Awesome!! My sister in law is a nurse and I work at a hospital where a number of people could remove the drains and stitches. My hubby says that since the twelve days are included and becasue the doctor is there if anything should go wrong I should stay the whole time. I'm probably going to regret this later but as of now I'm planning on staying the twelve days. When are you scheduled for your surgery? I'm sure we will meet along the way. Thanks for your help.
I get there on the 29th and am scheduled the 30th. I really hate the thought of being away from my kids 12 days. I hope I don't regret it. LOL. But the almost 5 days I was gone for my sleeve was terrible and my 4 year old has pervasive development so this will throw her in a tizzy me being gone. The good thing recovery wise is they go back to school the 4th and 5th so when I do get home I'll have a lot of time to recover but still be here to pick them up from school etc. I am thinking of canceling my 4 year olds therapy on Thursdays for at least 2 weeks when I get home. We'll see. My 7 year old can help a lot with the 4 year old. And thankfully she can climb in the van and get in her seat. Last year she couldn't.