advice please.. I'm pretty down..

on 11/20/09 7:22 am - Canada
Hi gang..
A week ago today I had my fleur tt (anchor cut) AND at the same time a massive hernia repair.. I'm finding myself still in pain and feeling really akward.. can't figure out how to sit, or lie down.. never really got any instructions from surgeon/ nurses. ;(
Is sitting up okay for long times? Did anyone sleep sitting up? My incisions are feeling fine; it's more sort of well my ab muscles that really hurt.. If that makes sense..

Just wondering if anyone has had the fleur tt w/hernia repair and has some advice.

Thanks so much!


on 11/20/09 8:38 am - bronx, NY
hello Allie
it gets better, it is three months out for me and I can still fill the mesh.   at first I also felt awkward, but as time passes, you will feel better.  i still sleep sitting up on pillows, but I can now turn on my sides.  some people have no problems sleep or sitting,  stay on top of your pain med.  the worst is past, and the best is yet to come

take care

on 11/20/09 9:13 am - Canada
Thanks Debra..

I am trying to get by on 3 tylenol every 4 hours.. regretting going off the morphine so soon but; I hate using it. ;( Even after only 5 days on it I had the sweats and shakes..

Any suggestions for other pain killers?

on 11/20/09 10:36 am
Yes, I am 16 days out from my anchor tt / hernia repair, ba/bl.  Each day has gotten just a tiny bit better.  I am really down right now with all my swelling and having to wear clothes that I was ready to donate to charity 3 wks ago because they were too big.  Plastics surgery really screws with emotions doesn't it? Hang in there.  You are NOT alone.  I'll be thinking of you and praying we both continue to recover well. 

I returned back to work (desk job) at 6 days post op.  Walking and moving around always makes me feel better.  I swell when I sit.  Doc said I can walk at 2 wks post op, and jog at 4 wks, but nothing else stomach wise for a few months.

Good luck and I'm sure you look gorgeous!


Revision Band to Sleeve scheduled 10/29

on 11/21/09 1:30 am - Canada
aww.. thanks for the words trishy.. just need to hear from people who have been through it; ya know?  Because the hernia was so big I'm going through a lot of eating/pooping change too (I know; tmi.. but) so there is pain from gas and diahrea as well..

whine..whine whine..:)

Can't believe you returned back to work so fast!!! I'm looking at 6 weeks off; but I'm an educator and chase kids; but wow you are super woman!!! I'm 8 days post op and can't even imagine getting dressed; let alone going to work!! You rock!

Thanks again for the encouragement!! Let's keep in touch! :)

on 11/22/09 8:57 am
THanks for the kind words, but I was retarded to go back so soon.  Live and learn...Definitely keep in touch ;)

Revision Band to Sleeve scheduled 10/29

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