Update on my Texas Medical Board complaint.........

on 11/15/09 12:35 am
Hey lady!!!  thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it.

YES - the surgeries were a LOT of stress.  The mental anguish of last year - waking up thinking one thing had been done and finding out it had NOT - very traumatic.  Rose's flippant 'you should be happy with whatever I was able to do' attitude didn't help either.  

As for recovery - I took 4 weeks with last year's round - but could have gone back at 3 weeks.  This year I took only 2.5 but ended up backtracking and taking another week because I was NOT ready.  
Both times my boss would NOT let me do STD/FLMA - he insisted I work from home and stay on the payroll - on FMLA STD you are locked out of the system - he could NOT have that - he told me 'just work what you can, but I need you available'....... can you say LOVE THISJOB???!!!!!  LOL  so I only had to use one week of PTO time in each instance.

As for insurance - UHC covered my panniculectomy AND my anchor cut TT.  Rose didn't file with UHC in time to get paid, though.  The anchor cut TT was approved because they way Rose left me had me with complications from the weight of the excess skin he left and the scar was also causing problems.  

Out of pcket - I paid Rose $4,875 out of pocket to upgrade to a full TT - he didn't file with the insurance properly to get paid on the part he DID do - so he kept my out of pocket even though he did NOT do what I paid the extra money for.  

Buford - I paid for my breast lift - $5K plus $1,675 in extra facilty fees - and it was worth EVERY DAMN PENNY

And finally - UHC will not do anything about my situaiton with Rose.  Their EOB clearly states he is NOT allowed to charge me anything due to HIS failure to file on time - but it's a civil case.  I am waiting on the TMB ruling - then I will go to the civil suit level if I have to.  No lawyer will take it - too little money, too much of an issue, so I will file myself and self represent.  I write contract verbiage, dictate formal corporate legal responses to lawsuits and other litigation w/my legal team at work - I think I can hold my own on this issue - because I KNOW that I am right and can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt!!!!  

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/15/09 5:08 am
You're welcome Mack.  He (Rose) sounds like a jerk.  Did you ask him to fix the problem at some point or were you just done with him?  He should have sincerely offered to help or in the beginning suggested another procedure for a smoother contour.  You, like we all here know, are a walking and talking billboard/ad of his work and one bad apple (procedure/result) can ruin the bunch.  I know I will get some flack for saying this but some contact medical professionals get away with a lot in Texas.  Because of that, you never really know who is truly & sincerely a healer and who is just there 'cause the pay is good and they passed all the exams.  I'm looking for an honest & sincere healer that wants me to thrive.  

I think part of what surgeons (doctors) should do is offer suggestions regarding procedures/treatment based on their experience, the clients body type, general health and such.  They are the real experts.   I found that lacking with some in the US.  Not that I've consulted many offshore but some docs do seem more interested in YOU the patient/payor (and looked all over TX).   I read another lady's post about her procedure and it seemed like her doctor really informed her and helped her make correct decisions for her body and procedures to best amplify her assets.  That's a good thing.   Why not just be honest about your skills and not just be in it for the money? Why rob people and leave them deformed & traumatized, as you put it?  I wonder if Rose had the skill level necessary to perform your surgery.  Maybe another more experienced surgeon should have assisted him.   But that being said, the surgeon has to recognize that he/she may need a more experienced hand to assist.  

I wish you success in this matter.  Dealing with the State of Texas can be a long and frustrating process.  And most of their investigators (if you can call them that) are real butt holes and extortionists (you scratch my back & I'll scratch yours) .  Good luck.

on 11/15/09 5:20 am
You hit the nail on the head!  Rose is a boob job doc - and a good one, from what I've heard.  He does NOT, however, have what it takes to deal with post WLS body recontruct, in my opinion.

With regard to fixing it - he advised that MAYBE lip could be done.  DUDE - are you freakin SERIOUS???  I had over 5 lbs of skin and fat LEFT after he did the panniculectomy - 5 lbs that Buford removed in my anchor TT - if lipo had been done, I would have looked a TOTAL hot ass mess!!!!!!  

And he never discussed the anchor cut for me - he promised I would be 'washboard' flat and in a bikini afterward!!!!  OMG I was soooooo crushed after the results - unbelieveable!!!

My favorite thing about Buford - he told me UP FRONT that being totally flat was unrealistic.  For that bit of reality - I am eternally grateful to him.  He talked and explained and talked and explained to me everything I wanted and needed to know.  On the morning of my surgery - I point blank told him that he HAD to tell me if he didn't/couldn't do something WHEN I WOKE UP!!!!  He was so very understanding - I'd told him what happened with Rose and he promised he'd take as best care of me as he could.  And he did!!!!!  He wants me to be a reference and maybe use me in marketing films/info - I'll gladly do pics, interviews, forums, speeches - WHATEVER he needs - to me, he's a doctor for REAL - he understands what 'first do NO HARM' means!!!!!! 

As for Rose - take a look at one of the doc review sites - I personally went on a mission to post on each one I could find to tell what happened to me - unbelieveable feedback!!!  Scroll down and check out page 3.........


I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

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