Redistribution of weight after tummy tuck

Lori G.
on 10/6/09 10:37 pm - CA
 Aloha Kim et al- 

Sheesh, something I never thought to ask in my consults ( but I sure will in the next one!).

I guess it makes sense medically-  we do not lose  numbers of fat cells when we lose weight- the number of cells stays the same, but each adipose (fat) cell's size/volume decreases. The only way to lose actual numbers of cells is through liposuction or lipectomy. 

So if you had a lipectomy around your tummy, and other parts were only lifted ( thighs, buttocks which is really a skin lift), then any fat you regain would probably be equally distributed throughout your remaining fat cells. Think of it this way- - if you had 100 fat cells that can each hold an ounce of fat around your abdomen, and 50 fat cells on each thigh that can hold the same volume, but you've had 80 of those abdominal fat cells removed ( lipectomy/liposuction), then when you gain  120 ounces, 50 will go to each thigh and only 20 to the remaining fat cells around your abdomen. So that area would gain fat first. You could begin to produce new fat cells in your abdomen, but scientists are not sure what triggers that.

If you haven't gained any weight, then it must be redistribution of fat between cells. I wonder if by keeping your body composition at its most optimal- more lean body (muscle) mass, and lower % body fat, you can prevent or change this without plastics? As you know, it requires a combination of diet (very low refined carbs, lots of protein especially since you malabsorb half with your DS)  and exercise with strength training to build muscle and decrease body fat . It would be a neat experiment to commit to a 3-6 month regimen (with or without a trainer) to see if you can decrease body fat/increase muscle mass ( but not change your overall weight) --- with a body fat test and tape measurements of your thighs and abdomen before and after, you'd be able to tell for sure.

I'm not sure where you live, but there is a company  in many states that does mobile water tank body fat testing ( for a very reasonable price- $49 the first measurement, and $39 for subsequent measurements. I had mine done in June, and will do it once more right before plastics ( planning on belt lipectomy and BL/BA) and  then once again when I'm healed because the guy is interested in how much sub cutaneous fat will get taken off with a circumferential lipectomy... so he'll do that one for free.

For those of you who like research to back up my inane statements:
Weight loss=decrease in volume of fat cells, not number- unsure what triggers new fat cell production:

Holy moly, I'm droning on. Be well, XOLori

on 5/11/14 1:33 pm - Canada

I had a TT in 2004. My daughter died and slowly I gained 40 lbs back. Now my legs are Hugh, like 3 or. 4 inches on them each. They seem to be growing larger everyday, and one is bigger than the other to the point where people can see. 

I have lost 17 pounds now that I am getting on my feet, but my legs are so ugly and fat, I even considered that leg surgery. But then where will the fat go? I am at a complete quandary about this. I had a tummy ruck because I was 5'2" and had gigantic twins. I had no muscle in my stomach and constant back pain. That cured that problem. But now I have a worse problem. I don't know what to do either. I know this does not necessarily help, but it definitively confirms what is happening to me.   

If anyone knows what could help me, please let me know. I have been through a great deal and if there is something that will help, I will consider it. I am now taking yoga, but have been told to swim which is something I despise. But it helps with the legs. 






on 5/12/14 11:46 am - Davison, MI

This is a really old post.  I would have started your own thread.  The thing is we have a certain amount of fat cells.  At times in our life we add to the number women more so than men as pregnancy is one of those times.  When we lose weight, we still have the same number of cells but they are abnormally skinny/shaped.  They say that if you keep your weight of long enough you may lose some of the numbers.  This is why it is so hard to keep the weight off as the fat cells want to go back to normal.

When you have PS and fat is removed in and area you shouldn't gain back in that area as you now have less cells.  So, the cells in the other areas go back to "normal".  This causes you now not to have more in that area so much as more proportioned than pre PS.

I hope this makes since.  I actually have studied this in college but have trouble stating my thought.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 5/13/14 10:35 am - Canada

Thank you for the reply, but what can I do about my legs, they are unsightly. 

on 5/13/14 11:31 am, edited 5/13/14 11:34 am - Davison, MI

If they weren't bad before, weight lose with exercise.  Inner thigh lift?  When you regain the weight has to go somewhere and that was your thighs.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

MyLady Heidi
on 5/12/14 4:06 am

My tt was done in 2006 and is still nice and flat.  I have lost weight since I had my original tt and I have no fat deposits like you describe.  Have you gained weight?  Or is the weight just shifting around?  I would be pissed off if I was the same weight and now got some ugly fat deposit I never had before.  My thighs are not done, they look unsightly but always did.  It is a surgery I will never get unless I win the lottery.

on 5/12/14 1:18 pm - Canada

Yes, I gained 40 pounds because my daughter and husband died in a short time frame. I just hate mysel now, it's all I think about, and how pathetic is that. 

on 5/13/14 11:39 am - Davison, MI

If you haven't had that 40 pound regain long, losing it should may put your leg back to normal.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 10/7/09 12:39 am - AUBURN HILLS, MI

I know one lady that had a tummy tuck and medial thigh lift. She gained about 40 lbs back and it landed on her outer thighs and butt. She said that when her husband walks behind her, he says that "the twins are fighting", referring to her 2 butt cheeks!! She takes it in pretty good humor, but she is really struggling daily to get the extra weight off. I'm almost 1 1/2 years out with a sleeve and have started to journal everyday to keep from gaining. We have always been told that our WLS is only a tool, not a cure!! Unfortunately!! 

High/VSG/Surgeon Goal/My Goal/Current 257/242/170/155/141  I love my sleeve!
5' 3.5"    Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Raymond Hajjar, Bingham Farms, MI   Extended TT, muscle repair, lipo & hernia repair 2/25/09  Direct neck lift and muscle repair  4/14/09  Short scar lower face lift, more neck work and lower bleph 9/15/09
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