Am I being a BABY or what???

Kim J.
on 9/22/09 9:06 am - Claremore, OK
Sept 3 I had a FTT w/MR, BL, BA, Brac and Lipo.  I feel like I should be able to be up and around more then I am.  I can get up and I'm usually fine in the morning and I'm trying to keep up with my housework and do what I need to do.  But after a little while I'm exausted and I have to sit.  I'm not a person that likes to sit.  I feel lazy.  I'm trying not to take my pain meds unless I'm hurting really bad, because I don't think they will give me anymore.  I was advised that it was OK to take Ibprofin for pain, but I don't want too.  I'm worried about getting an ulcer. 

I do home daycare and care for 2 year olds so I'm not able to go back to work yet, when I can't even do things to keep my house clean.  I'm just wondering how long will I be so tired and when will I get back to my normal energy level?  Am I being a Baby?  Do I need a kick in the butt to get me motivated?  Some nights I'm just in tears for the way I feel.  I don't want to be such a bummer to my husband and so.  I'm usually up and a lot more involved then I am right now.

Don't get me wrong.  I knew to expect to feel bad after this surgery because I think its a lot of surgery.  I just wonder if anyone else had as much done at once and was back up and running around by now?  I will be 3 weeks out Thursday.

Thanks for your advice!
Kim J!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck
19 lbs lost before surgery
9/3/09  Full TT, MR, BL, BA, Arm Reduction and Lipo 10-12 lbs skin/fat removed

on 9/22/09 10:13 am - colchester, CT

 You are no baby after having all that surgery. Give your self a break. PS recovery takes time. I would bet in another few weeks you will start to feel more back to normal.


Kim J.
on 9/22/09 10:30 pm - Claremore, OK
Thanks!  I'm not a very patient person!  I have to work on that!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck
19 lbs lost before surgery
9/3/09  Full TT, MR, BL, BA, Arm Reduction and Lipo 10-12 lbs skin/fat removed

on 9/22/09 11:49 am - Manchester, NH
I had LBL and BL and at 3 weeks out I was still taking naps everyday and not really doing a lot of housework.  I was also in tears but that I figured it was side effects of the surgery as I was told you can feel down and get the blues after so I just let the tears come and knew tomorrow would be better.  Hang is 7 weeks out from LBL and 6 out from BL and I am getting back to normal ..painted my house last week and went back to exercise this week.  It will get better!
Kim J.
on 9/22/09 10:31 pm - Claremore, OK
Wow, you give me hope!  Painting at 7 weeks out!  I can't wait to get back to my normal, what I used to think of as, BLAH life!  LOL!  Now I welcome and wish for my BLAH life! 
Thanks for your reply!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck
19 lbs lost before surgery
9/3/09  Full TT, MR, BL, BA, Arm Reduction and Lipo 10-12 lbs skin/fat removed

(deactivated member)
on 9/22/09 11:55 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
You are not a baby, you just had MAJOR surgery and have put your body through major trauma!
You have to listen to your body and do only what it will allow you to otherwise you won't heal well.
I keep thinking I should get up early and go for a walk in the morning but yet I get exhausted with taking a shower (the whole process of taking off the compression garment, the binder, the bandages, showering, getting dry, putting on cream, putting on bandages, putting the compression garment on and the binder and the compression bra....UGH, exhausting!

I'm just able to keep up with minimal house stuff and keep laying down to rest and elevate my legs in between.  I'm starting to get antsy about exercise and am thinking of trying to go for a walk in the morning but really don't want to over do it so I may wait a couple more days (I just got my drain out yesterday).  The key is listening to your body.  We are all different.

Don't be so hard on yourself.
Do what you's better to take it slow and heal correctly than to over do it and have a set back which will just delay your recovery.
Take care!

Kim J.
on 9/22/09 10:35 pm - Claremore, OK
I SO know what you mean about it just wearing you out taking a shower!  OMGsh!  And then thinking about how I'm going to put my arms through my shirts!  Its not so bad when my husband is home but the other day it was just me and my 9 year old son here.  I got stuck.  I almost screamed!  It hurt, but I was naked and I couldn't have my baby come in there and help me....So I just took it slow and eased into it.  It scared me at first though!

Thanks for your reply.  At least I don't feel like I'm being lazy.  I keep telling myself to Buck up and do what I have to do!  I did take a pain pill last night and I was able to clean my kitchen, and fold some laundry without getting too exausted!  I think I'm going to take some more pain meds!  But I just don't want to run out!  They are needed badly usually by the time I take them. 

Thanks again!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck
19 lbs lost before surgery
9/3/09  Full TT, MR, BL, BA, Arm Reduction and Lipo 10-12 lbs skin/fat removed

(deactivated member)
on 9/23/09 3:25 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I just took 2 Aleve .......I'm not sure if I pulled something during my shower this morning or if my sneezing did something but I have pain today in my left side (not near the's more muscular I think), it's uncomfortable enough to make we want to take something and I have not taken any pain killers in about 10 days.  I have no issues with taking pain killers when needed.

Hang in there!!
Kim J.
on 9/23/09 3:45 am - Claremore, OK
I hope you are ok.  I wish I could say I haven't needed pain pills in 10 days.  I have gone a couple of days without them but most of the time I need them at least once a day.  I just don't want to use them all up and not have them If I really need them!!!

The other day I woke up and stretched and I felt a Pop in the middle of my TT incision.  It didn't hurt or anything it felt wierd.  It scared me though.

Good luck with your pain!  I hope you are better soon!
Kim J!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck
19 lbs lost before surgery
9/3/09  Full TT, MR, BL, BA, Arm Reduction and Lipo 10-12 lbs skin/fat removed

(deactivated member)
on 9/23/09 4:40 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thanks Kim!
If I still feel the pain tomorrow I'll call the Dr.  I think the Aleve is just starting to help a little.I'm really hoping it has nothing to with the fact that the drain came out on Monday........

Take care of yourself and get rest!

PS- I'm laying in bed right now.  :-)
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