so scared. . .just got my TT/brachoplasty scheduled!

on 11/5/09 5:48 am - bryant, AR
Hi everyone!

I am new to this forum.  I had a lap-band about 18 months ago and have lost about 171 lbs so far (want to lose about 18 more).  I just scheduled surgery for a TT and brachoplasty for Jan 29.  I was a little surprised that my plastic surgeon would do both procedures at one time, but he will and often does.  He also comes highly recommended by my band doctor.  So I feel comfortable with it. . . but I am scared just because it is surgery and is expensive.  So I have a few questions for you . . . . 

1.  I am planning on being off work about 2 weeks.  I am having surgery on a Friday and will go back to work 17 days later.  I have a fairly active job. . . I have to be on my feet and walking most of the day.  Does this sound reasonable?   

2.  How bad is the recovery?  How does it compare to laprascopic band (or gallbladder) surgery if any you have been through that too?  

3.  Do any of you regret the plastic surgery?  Was it worth it?  

Thanks for any and all advice.       
on 11/5/09 6:14 am, edited 11/5/09 6:17 am
I can't answer your questions for myself, because I am having the same procedures in december. I do know that another nurse at my hospital had these procedures and returned to work at 3 weeks and had her incisions come open, she was in pretty bad shape.  You can't lift more than 5lbs for 6 weeks.  I'd ask your surgeon about returning to work that early.  I'm taking 6 weeks off.  I want to make sure I heal properly and without any complications!

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

(deactivated member)
on 11/5/09 7:06 am - Philly, PA and New Windsor, NY
I am sceduled for a TT on Dec 28, and I asked a similar question about returning to work on a diff forum yesterday, and the consensus was that 2 weeks is not nearly enough...that it was more like 4 for a sitting job and 6 for a more active one..I would definitely bring it up w/ your surgeon....good luck to you!
on 11/5/09 7:31 am - Guilford, NY
I am having more work than that done on Monday, so maybe what I say will not apply..but my job as a private duty nurse does NOT involve alot of walking around, on my feet time or any of that since my pediatric patient is in bed when I get there and all through my shift. BUT, he is 17 amd about 120 lbs and requires turning, diaper changing etc. Alot of my time is sitting and reading or watching TV....and my surgeons said I will need the 6 weeks.

Do check with your surgeon...give him the details fo the physicality of your job. Keep in mind that while you are healing....and these are big incisions... you will tire very easily for quite some time.

Good luck and God Bless.

O. Kufi
on 11/5/09 8:55 am

With a fairly active job where you are on your feet I would consider taking more time off. You dont want to cause yourself any undue pain or complications. I would definitely consult with your surgeon. I took 6 weeks the first time and 3 1/2 weeks the second time. I had the time so I took it.

My recovery was not bad but I did have a great deal done and it was important to me to be successful so i did he things I was instructed to do and can happily say I had a good, comfortable (all things considered) recovery. My gall bladder surgery was a breeze. I was on the road in like 5 days. The comparison is like morning and noon for me I'd say. My gall bladder surgery (laproscopic) was in and out practically, no pain just a tylenol after a few days and I was on my way back home to Ft Worth from Austin.

I do not regret ANY of my surgeries and yes it was worth every dollar and every stitch and any others I plan expect them to be the same way.

God speed on your plastic surgery journey. If you have done your research and have planned for as many contingencies as possible and you are comfortable with your choice of surgeon (I know you are) I believe that you will do well. Dont worry it won't help, trust yourself!

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

on 11/5/09 9:23 am - bryant, AR
Interesting. . . my plastic surgeon said that I would NEED a week off from work and would probably LIKE to have two weeks off.  There was nothing mentioned about anything as long as four weeks or even six weeks.  Hmmmm.  I think I will call and ask about this since there are so many of you saying I need more time.  I thought I was erring on the side of taking too much time off!  

How bad is this going to be?  What have I gotten myself into?  Is it THAT painful?????   
O. Kufi
on 11/5/09 12:21 pm, edited 11/5/09 12:21 pm
For me it was not an overwhelmingly painful experience but it is a MAJOR operation and yes I did need to allow my body to recover and heal. Please keep in mind that I had several procedures on my first round. Also at that time I had excess use or lose leave available so I took it. Could I have gone back to my office job in 4 weeks and say maybe work half days for a few days and then kick back in full time after a transitional few days, yes, but I had the paid leave so I took it.  

Also everyone is different and our pain thresholds are different. I expected to be in substantial pain and was pleasantly delighted that I was not and was able to manage my life without being smashed by pain pills or having to depend on someone else for everything.

I have seen post where people went back to work in a very short time period and some regretted it and some were fine. It depends on several factors. Health, job requirements, individual tolerance for pain and how you respond to surgery in general to name a few.

It is mainly about taking the time needed for YOU to recover properly and ultimately successfully.

Again for me it was not that painful. Will have pain and discomfort, yes, but I don't believe not so much so that you will not be able to manage. To be honest, for me, my RNY was more painful but only because I had GAS that would not quit.

Compare your bodies response to your other surgeries or sicknesses and how YOUR body responded to them. I expected the worse and received the best. Not scared or apprehensive just a little wisdom and reality injection for the process.

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

Melissa M.
on 11/5/09 12:54 pm - Seabrook, TX
I think you will definitely need more than 2 weeks.  If you were't having the arms done, then maybe you could do it in 2 weeks.  I can't believe your dr even suggested 1 week!  Even if you are feeling great at  2 weeks you don't want to risk wound separations due to being overly active.  It has happened.  You will most likely have some soreness (not pain) at 2 weeks out and that will probably linger longer due to you being active.  I won't even mention the swelling!  I haven't had my arm lift yet and I can't imagine having full range of motion by then much less any lifting.  Personally, I would take more time (pain or no pain) to allow my body to heal properly, but this is coming from someone who took 6 weeks off for a LBL, BL with butt auto augmentation and lipo.    When I have my arm lift I plan to take 2 or 3 weeks off.  If I combine it with a thigh lift, I'm definitely take 3, but I have a desk job.

As far as pain, it wasn't as bad as I expected.  I have not regrets whatsoever.  Best thing I have done for myself.  Comparing this to my WLS, I think my open DS was more painful. 

Good luck!
on 11/5/09 5:59 pm
I sit on my butt all day working on computers at a desk - I couldn't think about wor****il 3.5 weeks out. I had LBL and thighs done. When I had my arms, breast and touchup on my thighs, I took 2 weeks and then I work half days - yeah, I totally could have went back at 10 days post op but it would have been uncomfy and I had the sick leave so....  

If I had an active job? No way in hack would I think about going back after only 2 weeks - I probably would have over stressed my new incisions and caused more harm than good.

Starting BMI under 45? Join us on The Lightweight Board. 
HW:257ish / SW:205 / CW:110.4 / GW:119.99
on 11/5/09 9:38 pm, edited 11/5/09 9:39 pm - TN
I have JUST came back after TT and took 13 days off from a desk job & I WISH I had taken a little longer or worked half days! If I had to be on my feet all day I would drop. Its not the pain as I really don't have PAIN, its the sore/tightness of my belly and just the sheer "My body had major surgery please let me rest a minute" thing. Good luck but I can't BELIEVE your Dr said you might WANT to take 2 weeks. With TT my Dr told me I COULD go back at 1 week but he ADVISED no less than 2 weeks off.And that was without the arm surgery!

BL & Facelift w/Brow & Eyelid      10.08.08
Abdominalplasty Scheduled          10.21.09

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