!!


on 11/25/09 3:57 am - AR
I think it's extremely inappropriate to post someone else's profile pics (even someone else's regular profile pics) in any message or forum.  If the pic aren't MINE (as in I didn't actually TAKE the pic or the pic isn't OF me), I don't post it.  It isn't mine to post. 

But at the same time, I am an adult.  I choose what pics to put of myself online.  I set my profile to private on here so that anyone and their dog can't see my pics or use them however they choose (having been burned by a cruel person making fun of my looks by posting my pic in a message board post from my profile).  On facebook, I set all pics uploaded to "friends only" for viewing so that anyone on the internet can't see them.  But even THEN, I don't post ANYTHING on my profiles that would embarass or devastate me if it got out.  Any pic I have posted of myself online, I would not be ashamed or embarassed of my dad, my boss, my neighbors, anybody to see. 

So I do agree that it is inappropriate.  But at the same time, everyone doesn't abide by what I believe is inappropriate or not.  And as a grown-up, I understand that and protect myself by choosing which pics to post or not post online. 


By the way, having learned the hard way when someone posted a pic from my profile on one of the forums on here to make fun of me, I know that it IS a violation of TOS to post someone else's on here.  So if the person who is photographed doesn't like it, they can report the post and it will be removed.  I reported the person who did mine and that evil witch had her account put on probation.  So whether everyone agrees with you or not, obviously OH does agree that it is inappropriate or it wouldn't be a TOS violation. 
on 11/25/09 4:11 am, edited 11/25/09 4:20 am

Well said Wendy!!

As as sat here & read this thread I realized I had sent my  "before" pictures to 3 different PS - in 2 different countries!! YIKES!!

My DH is a LAN Admin. for a large law firm (the computer guy) who handles copy right law - so I know a little about copy rights & what you can do with stuff on the internet.

It is a very sad state of affairs that it has come to this.

I too am very careful of what I do and say on the internet - who knows who may be reading/looking. I'm sorry you got burned.


(deactivated member)
on 11/26/09 5:39 am
Hi.  This isn't on topic, but ..... HI WENDY!
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