Sauceda? any negatives?

on 10/1/09 7:41 am
OK. I have almost decided 100% to use this guy since everyone on both this board and PS journeys seem to think he is the most skilled PS surgeon. I have not heard one bad thing about him. But I never heard anything bad about Quiroz until this year.. so can anyone fess up and admit that they were unhappy about something? What was it? The facilities, the care, the procedure, the follow up.. Can anyone qualify all the good things about him with any negatives?.
victoria R.
on 10/1/09 11:50 am - goose creek, SC
I've been lurking here for 2 years now and I have never heard anything negative about him.  I have emailed him and he responded promptly.  He is the one I have my heart set on and I can't wait to have my plastics done. 


(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 1:21 pm
Never trust the medical opinion of unqualified strangers, especially anonymous ones online.

Since you're asking for advice, that's my advice.

Get qualified medical opinions from people who know the world of medicine.  Patients rarely, if ever, know the "inside scoop," nor are we able to compare results.  We don't know what happens, the way that other doctors and nurses do.

There is no reason for you to believe:

1)  That people are posting a good statistical sample of what their results are, whether good or bad;

2)  That any of the people posting are not actually representatives from doctors' practices posting as patients.

Suppose that a doctor -- any doctor -- wanted to boost his practice.  He might have a staff member posting on a site like this in order to influence purchasing decisions regarding plastic surgery.  Or, in his spare time, he might do it himself.

People are motivated in funny ways and sometimes do unethical things.  You do not know who ANYONE here is, who posts.  Not even if they give you a name.  And none of us, certainly, is qualified to offer any kind of medical recommendation about any physician anywhere, if that recommendation is based only on our own experiences.

Of course, I'm another anonymous and unqualified person online -- what do I know.

(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 2:10 pm - Haleiwa, HI
Are you joking???? Seriously???? Why would he do something like this?  What do you have against him?  You always seem to try to discredit anything that is said about him like you have some hidden agenda.  Does it bother you that people are happy and achieving the results they were looking for? You post asking for people's opinions on their experience because you are dying of curiosity, but then when someone does answer in a positive light, you ignore their posts.  

I have a blog that is in my signature line that includes pictures of me and my family.  Doesn't that make me a real person?  If anyone wants to make a trip to Hawaii, meet me, and see my results after I have my procedures, I would gladly meet with them because I have nothing to hide.  I will be posting about my experiences in Mexico as well, and I will be posting pictures also.   Believe it or not, Charming, I am a real person with real feelings, and real opinions.  I guess I am a glass half full type of girl and always try to look for the positive in any situation. 

People  from this forum have met each other in person, have met Dr Sauceda, and also have met his former patients in person to see the results with their own eyes. Don't you think that would be a good statistical example?  Some met him last weekend at the OH conference!    Granted, everyone's perception of beauty is different, so some may think the results are fantastic where others may think it is just so so.  Many of Dr Sauceda's patients come from a referral from their own weight loss surgeon, Dr Alvarez.  Didn't you choose your plastic surgeon because your Dr referred you to him?

I am leaving in 4 days to have my surgery and meet 4 other people from this forum.  I will be there to cheer them on and support them, and I know they will be there to support me too. 

I do hope you find peace in whatever you are looking to get out of trying to discredit Dr Sauceda and his patients.  I think it is pretty **** poor that you try to bring down someone by trying to discredit their Dr or the future Dr they are looking in to.

Jessica Light
on 10/1/09 2:41 pm, edited 10/1/09 2:45 pm - CA
I'd like to respond to this a little bit, too.  I must confess I've not read too much lately and I'm not familiar with Charming's history of posting, but I must come to her (??) defense in this one sense:  there is NO QUESTION that several doctors (or their staff if one prefers to think that the Dr. is not aware of it, which is baloney)  "lard" some of the responses and high praise of themselves, some with extreme embellishments.  If you just study the section under a doctor's name to read all the testimonials, MANY are phony.  I know, I know - several are NOT, but it's quite easy to figure out.  The doctor's office person (author) applies for an account using a phony name and on the same day or shortly thereafter writes a GLOWING commentary on how great the doctor was and how thrilled they are about him/her.  But guess what, there's virtually NEVER another message from that person, there's NO history of that person and it looks like they just joined here in order to "praise" their doctor and for no other reason.  Is someone going to just join this website in order to praise their doctor?  Get real everyone.  Especially when you're reading a testimonial, just check on their name and see if they "just happened to join" on the same day or a few days before they bothered to leave such a fine narrative, how they never felt more comfortable with this doctor, how great the doctor was, what a beau. job he did, etc.  If that's the ONLY writing that the responder did, you can be assured it is a phony testimonial:  there are MANY, MANY of those here under the doctor's testimonials - please don't be so foolish to think otherwise.  Another dead give-away:  pick the doctors that have 30-40-50+ FABULOUS reviews vs. the avg. doctor also with good reviews but only having 6-8-10, etc., and not some ridiculous amount out-of-the-ordinary.  Then take those multiple reviews, click on the author's name and look at the date of joining and the date of the review ... I rest my case.  Please, I don't need to hear from those of you who always participate here on a regular basis and have genuinely written a positive review of your doctor.  This is not about you.  It's about the garbage ones, easily verified. 

And I write this about doctor's reviews in general, NOT about Dr. Sauceda.  There have been too many responses about him to ever question his reputation.  I wouldn't hesitate going to him myself if I needed to.
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 2:52 pm
I don't know you.  You don't know me.

And I certainly do not have any reason to trust your medical expertise over that of other physicians.

Get a clue, soon, before it's too late.  I never mentioned Dr. Sauceda or anyone else specifically.  It's interesting to see the conclusions you reached.

My opinion  -- and this is a message board so brace yourself for opinions -- is that anyone who shops online for surgeons or any medical specialist, and trusts the opinion of anonymous strangers who have no known medical experience whatsoever -- is simply asking for trouble.

I do not wish anyone any harm by offering this advice -- least of all potential patients of any potential doctors -- 

But for heaven's sake, trust people who put their real names and real careers on the line by offering their genuinely qualified medical know-how and experience when making referrals.

Ask a doctor who knows surgery and local surgeons.

Not anonymous posters here, or anywhere else.

And if you can't stand by that, too -- guess I'd have some questions about your thought processes.

But I certainly wish you good luck with your surgeries.

(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 3:12 pm - Haleiwa, HI
Too late for what?  Ok, lets put it this way.  Dr. Alvarez, a guest speaker at the Obesity Help conference, refers his patients to Dr. Sauceda.  Dr Alvarez is a well respected weight loss surgeon in Mexico, and I think he qualifies as having known medical experience.  Dr Sauceda IS also a certified plastic surgeon and even did some of his training at a burn unit in Dallas, Tx.  I also think pictures speak volumes as well. 

I get it and understand that you think everyone should go to their local surgeons, but I couldn't find anyone that could refer me to a Dr here in Hawaii.  I didn't have the luxury of that like you did.
on 10/1/09 4:49 pm
Oh My Goodness Jessica! 
Four Days!!!  Wow!  I am so excited for you!  I can't wait to read all of your posts! 
Thank you for being so willing to post your replies here.  You're a good person to look up to and I appreciate your intelligent posts!

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

(deactivated member)
on 10/2/09 4:34 am - Haleiwa, HI
I cannot believe my time is almost here.  It seems like yesterday when I booked my surgery, but then it also seems like forever ago.  I am so ready to start this journey, and it kinda feels like the beginning of the end of my weight loss journey, if that makes sense.  I am so happy to hear that my posts do matter a little.  I am such a planner, organizer, and I hate surprises, so I try to do everything I can to make sure that I know as much info as possible before I get myself in to something.  I don't want to come back and wonder if I should have researched more or 2nd guess myself.  I am completely confident that I have done as much as possible to choose my surgeon, plan for my trip, and plan for my aftercare.  Make sure you watch my blog for updates while in Mexico!  I will be using twitter while I am in the clinic since it does not have internet access.  You will be able to follow that on my blog, or you can follow me on twitter.  I hope my updates makes someone more comfortable with their decision on choosing Dr Sauceda.  

on 10/1/09 2:19 pm - Canada
Going to try to NOT rant at this post.
All I can say is that the people who have opened themselves up on these boards DO represent the surgeons...not by way or monetary benefits or in any other fashion except out of true gratitude for a job well done.
I think EVERY single post op patient IS a walking advertisement for EVERY surgeon good or bad.
I am HAPPY and SATISFIED with my outcome, so I CHOOSE to be very vocal about my satisfaction as a thank you to my surgeon. On the flip side had I gone to Dr. Sauceda and had a hack job done - I would have been EVEN MORE vocal about it.
Some people would be embarrassed if they had a negative outcome and NOT want to say anything however I think this board is a TOOL and most people use it the way it was intended.

In response to the original question about negatives with Dr. Sauceda...
here is my very SHORT list ( if I was being TOTALLY picky)
1) I would have liked to have Internet at the clinic
2) The clinic (when I was there) had only one nurse that really spoke clear English - She worked nights and was LOVELY ( why I cant remember her name I don't know) the other nurse were equally helpful and friendly but it was hard to communicate ( I always got my point across and had no issues but it was challenging)
3) The clinic bed made my butt sore...I now have a very bony butt and the bed - because I slept inclined gave me a bruised cheek.
 Those are my negatives. ALL OF THEM. positives
BOY that would be a LONG list...I am sure none on here wants me to rehash my previous posts...if you go back and read them you will see I am happy, healthy and 100% happy with my surgical outcome.

For anyone who needs to personally speak to a prior patient of Dr. Sauceda...PM me...I will gladly give you my home phone number you can cross reference it with directory me, lets talk...get to know me...I have pictures of me at my worst ( pre VSG) during my weight loss, pre plastics and post can SEE it is ME every step of the way...I would willingly help anyone on this journey because I KNOW how horribly scary it is to decide to have PLASTICS let alone travel out of your country to an unknown person for plastics...I made that leap of faith and I don't regret it at all. All anyone can do is ask ALOT of questions, ask for your doctors credentials if you are worried about their training or background.

Some people ARE motivated in funny ways, I grant you that charming...but some people really just hope that other have the success they found using one particular surgeon. I don't know maybe their are some negatives to using Dr. Sauceda that I didn't experience. I had NOTHING negative...I enjoyed him as a doctor, as a person and I am fully thankful for the services he rendered to me as a patient. I refer everyone who asks to him, I will ALWAYS be supportive of him, his practice and skill due to the level of satisfaction I got out of my procedures.

I hope everyone takes the advice on this board for what it is NOT a guarantee, it is only ONE way to research your options.
I wish everyone good luck.
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