Seven Weeks Out...Major Complications

on 11/24/09 3:49 am - Colorado Springs, CO

I had LBL, thigh lift and butt auto-augmentation seven weeks ago and I'm still having major complications.  This post is meant to show that things other than great results and good recoveries can happen.

Very long story short:
Since surgery:
No less than 10 incision issues, 5 currently open (hip to hip along my back)

Four weeks of self (well, dh) packing open incisions with gauze and bandages 2x/day with major oozing issues.

The wounds have tunneled together, meaning that while the incision looks okay from the top, you can poke through it and there's nothing underneath.  One tunnel is too long for the wound care people to measure - more than 7 inches!

I had to hire a wound care agency ($350/week, insurance wouldn't cover) to help with the wound care.

My labs going into surgery were week 5, my iron had plummetted to 20 and now at week 7 is at 16.  I'm now on Niflex - a very expensive presceiption iron supplement.  Some of my other labs are haywire, including Vitamin D.  My PS ordered through my PCP for me to see a hemotologist and get a wound vac.

Last week (week 6) I landed in the hospital with blood clots on both lungs.  The wound vac arrived on the same day that I went into the hospital but I got to use the hospital's.  While in the hospital they addressed the iron issue by giving me 2 pints of blood and 325 mg of iron a day and 2,000 mg (?) of Vitamin D.  I also found out that while my wound is clean - I did test positive for MRSA.  I'm on both Coumadin and Lovenox to thin my blood.

Because of the blood clots, my heart will throw off premature beats - much like skipping a beat.  This shouldnt be a big deal as the clots dissolve.  However, if it keeps happening (it hasn't as of now) I may need to see a cardiologist.  My heart could also be part of the anemia, too.

Wednesday I see my PS again and he will evaluate the wounds.  The recommendation from the Infectious Disease doctor and wound care people is that I have another surgery to remove the "top" of the incision area along my back, clean it out and start all over again.  This would probably happen next week.

We are literally unsure if insurance is paying for any of this.  While the insurance has given "authorization" for home health to come, I'm told that that doesn't mean they will really pay.  Oh well, what else am I to do? Die?  I can't worry about it right now.

So far this little project has cost about $40k when you add up the surgery, the aftercare facility, the nurse, medical supplies and lost wages of both dh and me - dh works when he can around my medical mess.

My results?  I'm very happy with my results.  The PS removed more than 24 pounds of skin and flubber.  Now, do I have the flat belly?  No.  Due to my skin quality, I'm still a bit flubbery.   Some would be devestated but I say that I'm 44 years old - I'm not applying to be a Hooter girl.  It's okay to have  44 year old looking body. 

Will I go back to have my boobs and arms done?, no, no....not anytime in the near future.  I may change my mind down the road....but not anytime soon!  This plastic surgery was the one surgery that HAD to be done...boobs and arms are secondary.

I have lost 260 lbs.  I have gone from 440 lbs to 180 lbs.  Any way you cut it, I have run and won the marathon.  In addition to my RNY, I have also had both knees replaced  - in all three surgeries I was back to work in 2 weeks or less.  Why this surgery has caused such a rukus, I don't know.  Do I blame my PS or anyone else? NO.  Life happens; based on my pre-surgery labs and tests, NO ONE saw this coming.

So while most of us sail through plastics and it is an exciting time to finally be able to see the body we've always dreamed about, it IS a major, major surgery.  Please take plastics just as seriously as you did your original WLS. 

While I knew there could be some incision issues, I never dreamed that almost two months later I would still be basically home bound (I've gone into work 4 days!) and every ounce of energy is being channeled into healing.  Now with facing another surgery, I don't know if I'll be back on my feet by Christmas.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer here.  I just want to make you aware that things don't always go as wonderfully as what is usually protrayed here on the boards.  Would I do it again....yes.  I would do some things differently, but because this surgery had to be done, I would do it all over again.

Be Well,

Cindy F.
on 11/24/09 4:09 am - Monterey Park, CA
VSG on 09/18/07 with
Dear Jana

Glad you posted this.  Yes it is not always a cake walk.  But well worth it.  I am so sorry you have had so many problems.  I hope your on the downhill of the recovery process.  i had a few issues too.  My incision opened up.  They had to take me back into surgery and re-stitch it.  It is so much better now.  of course nothing like yours that is for sure.  I am sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

 Cindy F  "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain" 
Leah H.
on 11/24/09 4:18 am - TX
Thank you for posting. I think we all need to see both sides of the coin. Bad things can happen even int the optimum of cir****tances. Good luck. My thoughts and prayers are with  you.

Extended Tummy Tuck & Breast Lift W/Dr. Sauceda 12/30/2009

on 11/24/09 4:57 am

Wow, I feel for you big time. I dont know how you are getting through it all quite honestly. All your issues are my worst fears hon, but you are strong and it shows so much... like pp said, you will be happy to have done it sometime soon...

Ironically, I JUST came back from updated consult for surgery, I want a tummy she will need to do a T thing, and breast lift with aug. together. Now, I am racking my brains, to figure out how to finance all this. Its so important to me... I have had not only a long journey with wls, but my whole life, as many of us, with lots of traumatic things, and this is, like yourself, another crossroad and something to give to ourselves, I will say God Speed on your healing,, thinking of you today,,

on 11/24/09 5:10 am - phila., PA
I hope your wounds heal
good luck
on 11/24/09 5:13 am - AR
NEVER be sorry for speaking from a good place in your heart to give people honest information that they really do NEED to hear.

Some people go into surgery (any surgery really, not just PS) without really facing all of the "what ifs" and they really should. 

People need to look at the bad and the good - otherwise any decision they make is flawed from the get-go.

I really hope that things get better with you soon.

Thanks for sharing.

on 11/24/09 5:46 am
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. Plastic surgery is serious business.

Good luck,
on 11/24/09 6:22 am - PA
Thank you for sharing.  I am so sorry to hear of your situation.  I wish you a speedy recovery from here on out!!!!!!!!!!!

Complications like this is ONE of the reasons I am still tinkering around the plastics decision for myself.  I'd rather know ALL the possibilities going into something, so I do appreciate all the information. 

Best wishes as you continue on in your journey.  Have faith and take care. 


on 11/24/09 6:44 am
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I think it's good for all of us to see it's not all sunshine and roses and complications can and do happen even when things look good going into surgery.
I hope that things start turning around for you  very soon. You are in my thoughts.

10 pounds loss pre-op
on 11/24/09 8:16 am
As everyone before me has said ...THANK YOU.  I am researching PS now and it is good to know all outcomes.  I am truly sorry for all you are going through right now, what a nightmare.  I will be sending healing energy your way.

46 yr old female; 5'6"; 11/13/08 VSG Dr. Jossart LapSF, SF, CA
SW 213, GW 150, CW 140, dream GW 130 and/or 20% body fat or less
12/22/09 mini face lift; Dr. Hove, Monarch Med Spa, KoP, PA
01/09/10 Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico
U & L eye lid lifts, mini tt w/o muscle tightening, Brazilian buttock lift by fat grafting, Benelli BL & BA

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