Removing Breast Tissue for Implant?
I was just wondering if that is done? To avoid worrying about undetected breast cancers in the future....just to have all the breast tissue removed and replaced with the implant?? Also, if you have your implant done the conventional way, but under the muscle,does it interfere with detection during mammography?
I am not sure if this is what you're asking but I have a friend who has the BRCA cancer gene. their family is one that is being studied. Their mother died and I think 3 of the 4 sisters have the BRCA gene so they are (1 has) doing masectomys and hysterectomys and then having breasts rebuilt in place. I am not sure of all the technicalities. I know it's considered quite different than regular plastics and involves an oncologist.
Is this what you mean ? Do you have the BRCA gene?
BTW it's good to see you post.
Is this what you mean ? Do you have the BRCA gene?
BTW it's good to see you post.
Hey Leah!
No, Thank the Good Lord I don't have any family history of breast cancers. I was just curious if this is done. I will choose to have a breast lift with no implant. I don't think I will have lack of fullness as I am a C cup at my skinniest LOL but it's fun to think about having some perky ones, I can wear cute shirts that don't call for bra's hehehe BTW, you have done AMAZING with your weight loss and I can't wait to see the results from your TT!
Good questions. A "prophylactic" or "prevantative" mastectomy should only be considered for women with a genetic predisposition to breast cancer (i.e. a BRCA gene mutation or family history of primary female relatives being diagnosed at an early age).
Breast health should always be a concern after implant placement, and women with implants usually require separate mammogram views (called Eklund views).
There is no strong data showing that women with implants have a delayed detection or treatment of breast cancer but mammography is clearly more difficult in patients who have scarring or capsular contracture around their implants. em2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordin alpos=12
There is debate about how the location of implants (above or below the muscle) affects mammography, and this duscussion is best left to you and your PS.
Breast health should always be a concern after implant placement, and women with implants usually require separate mammogram views (called Eklund views).
There is no strong data showing that women with implants have a delayed detection or treatment of breast cancer but mammography is clearly more difficult in patients who have scarring or capsular contracture around their implants. em2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordin alpos=12
There is debate about how the location of implants (above or below the muscle) affects mammography, and this duscussion is best left to you and your PS.
John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
Thank You Dr.L, I really appreciate your answering my questions wow hahaha....never thought I would get a response from a Doctor! Anyhow, I am definatly 100% more comfortable with getting a breast lift implant. Your answers were very helpful. I guess Im just the 'natural' type!