Clothes don't fit post-tummy tuck?

on 11/22/09 11:41 am - Mayberry, NC
Hello all! I'm mostly a lurker here on OH but would like to ask a question. I had a circumfrential tummy tuck almost 4 weeks ago. I had 12 pounds of skin and fat removed. I am "apple" shaped and had considerable amount of fat above my belly button. My surgeon "excised" as much of this as he could when he done the tt. I still have some swelling and cannot wear anything with a waistband (pants, jeans, skirts). They are too tight! This has been very disheartening for me not to be able to fit into clothes that I wore pre-op. Is it still too soon to expect to be wearing my normal clothes? All I can wear now is elastic-waist stuff and some of these I can't keep pulled up, they keep working their way down, I guess because that lower roll of skin is not there holding them up?? I'm hoping this will get better! Maybe I need to be more patient! Has anyone experienced this? How soon were you back into your clothes?  Any thoughts or experiences would be much appreciated!
on 11/22/09 2:51 pm - AR
I don't have an answer for you.  I just wanted to say that I am about 4 days post-op now and I have that same fear.

I had read on here that TT results were usually instantly visible.  So even though I had read everything about swelling, I assumed that it wouldn't be so bad that I wouldn't be able to tell it in my clothes.

Well, I am so bloated with gas (and probably poo since I've been constipated for the first time since I ever had my RNY) and swelling that I can't wear my pre-op clothes either.  I really hope this improves by next week because I'm supposed to go back to work!!!  I can't very well wear sweats to work!!!

Even more disheartening, I took and posted my before/after pics this morning when I took a shower and my belly still looks as big as it did pre-op!  The whole reason I had this was because I carry most of my weight in my stomach and I didn't want to look pregnant even in a size 2. 

What is so super-disheartening is that I can see that it will eventually look great.  I mean, it's all right there!  I just need this swelling to go down ASAP. 
on 11/22/09 9:30 pm - rothbury, MI
i dont see your before/after pics?

im so nervous about having tt on jan 7. i know it will all be worth it and you guys are already on the mend and will be all healed in no time!

good luck on the swelling

on 11/22/09 10:09 pm - Mayberry, NC

Hi Autum! I'm not brave enough to post my before and after tt pics!! Well, actually, I haven't taken any "after" ones yet. I need to though. My before pics look so horrible and I've always felt that no one else has ever looked as bad as I do (or did)......

Anyway, best of luck to you! I know all about being nervous!! It will be worth it though!! Thank you for your reply!

on 11/22/09 9:57 pm - Mayberry, NC
I can see the results visibly. My lower hanging belly is gone and alot of fat from my upper abdomen is gone as well. With my belly button in its new position, I just can't wear anything tight around my new waist. Hopefully all this will get better! I've had to wear all elastic-waist stuff to work so far, mostly skirts!
Thank you for the reply! I hope your recovery goes well and that the swelling goes down soon!
on 11/22/09 10:09 pm - Manchester, NH
It took quite awhile for me to put my old jeans on from LBL..I think at least 3 weeks..and then I ended up going from a 10 to an 8 and sometimes a 6 (depending on brand).  I think it is just swelling.  
on 11/22/09 10:01 pm

I feel for you.  I am almost 3 weeks post op and still swell.  I am told that it could continue for several more weeks.  Are you wearing your compression garmets? My swelling went down over this weekend, but today I have a feeling it might start up due to sitting in a chair all day.


Revision Band to Sleeve scheduled 10/29

on 11/23/09 6:47 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
You won't be at your correct "true" size until one year out. I noticed at my 6 month point, I still had swelling. I am MUCH smaller post body-lift w/anchor... ten lbs of skin gone... no lipo needed.
highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
Jennifer C.
on 11/24/09 10:24 am - Scott AFB, IL
I definitely say it varies.  I am almost 1 year post TT, and I am still not in my pre-TT pants.  I have not put on any weight and my results are not great.  My lower hanging stomach is gone.  I went into surgery wearing 2s and 4s and after surgery the smallest pant I can fit into now is a 6, mostly 8s now though.  I hope your results end up better than mine!

5'2" SHORT!!
TT 12-2-08

on 11/24/09 12:23 pm - Mayberry, NC
I'm sorry your results haven't been what you expected. I looked at your pics . What does your surgeon say?  I am alot bigger than you. My pre-tt size was 14/16. I told my surgeon that I would be fine with being a size 14 for the rest of my life if I could just get rid of the skin and the muffin top. I hate the thoughts of being bigger than that. I never considered before surgery that I could end up in a bigger size! I suppose I do just need to give it more time. Thank you for replying! I hope things get better for you!
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