Travel for your PS???
There are some that travel to Mexico and other places for the PS. I was just wondering if anyone has thought of Oklahoma? I am a month out from my PS and I'm extreamly happy with my results and the all inclusive facility that did my surgery.
I feel that I got an awesome deal with all that I had done. I got a Full TT, w/MR, BL, BA, Arm Lift and Lipo. I paid under $15K for all of it with all my followups.
I had the body of an 80 year old woman. (Im 41) When I saw my before pics in my PS office today I was shocked that that was me and not an old ladies body.
He took my pictures to his seminar this weekend because I have such a dramatic improvement.
Anyway, if anyone is interested in coming to Oklahoma you might check out Tulsa Surgical Arts. Dr. Cuzalina
I'm just really happy with my results and thought this might me less expensive then traveling outside the US. There is nothing wrong with going out of the states, Please don't think I'm saying that! Oklahoma is a nice place to visit too! LOL!
I just felt like I had to share my good news so that maybe othere might benefit and not have to travel outside the US if they didn't want to. Like I said Ok is a fun place too. LOL!
Good luck with your surgery!