Spinal fusion Vs Panni removal

on 11/14/09 9:55 pm - CA
Hi everyone

I had my RNY 3 years ago and had absolutely no problems except my back pain is so much worse. I am on a surgical list to fuse L4-5 wich scares me to death. I believe that this fusion would not be necasarry if they would just remove the large Panni I was left with after losing over 100 pounds. Of course since my pain has gotten worse I have not been able to exercise and I have gained back more then I would like. I can't find anyone who will even discuss just removing the extra skin/fat that is a constant pull on my spine. Of course Kaiser dosn't even want to hear about it. I feel like I am facing a dangerous spinal fusion when removing the panni would do just as much good. For me I just want the pain to stop so whatever Ihave to do to accomplish this is going to happen. I refuse to live on moriphine the rest of my life. Can anyone give me any insight or experiance with how their panni removal affected low back pain? I simply can't afford to pay for a full tummy tuck or panni removal on my own but I would much prefer at least trying that before spine surgery.


on 11/14/09 10:31 pm - phila., PA
did any Dr. send it in for insurance approval? I also lost 100lbs and I had 8-9 lbs of skin removed from my belly and the insurance didn't pay for it they denied me so I put it on a credit card. or look for a different Plastic Surgeon.
my back didn't feel any different with the panni removed it still hurts and I had a full TT with the muscle tightening
good luck
on 11/15/09 12:39 am - CA
Thank you for sharing that with me. I need to hear what others have experienced to make the best decision for me. I had the RNY in hopes that my pain issues would get better but instead they have gotten worse. Go figure. At least I still have the health benefits of the weight loss and would do it all again in a minute.

on 11/14/09 10:33 pm
First let me say I am not a Dr. I don't even play one on TV. I had a spinal fusion C6-7 mine was due to a massive rupture....nothing other than the fusion would have helped me. While I understand your wanting to have insurance pay for your panni removal, maybe you are in the same situation I was in and even though the removal might make a difference your Dr. knows the fusion is really the only thing that can help.

As far as the fusion...I was scared but I literally couldn't hold my head up....as soon as I woke up from surgery I knew I had done the right thing....from day 1 the pain was gone.

Good luck to you, whatever you decide to do I hope you get the relief you are looking for.

on 11/15/09 12:44 am - CA
Thanks Debbie   It just seems that they have proven just a couple of extra pounds can cause back pain and strain on the spine and will approve a breast reduction. I just wonder why my lower back would be any different. Maybe your right and the fusion is the only thing that will help but then I wonder with that area being constantly pulled on is it going to heal properly. At least the are using "instrumentation" metal rods etc so it really should be more stable.                                                                             Thanks again,                                                                             Nancy

on 11/14/09 10:56 pm - Ontario, CA
From what I understand, Kaiser No. Cal has an entirely different set of rules when it comes to skin removal than Kaiser So. Cal.  Down here, they will remove your excess skin even without having rashes now.  I would appeal the decision to not remove the panni to the dept of managed health care at the state level, and I would also appeal to Member Services within Kaiser.  I have a friend who moved from So Cal to No Cal after her panni removal had been approved here. She had to transfer her coverage, and that procedure was denied because her BMI wasn't below 24.9 - which for many of us will never happen!  I am 20% body fat - below the 24% which is "normal and healthy" for a woman my age.  I exercise A LOT - yet my BMI is over 28.  I saw the KAISER So Cal plastic surgeon that I've used for all my procedures on a pay per service basis, and he has said that I have no excess fat even though my legs are still big following my thighplasty earlier this year. He did a revision to that scar at the same time he did my arms 2 weeks ago.

I think your best bet is to appeal, and if you do have a rupture on your spine, the fusion is probably needed as well, but it may be made worse by the excess skin.

I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this!

31 lbs lost before surgery
on 11/15/09 12:54 am - CA

                         Hi Jennie

Isn't it interesting the difference in the program in the two areas? My surgery was in Fremont Ca. Even though I live in Sacramento. Thanks for telling me the program in Southern Cal.  Maybe someday Kaiser here will offer it as well. At 52 I don't care about scars or muscles I just want my cloths to fit right and live without the pain. Unfortunately I have not been able to exercise and have gained some weight back. The Meds have also contributed to this. So I am at least hopeful now that I will be able to get back on track after the surgery.

                                                                                     Thanks for responding,


on 11/15/09 12:37 am - San Diego, CA

You really need to rely on medical opinion(s) for these answers.  If I were in your position and the consensus of opinion was that the spinal work was necessary, I'd do it first.  If my pain wasn't relieved, then I would aggressively pursue a Tummy Tuck with abdominal wall tightening.  I know, from my own experience, the the ab tightening which is part of a TT really helps with lower back pain.  I took a second job to pay for my plastics - you can make it happen - it just takes planning, time and work.  Good luck, I hope you find relief. 

Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
on 11/15/09 12:48 am - CA
I would love to be able to work just one job. I have not been able to work because of the constant pain issues. But, Thank goodness I am at least getting something done now and I am grateful for that!  


on 11/15/09 5:42 am - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
I had had a tummy tuck before my WLS, hoping it would help my lower back.  Nothing.  Then lost the weight.  Nothing.  Then WACKO!  About a year after WLS, the ol' back just went.  Couldn't take it any more.  I had a four-level fusion, S1-L2, on August 10 of this year.  My recovery was not a piece of cake but not anywhere near as bad as I feared.   I am a church organist, and I was back on the organ bench in about a month or so.  Here, three months out, I am stiff and do get some muscle spasms down my backside, but pain meds and muscle relaxants keep it tolerable.   If your surgeon is top-notch and says the fusion is necessary, don't be afraid of it.  You might want to get a second opinion, however, because it isn't a surgery to do just for the heck of it.  Best wishes on your decision!      --Dorothy

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

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