NEW PICTURES! Post BL/BA, Arm Lift, Chest Lift, Long Thigh Lift, LBL

on 11/13/09 3:14 pm, edited 11/13/09 3:18 pm
 Hi Cass.  Let me start off saying "You look great!"  Your WLS surgery really left you looking right.  By right I mean no fat rolls left just skin to be removed and slim.  All your fat just melted away.  That must be why your PS looks so good.   That and/or you surgeon is a magician.  That's what I think...'course I could be wrong. 

Okay, now for my real questions...

What are the names of procedures you had done?  

As I was looking at your photos I noticed that I have never seen the one for your arms.  The scar went from your arm then down you side.  What is that called and what is it for?  I've never seen a continuous scar all the way down the side.

The next photo of your thighs, it looked like the scar was also longer than I have seen in other pics.  Maybe for a better contour??  Can you tell us about that, if you know?

Your breasts really do look natural.  Not too big and fake looking, a good size for a young woman. I won't ask you cup size, but if I were getting a reduction/lift I would go for a full b or regular c cup myself.  I am going to look into that gummy implant thing.  They look so natural especially the skin over them.  Not over stretched or tight.  

Who performed surgery and contact info?  Costs also please, if you don't mind telling?  I am just curious because I think I remember India being mentioned.   

I hope you don't mind me asking such probing and almost technical questions, but I am curious and really want to know.  I am sure some other people could benefit from the info.  

Again, you look totally great.  I hope when I hit the lottery I can get some things done when I drop enough pounds. 

on 11/14/09 8:30 am
The incisions down the side is part of the "Chest Lift" it gets rid of the hated bra fat..EWW... the prob w/ just ending in the arm pits and having a breast lift/aug, you still have the side/bra fat skin (he could also remove smaller back rolls this way if you needed them, too). Have no fear though, it's nearly totally hidden by a bikini halter top :-)

My thighs were horrible and lumpy with bad stretch marks (can't really tell in the pics though) all the way to the knees. I had to have the longer incision all the way down to address the whole upper leg. I've actually seen the scars go to right past the knee, but these end right above it.  Mine definately gives better contour and allowed him to take more of the fat and skin off :-)

I was a 34D before surgery - of course you can see the 'before pics how they sagged and all. After surgery I am still a perfect 34D. I can even wear my same bras! Only difference is they aren't at the south pole - LMAO.  He told me I would have been a small C if I wanted him to use the bra fat tissue and do auto augmentation - HOWEVER - I thought that was a little bit small for me, so I opted for 410MM (moderate profile, moderate projection) implants (not the FF full full a lot of american surgeons like to use). The results are i truely AM a 'perfect hourglass' according to the numbers - I'm a 34-25-34 breast,waist,hips measurements at 5'4".  Very close to the Sir-Mix-A-Lot song that goes "36-24-36? Ha ha, only if she's 5'3"

I had all my plastics done in Germany - so not one of the "less expensive places". It was at a private clinic called the Eric Lexer Klinik by Dr. Gunther Felmerer. He's a really smart guy - not to mention young and good looking - LOL!!!  The lower body lift with butt lift (w/ a little auto-augmentation so it wouldn't look flat), extended thigh lift, and contouring lipo with a week room, board and 24 hr nursing in private recovery room - 9,500 euro. The second surgery was the chest lift, arms, breast lift & augmentation, and (free) scar revision and thigh correction with 4 all inclusive days in recovery suite for me and my fiance ran me 12,500 euro.  The Allergen Style 410 implants were 2,500 euro themselves - that was the expensive part. Check the exchange rate and you'll see it's on par with US surgeons' costs - perhaps the recovery suite is a better option but that's about it.

Hope this helps,


Starting BMI under 45? Join us on The Lightweight Board. 
HW:257ish / SW:205 / CW:110.4 / GW:119.99
(deactivated member)
on 11/13/09 4:21 pm
M B.
on 11/13/09 11:17 pm - Warrensburg, MO
Cass - you look awesome.  You should be very proud of your results!

Weight at Consult - 247 / Goal weight - 145 
Current weight 158
BMI - 24
Height 5'8"
Anchor cut tummy tuck on 11/12/09

on 11/14/09 1:09 pm
Thanks for answering Cass.  I had to go back and look at your before pics.  Even pre-PS you looked purty good.   Are you living in Germany?  I had looked in Dr. Weiner b4 my actual wls but that was too far, expensive and there were plenty of good doctors in the US to choose from.  

Oh, and your fiance...yummy.  

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