on 10/1/09 11:02 pm - Detroit, MI
Yesterday I went to the Dr because I have had constant swelling since Monday and today is Friday. The swelling has not gone down any it only increases. My surgeon told me that one of my tube was pushing itself out so she restitched it back in place. Today when I toke my bandages off I noticed a small portion of my incision is now open. Please tell me I am not the only person this has happened to. Please tell me that eventually the swelling will go all the way down and my incision will close. I am so scared that my body is going to stay swollen like  this. I still have both of my drains at 3 weeks out. I can't figure out why if my drains are still in how can fluid be backing up in me??  
on 10/1/09 11:38 pm - Mouseville, FL
It just happens.  Sometimes the fluid cannot get to where the drain is.  The swelling will go down, sometimes it just takes a little while.  Just stay in contact with your surgeon so she can monitor the situation and be sure that there is something more she needs to do.

With all of my plastics my incisions have sprung a leak.  A little hole would open up and fluid would gush out.  There was no infection or anything horrible, just the leak.  I would just tape a sanitary napkin over the hole and was good to go.





on 10/1/09 11:45 pm - Detroit, MI
Oh Bless you and thank you so much Redhaired. I am worrying myself to death. My stomach was so flat to two weeks ago and now it looks like a ballon and the swelling hurts really bad because my skin has no where to really stretch out to. You have really calmed my nerves.
(deactivated member)
on 10/2/09 2:44 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL

Swelling is very normal.  I've read many posts from folks who have tremendous swelling...looking 4-6 months pregnant! 
Drains leaking and not working correctly happens too........ You could ask your surgeon if he/she is ok with you doing a very light pressure massage to move the fluid out. 

Couple thoughts.......
Are you stripping the drains regularly?  I found it helps to keep them flowing nicely.
Are you wearing your compression garment and/or garment?  It made a BIG difference for me.
Are you eating a lot of salt or hidden sodium?  Don't add any salt to your food....avoid canned food and frozen prepared meals.  Read labels...sodium is everywhere even in instant cereals.
Avoid lots of caffeine and drink extra water. 
I'm sharing these tips because I've been doing them and it has helped me keep swelling to a minimum.
on 10/2/09 6:20 am - Phoenix, AZ
Are you wearing your binder? Did your doc check for a seroma which is nothing but excess fluid that the body cannot absorb at times. And do you do alot of bending over or down. Might be doing a little too much too soon. Everybody is diffrent and have to go at diffrent paces. The swelling will go down but when I dont know. The incision will heal. You can after the tubing is out use some nesporin around the edges to help with infection but I would not do it while the tube is in. because you still have a hole there. Do you hear like a squashy sound in your stomach or no sound. If you hear like squashy sound its fluid and if nothing just swelling pretty much. I had swelling for a long time and had to wear my binder 24/7. being an RN i am on my feet alot so i did keep the swelling longer. But my binder really helped and strip your tubing to your drain. I wish you the best and wi**** would go away sooner for you.
Take Care and many blessings.
O. Kufi
on 10/2/09 12:31 pm
I agree, wearing the compression garments made all the difference for me and walking too.

I hope you get your drains out soon but it is definitley better to have those fluids draning then having them stuck inside you causing you all kinds of havoc. Everyone is a little different. Hang in there! Gentle hugs!

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

on 10/5/09 9:35 am - North, GA
Hey Anjail-

I am sorry to hear of this swelling not going away.  I know you must be uncomfortable.  Take it easy and as others have said wear your compression garment. 

All the best-

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