on 8/21/09 6:14 am - Solon, OH
I am thinking about having a breast lift and would like some feedback on it, pain, recovery time etc. I am not having augmentation just the lift. Also will it make a difference in the way my bras fit, will it give me a whole better look?


OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 8/21/09 7:03 am - weatherford, TX

Hello shoegirl........... my painless recovery was "6 weeks". my cut was a lolipop cut and the cut that goes from the bottom of the breast up to the aureola took about 5 weeks to heel, so make sure you have the help that you need so you can avoid the insicion to errupt. with the kids going back to school, I have put myself in the back burner, so I need to get a bra fitting soon, mean while, i'm happy to say that my "girls" staying in place. Gook luck!!!!!!

on 8/21/09 7:52 am - Canada
I had a breast lift no augmentation with anchor tummy tuck June of this year.

I was back at work 2 weeks from the day of surgery.  I was tired and really i should have taken maybe 1 more week off.  The pain was from my tt tho and the breast lift was of little discomfort.
Everything Very managable with  the medication. 

I have not gone to be fitted yet because i don't know if they are what they will end up being and i don't want to spend  $150 on a new bra.  I am basically the same cup size as before the surgery because i didn't have them reduced.  They are just aligned (doctor said where God intended them to be) rather than looking at the sidewalk.  When i lost my weight i lost all volume in my breasts so they went from looking like two sausage rolls to something i'm proud of.  I love the turn out and my cloths look so much better.  My boobs fit in empire line dresses very nicely.  Before they were squished in and held in by a wire bra and now they do it allllllllllllll on their own.  You will love it.  My boobs didn't look this good when i was a teenager  hahahaha

Best wishes on your surgery


on 8/21/09 12:14 pm - Solon, OH

Thanks for your reply, too funny about the sausage rolls. I hear you though, omg I feel as though I could tuck mine in my pocket!!! So did u have implants or just the lift? I am not having implants at all.

Please keep in touch

OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 8/21/09 1:15 pm - Canada
Hi Joanne

I did not have any implants.  Originally i was thinking about it and i went to another plastic surgeon first and he told me i needed them.  I didn't have that warm fuzzy feeling with that guy and went for a second consult with Dr Kreidstein in Toronto.  HE WAS AMAZING!  I liked what he said and words he used and i was so confident I had found the right guy.  He also didn't use drains which i hadn't heard of but he has used this procedure for over 10 years with huge success and i really liked the idea of no drains.  I asked him and he told me he didn't feel i needed implants.  He said when he "sculptured" tissue from the sides and lifted from here and molded from this place ..........he made me feel like he was an artist with the human body.  Does that sound silly?  Anyway he wouldn't do a lift and implants at the same time so told me after he did my lift and if i'm not satisfied a year from now he will talk to me about implants.  I figured this man does this for a living and it made me feel good because he could have been telling me yes i needed them and made more money.  I am sooooooooooooo glad I didn't get implants.  Not against anyone that does want them but I am still a 36C and feel natural.  They are the right size for my body frame.  No one would ever guess that i had breast work except maybe the fact a 56 year old womans boobs usually don't look at the stars instead of the sidewalk.

What made you choose not to get implants?  Did you tell your doctor the approximate size you want to be?
Yes please lets keep in touch.  After i get my arms done in sept i will be "one smokin hot mama from the tummy up  LOL.  

(deactivated member)
on 8/21/09 9:26 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I had breast reduction and lift in Nov 2008.  It was a piece of cake.  little to no pain at all.  Uncomfortable the first 2 days but I didn't even take pain meds after that....just Tylenol if needed.
Really was amazing how easy it was for me.

It totally changed my look (and my outlook)......I LOVE the new girls.  Best thing I've done for myself so far.  FYI - I had no implants......just a reduction and lift.

PM me if you have more questions.
Best wishes
on 8/21/09 10:03 am - TN
Breast Lift Oct of 2008...Was a BREEZE!! I am a TOTAL wuss and have a very low threshold for pain and I would SO recommend this. I was swollen for the first weeks but I was back at work in 1 week. I had no issues. After the first day I took no pain pills except Tylenol. I did not buy new bras until after the swelling started going down. I finally was down where I've stayed at about 3 months.My size has stayed the same (38D) but my bras do fit much better & I don't have to pull the girls up anymore

BL & Facelift w/Brow & Eyelid      10.08.08
Abdominalplasty Scheduled          10.21.09

T S.
on 8/21/09 3:45 pm
I'm thinking of having a lift done as well. Have you picked a surgeon yet? It's such a big decision. Good luck.
on 8/21/09 7:32 pm - Canada

I know you posted this to Joanne but i wanted to jump in if you don't mind.  Do you have your surgeon picked out yet?

It IS the most difficult thing to do if you have not had any plastic surgery before.  Altho plastic surgery is among the common folk now more and more it isn't something that is usually in your group of immediate friends and its so important to get someone good so your not living in hell or disfigured for the rest of your life. 

Basically you go to consults until you get that "good feeling" about the guy and do research on him and past patients if you can. Up here we have a and people go in and post their experience with their GP or plastic surgeon ........the good the bad and the ugly.  I found it very valuable.  A friend of mine did go for a consult with the doctor i ended up choosing however went with a different doctor because of costs.  I am glad i went with him.  Yes he was a little more expensive than some but his work is unbelievable.  There are some places i'm not willing to get a bargain.  Good luck with your upcoming surgery.  What stage are you at?


T S.
on 8/21/09 9:55 pm
No I haven't picked a surgeon yet. I just noticed that she was from my state and wondered who she was going with. I have two choices close to me and have never had PS before. I've always been very large in that dept and I just don't know how a doctor could make me look right.
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