Think I'm Going Crazy

on 11/16/09 3:02 am

Or at least my perception is off.. or unreliable

You see, a strange thing happened yesterday.. just yesterday.. I had a thought that I didn’t look too bad and maybe didn’t need plastic surgery all that much after all… How bizarre.. Then today, I see myself again and pull on my belly apron and sigh.. definitely need surgery.. I wonder what causes this perception inconsistency. Does anyone else go through this? I wish I could stay in the positive zone all the time. It would certainly be cheaper.

on 11/16/09 3:27 am
I know exactly what your talking about  I felt I didnt need it  Im 54  blah blah blah  UNTIL my daughter from Az came to visit me this weekend and took pictures of the panni and OMG  I DID make the right decision after all... Surgery is Wed morning.. full anchor cut TT  Yeah Baby  !!!  This is one hell of a roller coaster ride and the emotional part can be quite enduring... but Thank Goodness for this OH Board... I would be lost without it !! Best wishes in whatever decision you make


Starting Wgt 238  Goal Wgt 145  Current Wgt 133
RNY 09/09/08 by Dr. Kruger
Full anchor TT on November 27, 2009 by Dr. Laurence Rheingold
Breast Reduction and Breast Lift May 24, 2010 by Dr. Laurence Rheingold

on 11/16/09 3:57 am - bakersfield, CA
I totally relate to what your saying.....I have days where I think ok I can live with the boobs being saggy, but not my belly. Then on other days I feel as though I can live with myself the way I am now. And on it goes.
"People are healed by different kinds of healers and systems because the real healer is within." - George Goodheart

on 11/16/09 4:55 am - Canada
I knew I needed a TT to fit into my clothes better and erase that awful scooped line that falls between the hips and mid thigh.  But now after getting it done, I'm wondering if I really need the brachioplasty.  I know I have the batwings and intellectually, I KNOW I need something done for the same reasons - to make my clothes fit better.  But I haven't fully recoverd from the TT so I refuse to make any decisions.
I don't think it's in a woman's nature to stay in the positive zone all the time, especially when it comes to thinking about ourselves.
Good luck with your decisiion.
on 11/16/09 5:19 am - Hickory, NC

I've went through this process (need it/don't need it) for 6 years.  The skin hurts my motivation in both the gym and in my diet.  It also affects my sense of self.  Which in turn affects my relationships.  In the end, the constant nagging remind of my obesity and all the negative times I went through made up my mind.  I'm a positive person and my upcoming surgery will only help me be more positive and be that way more often.


on 11/16/09 5:44 am
OH is so very supportive. It helps alot just knowing that other people can relate.
Jennifer Q.
on 11/16/09 6:50 am - Newton, NJ
I was trying to convince myself of the same thing!! LOL Then a couple weeks ago my 7 yo daughter walks in while I am changing and says.." Mommy you got skinny, but your body is NOT pretty" HELLO!!  Definitely going thru with this TT!! LOL 

SW 241.6/ CW 138.8/ GW 140
    At Goal 12/11/2009          
M B.
on 11/16/09 7:00 am - Warrensburg, MO
I am three years from my RNY and just now did the TT.  I wrestled with the decision too.  After all I fit into size 8 pants for the first time in my life. Should I not be satisfied with that, was I being vain.   But, when I would sit down I still felt surrounded by my skin/fat and felt that I had not really lost enough weight to be "thin".  I know that after my recovery I will feel more motivated to exercise more and stick to a healthy lifestyle more easily.

Weight at Consult - 247 / Goal weight - 145 
Current weight 158
BMI - 24
Height 5'8"
Anchor cut tummy tuck on 11/12/09

on 11/17/09 3:49 am
I am six years post open RNY and have been playing that mind game since I reached my goal weight.  I keep thinking there are other things I need to spend the money on, etc., etc.   I look okay with clothes on after losing 160 pounds, but with clothes off--- not so good.   Then comes the new mental battle--- *****ally sees me with my clothes off that justifies spending that kind of money?  If I had a lot of money, I would do it in a heartbeat.  I am still leaning toward having a TT and BL/BA.  I rarely do things just for ME...  and so the internal debate continues...
I think it's probably very typical for all of us.

Good luck!

on 11/17/09 10:37 pm - Houston, TX
Body image is a very complicated and facinating process.  It's also poorly understood.  Many factors cause people feel the way they do about the way they look.

I am faced daily with patients going through this process, and also those who are adjusting to their "new" selves.  All I can offer are a few observations;

1. It seems that individuals who have lived most of their lives obese, especially as children, have a more profound issue with body image.  They seem to take the longest amount of time to adjust to their PS results and  to come to terms with their new selves after weight loss

2. Dissatisfaction with the body after weight loss also has to do with the social support system and relatonship status of an individual.  A young woman who wishes to date will have more profound issues than an older man who has been married for 20 years.  There seems to be every other variation in between. 

3. The nature of the process that led to obesity is also abig issue.  Eating may be a symptom of a larger problem, an escape, self-reward, or part of an addiction system.  How well the original problem is controlled also has to do with how satisfied the person is with what they see in the mirror.

mary Jo Rapini and I are going to do a video on this, where we discuss this and other issues.  I'm sure she will be way betetr than I at sorting this out !

John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
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