private pay cost of a panniectomy
on 8/30/09 12:00 am - San Diego, CA
on 8/30/09 12:00 am - San Diego, CA
First of all, get a Tummy Tuck instead if you are a self pay - it's just a little more and the surgery outcome is a whole lot better.
A Tummy Tuck is about $10,000 in San Diego for everything .
A Tummy Tuck is about $10,000 in San Diego for everything .
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
Something to keep in mind is that if you elect to self-pay for a procedure that your insurance deems "not medically necessary", then no complications from that procedure will / would be covered either. Your plastic surgeon can usually only give you a base price based on a "typical" case -- not counting any medical complications you may have either immediately post-op or later.
I have had around $160,000 in costs (thankfully covered by insurance) due to complications from my abdominoplasty. My plastic surgeon knew going in that I was a bad risk for certain things, and I don't fault him at all. And yes -- I'd still absolutely do it all over again, even though I'm still not experiencing the "desired results".
I have had around $160,000 in costs (thankfully covered by insurance) due to complications from my abdominoplasty. My plastic surgeon knew going in that I was a bad risk for certain things, and I don't fault him at all. And yes -- I'd still absolutely do it all over again, even though I'm still not experiencing the "desired results".