What did you tell folks at your job?
on 10/16/09 10:41 am
I am not required to provide them the specifics and I dont have that kind of relationship with my employer. I am a federal employee and had the paid leave to cover the time off. I told no one at my job when I went. Its none of their business unless I chose to share.
Congratulations and God speed in your journey!
We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)
on 10/17/09 1:33 am
Do you have the kind of relationship with your boss that she would understand if you say took the 3 weeks and then was able to help for the EOM but then had to take say another few days off or half days as necessary? Is there any of the work you can do at home possibly?
Is it simply becuase of the term elective surgery? Wow I realize its not life saving in the traditional sense of the word but its important to you so.......is that not acceptable for a small office?
I am really being hypothetical Isuppose. I guess it just annoys me that we have to go through so much sometimes to have PS.
As far as being able to drive after surgery, many surgeons standard is once you are off pain meds driving is okay but of course you have to be comfortable and everyone is a little different. I had a LBL, BL/BA, medial thigh left, and a arm lift and I was able to drive by the 3 weeks. With everything after surgery my motto is always slow and methodical.
We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)
Since you already had a hysterectomy I would just tell your boss that your are having a medical procedure and that you need to be out 3 weeks. I really don't think you are required to be specific anyway. I hope 3 weeks is enough for you since you are having quite a bit done at once.
P.S. Tell Dr Iz hello for me.