OMG!!! Surgery This Thursday!!! HELP!!!!

on 11/15/09 1:17 pm - AR
This Thursday, I am having a tummy tuck w/ lipo & muscle tightening along with a breast lift w/ implants.

This has been an EXTREMELY fast experience for me from deciding to do it to actually getting in to see the surgeon & getting a surgery date.  (This whole process from making the decision to getting the surgery will have been less than a month.)  So things don't just SEEM to be moving really fast - they ARE moving really fast.  So I haven't had as much "prep" time as I would like.  (I'm very anal and would really like to have had months to research everything to make the experience as close to perfect as possible.  But I don't have months.)

So I'd just like to know if anyone has any words of wisdom or neat little helpful hints that won't be obvious, etc that they'd like to share? 


(deactivated member)
on 11/15/09 3:09 pm
 Hey there Wendy!!!

Wow, we started out on our WLS journeys about the same time, and I guess we're entering the same last chapter at the same time, too!

I don't have any unusual words of wisdom, but I do have one obvious one that I needed to take more to heart, and I deeply regret that I didn't:

Rest.  No, really, rest more.  Take as much time off as you can.  Get Netflix, order in take out, hunker down, and don't move.

Seriously, I would have healed so much better if I had just been completely sedated for three months post-op.

Good luck, Wendy!  I think you're great, and you're going to do really well, I'm s ure!!!
(deactivated member)
on 11/15/09 5:35 pm
on 11/15/09 8:55 pm - AR
Thanks so much ladies!!!
on 11/15/09 9:54 pm - Canada
I had LBL on November 2nd.  The stitches don't hurt.  It's the muscles that really hurt.  Take your pain meds on time.  Get a stool softener and start using it the minute you get home from the hospital.  Get lip balm (my dry lips drove me nuts - don't usually have this problem.  Have some protein shakes on hand for when you appetite is non-existent and you know you really should eat something.  Don't expect too much from yourself - Allow yourself two weeks to do absolutely nothing.
Best of luck.
on 11/16/09 12:19 am, edited 11/16/09 12:19 am - TN

Advise I got from Veterans which TRULY helped. Had my TT on Oct 21.
#1...TOILET SEAT RISER...Did not realize how TRULY helpful this would be, glad I listened!

#2...TAKE PAIN MEDS ON TIME...Don't try to be brave. For the first few days I had my DM give them to me every 4 hours and am truly glad.

#3...STOOL SOFTENERS...Skimped on taking them & TRULY REGRETTED IT..OUCH!!!


 I'm sure you will get more tips but these were my 3 TOP!

 Good luck!! And keep us informed!

BL & Facelift w/Brow & Eyelid      10.08.08
Abdominalplasty Scheduled          10.21.09

(deactivated member)
on 11/16/09 8:00 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Congrats on your surgery....very exciting.  You'll love it when you wake up and see a flat tummy.

Here are some of the Pre and Post OP tips I have posted on my blog.......(keep in mind I'm not a medical professional I'm only sharing my personal experiences).

-Cook and freeze in individual pkgs meals.  THey will be easy to re-heat post op.  Thiings like Lasagna cut into indiv portions, meatballs, chilli, soups, meatloaf (cook and cut into indiv slices, wrap and freeze), pasta w/spinach, chicken breast (spice some with curry or italian dressing to make a variety), bake a couple of potatoes cut them half and wrap them....makes it easy to pull one 1/2 out to add to a meal.
-Get your hair cut, your nails done, will be a while before you can do it again.
-Move the things you use on a regular basis down from high shelves in the kitchen/bathroom so you can easily reach them
-Figure out if you can sleep in your bed with pillows propping you up or if you need to use a recliner.  If in a recliner put 1 or 2 fitted sheets over the recliner.  This will not only make it a little more comfortable on your skin but it will absorb any bodily fluid leaks
-Pay your bills (utility, mortgage, credit cards, etc) even if they are not due till the week after just may not be able to get to the post office or to log on and take care of it.  Better to get it over with if you can.
-Go shopping and stock up on things you use a lot of (I filled the pantry with 3 weeks worth of things like protein powder, fiber cereal, oatmeal, prunes, etc...

Supplies you need.....
-A toilet riser for when you get home (#1 must have!)  You can get one at CVS for $25.   FYI - if you are staying at an after care facility call ahead to make sure they have a toilet seat riser for you in your room.
-Stool softners and laxatives.  You may need the laxative the first 2-3 days to get things moving...then you can use the softeners.
-5x9 gauze pads and regular or long sanitary pads.  I used the sanitary pads on my sides where the extra thickness helps tremendously!!
-A back might get very itchy from the pain meds and you won't be able to reach everywhere.
-Moisturizer for the rest of your body.  I don't know about you but I get very dry from the anesthesia.
-2 pairs loose pajamas with button down top or a button (or snap) down house dress.  (you'll want to have a change of clothes 'cause you'll probably get some blood and stains on the first pair...
-a lanyard or something to hang your drains from, especially when you shower( I used a sash type belt around the house and a piece of string in the shower)
-take a pen and notepad with helps to keep track of things like drainage amounts, when you take pills, how you feel, questions you have for the Dr, etc etc feet hung off the recliner chair and out of the blanket and got COLD!
-Take some pre-mixed protein drinks and bars
- 3-5 MENS T-shirts (the tank top type...aka wife beater t-shirts).  You will want to use this under your binder otherwise the binder rubs your skin raw!  I put on the gauze/pads then pull the undershirt over them and them put the binder or compression garment on.  Feels so much better!
-I took a couple of sudoku puzzles and a book because I planned on staying 4 or 5 days in aftercare...I did do some puzzles on day 2 and 3.
-Some sort of sucking candy (sugar free or whatever you can have).  REALLY helps me to with the dry throat and sudden tickle that makes me cough.  OMG you do not want to cough after the Tummy Tuck!!!
-a camera.  If you are into documenting everything (like I am) you'll want to get some pictures...
-Your toiletries....shampoo (the place I was at did not have shampoo!), soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, chapstick, moisturizers (I tend to dry up after surgery...not sure if its the shock to the body, the anesthesia or the pain meds but I get drier than normal so I take lots of moisturizer). 

Swelling is expected.  How much varies with each individual but you can expect to swell some.  The good news is it is temporary!  It may last 2 months, 3 months, or 6 months even a year.......again it's different for everyone.
There are lots of things you can do to reduce the swelling....
Theses are things I'm doing to keep my swelling down and it is working, I have very little swelling (thank heavens).

-Avoid salt...especially hidden salt in canned food and pre-packaged frozen meals, luncheon meats, hotdogs, pickles, etc.
-Drink more water.....drink more than the normal 8 cups or more than the amount you normally drink.
-Drink 3-4 cups of plain green tea with a splash of lemon (I do this and it works)
-Elevate your legs as much as you can.  Instead of watching TV in the livingroom chair I lay down in bed and put my legs up on 2 pillows.  The key is getting the legs up higher than your heart.  Having your legs up in a recliner is not going to do much......they are not elevated need to get them up
-Use an ice pack. (after being on my feet for a 4 hour shopping marathon....I'm a little sore so I use an ice pack).
--Wear a compression garment (with legs that go at least to your knees).  This did the trick for me. When I started to swell in my thighs and butt after my Tummy Tuck I got into a compression garment and within 3 days most of the sweling was gone.  The few days I did not wear it for a couple hours I could see and feel more swelling.  I've been wearing the binder on top of my compression garment.  I'm 6 weeks out but still wearing them and it's keeping me flat!
-Walk, but not too much too soon.  Don't over do it like I did.  At week 5 post-op I jumped on the treadmill full speed and pulled a muscle.  Now I can't do anything!

Hope this helps a little....I'll post more as I learn more.

Best to you on your plastics journey.

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