LBL done by Dr. Agha/post op pics

on 10/21/09 12:26 pm
Wow, whoever this Dr. Agha is, is a magician.  You look great and your scar is so thin.  I had to look really really hard to see it.  Did you have any work done on your thighs?  Nice work. 
L N.
on 10/21/09 1:52 pm - , CA
No, at my 7 week appt. he started talking about that and I told him Nope, gonna exercise and work hard for at least 6 months to see what I can achieve on my own, but if that doesn't work then I'd consider his spiral thigh lift which I believe leaves a scar up close to the inside pubic area,  and not down the entire inside of the thigh from inside thigh to knee. But  I haven't completely researched it. I know that he is the one who came up with the proceedure and has written a book on it. His web site is I'm sure there are others on here who have had that done and can speak with more knowledge than me. Are you going to have some ps done??? Thanks for the feedback on the job he did....makes me feel great about my
decision  =)


on 10/21/09 2:06 pm - Canada
you look amazing, and have healed so well. thanks for posting pictures it's so helpfull
L N.
on 10/22/09 6:01 am - , CA
Thanks Ellen :)...Have you or are you having plastic surgery?? Best of luck to you.......


on 10/21/09 4:14 pm - San Francisco, CA
L.N., thanks for posting your pics.  You look AMAZING!!  I had upper body surgery with Dr. Agha two days before you had your lower body work.  I have my LBL/spiral thigh lift/butt augmentation with Dr. Agha on Dec 12.  How was your recovery and how are you feeling now?  Did you have a lot of pain?  How long did you take off work?

L N.
on 10/22/09 5:56 am - , CA
I am I took about 3 weeks to really start getting around. When I look at some of the younger gals and their progress, I am amazed. For me, I was able to really baby myself but  I think I would have gotten around earlier if I would have pushed myself harder. I didn't have the spiral lift, so I think you will probably hurt a tad more. Overall, it wasn't painful, I was just stiff and hunched over. That was the most uncomfortable part for me....I am having no pain at 8 weeks. I have been babysitting my 5 month old grandson since week 4 ( he weights 20 lbs). This week, I actually put him in a front fanny carrier and took him for a walk....It's better everyday!!!!And can you believe how beautiful the scars are??? Okay, so what upper body surgery did you have? I did a breast lift, and did not do implants. I kinda wish that I had done implants, but  my breast still look much nicer, just not perfect.  Please keep me in the loop on the spiral thigh lift, I'd like to know where the scars are, how bad it hurts, recovery etc...Best of luck and thanks so much for the compliment... Don't you just love Dr. A????


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