What to Take/What to Have at Home...

on 9/20/09 4:28 am - Colorado Springs, CO

Counting down the days to my LBL, inner thigh lift and build a butt procedures on 10/6.  I'm having surgery at my PS's surgical suite and will spend three nights at a medical spa/retreat before heading home.

I plan to take basic yoga pants, jammie pants, big, soft t-shirts and a sports bra (should it close in the front?) and g'ma panties (do I need panties if I'm in a full-length compression garment?) with me.  At home I already have a bath chair, raised toilet seat and walker from my knee surgeries.

Any suggestions on anything else to take or have at home?  I plan on stocking up on greek yogurt as I've been advised to watch my sodium intake and keep protein high.  I meet with my NUT this coming Tuesday to review any other issues.

Thanks for being here and for sharing with all of us your progress and encouragement...each of you is an inspiration.

on 9/20/09 7:19 am - Clayton, NC
Hey Jana,

I would definitely have some stool softners on hand, so cds, books, magazines, and take full advantage of the spa treatments at least the ones for your hands, feet, and face.  I don't know if they do all of that there but I would definitely take advantage of it all.  Also be prepared to be a little emotional the first few days.

Other than that says some prayers and hold on tight because it is going to be a bumpy ride that ends in a great destination.

Hope this helps.

on 9/21/09 1:55 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Thank you, Jasmine!

The PS has already given me Colace in my little bag of "goodies" along with other medications, creams, etc. 

I hope I feel good enough to indulge a bit in the spa treatments - they sound heavenly.  I'll just go with the flow and take it a day at a time - or an hour at a time.

I'll be sure to stock up on trashy magazines and some chic flick DVD's - all the ones that DH rolls his eyes at and disappears in the garage! LOL  Emotional + Steel Magnolias = Good Cry!

Be Well,
on 9/20/09 5:18 pm
 I spent a week in the private clinic's medical recovery center.  I had LBL, inner thigh lift (vertical incisions to the knees), butt lift/aug (self aug w/ my own tissue), lipo on outter thighs and calves.

I wish I would have had a freshette. This may sound WAY too TMI, but after my LBL (w/ mons) I couldn't "pee straight" like I used to and the urine would get my thigh incisions (had thigh lift w/ vertical cuts to the knees) on the groin area the first couple times. Then it was stressful going pee because I was holding pads over the incisions. I finally got a cheap funnel which made a million times difference in letting me go to the bathroom but wasn't really made for the use - I regretted not having a freshette though.

I didn't wear panties for the first 6 weeks (they again, rubbed my groin incisions. I instead wore my fiance's all-cotton boxer briefs (or longer boy shorts for the female, if you have issues wearing guys' stuff). I ended up buying a dozen boxer briefs that I now run around the house in all the time because they are STILL more comfy.

A poofy on a stick was quite helpful in being able to wash your back and legs. I sat on a stool for the first 2 or 3 weeks and the poofy on a stick was the only way I could reach my ankles or back.

Unjury unflavored is my lifesend. I can't have artificial sweetners so most protien shakes are nix'ed for me. I have, however, discovered unjury unflavored which I can drink in just skim milk and it still tastes better than most protein shakes. I usually mix it with carnation instant breakfast, one scoop of unjury and 2 cups of milk - 42g of protein for 360 cals...not too bad at all considering no fake sweetners!  I plan on going to a 3 shake per day liquid diet routine to get in 120+ grams a day starting one month before surgery this round to help with the healing.

I mostly wore tank tops under my compression garmet and a pair of boxers over them (they were crotchless). That's all I wore at the spa. I took a pair of PJ bottoms to go over the compression garmet for the ride home. At home I wore the boxer briefs over the garmet. Didn't need anything else really. Bras - dont get one that goes over your head, will prob be uncomfy to wiggle into - either front or back closure would be better. Flip-flops and slippers are your friend. tennis shoes and tie up shoes SUX. I made friends with fuzzy socks. My toes were cold so most of the times I ran wild in just thick fuzzy socks the nurse helped me get on (and later the SO).

I took too much crap to the recovery center. My SO couldn't be there with me after the first day but he left a teddy bear. I felt quite alone and lonely at times when the pain got to me, so the teddy really helped :-)... The nurses made sure I had him with me from the moment I woke up from surgery to the time I left. Sounds dumb, but you will be emotional-I was even more so since I couldn't speak german and there was a language barrier to deal with.

Have benadryl. When your skin starts to mend, IT ITCHES!!! It was the itching that drove me nuts and the pain meds won't help with that part. Ice packs also help - both with the itching and the swelling sensation.

Take your B12 shot (if you take them) right before surgery so you wont have to worry about it right after. I do self injections most of the time but  really didn't feel up to doing it in my bruised thighs from lipo right after :-). Had to have a nurse give it to me in my arm.

Have a bed liner (like the vinal backed felt ones) to put on your chair and/or bed - the incisions leak a bit sometimes and no need to chance ruining italian leather or $400+ sheet sets!!!!! I also had one in the car for the ride home. Also helped me from "sticking" to the leather when I'm propped up in the recliner.

Take plenty of before pictures (the kind that gross you out and display the features in the most unfavoring viewpoint that you most dislike about yourself- like me pulling my thigh skin far away from my body, etc) -these are not the ones to share, but so you can look at privately afterwards and remind yourself WTH you were thinking when you decided to have the surgery.

Vaseline. Before the doc cleared me for 'creams' or lotions or whatever, I was clear to use pure vaseline to help moisturize the insisions. This gave some relief to the tugging sensation that your skin does when it's dry - especially after a shower. I still use vaseline jelly right after showers. Lotion between showers. It helps the pulling sensations.

When you go back to work, take a pillow to sit on and one for behind your back. My groin incisions ended right where I 'sit' so the ends bugged me a lot and my chair was hard - extra pressure right on the closure point - OWIE!

That concludes chapter 1 of my "wish I would have known's" I'm sure there are many more things, but I can't think of any... hope you get something out of it, if you have questions, shoot me a msg.


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on 9/21/09 2:27 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Thank you, Cass!  What a treasue trove of great information...thank you so much for sharing!

I had to look up what a Freshette was...what a nifty device.  Makes total sense to me. 

It looks like I'm having the same procedures as you, including the butt procedure.  Tell me straight - how bad is the pain?  I know each of us is different but were you suprised at the amount of pain or was it not as bad as you expected? 

How much time off did you take?  My PS told me to get two weeks off and play it by ear for the third week - I'm not sure that's enough.

Need to scoot.  Thanks so much and I'll be in touch!

Be Well,

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