UnCharming on a Whaaaaaaaaaaambulance

(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 7:40 am
First of all, congratulations to those of you who wound up back at work or school a mere two or three weeks after your tummy tuck/pannus removal, etc.  And bravo to those of you who only needed vicodin for the first two days.  I'm thrilled for those of you who were driving a week later, and were able to take up pole dancimg within a mere ten days.

None of that has happened for me.  

I am three weeks out, and still take at least one vicodin a day (at night).  I am stiff and sore.  Parts of my incisions, though uninfected, are oozing and purple.  (Last night I "sprung a leak" at the incision site and nearly lost my mind with terror because I had never seen anything like that in my life).  

I am exhausted all the time.  All I do is sit, sit, sit . .. nap . . . sit, sit, sit . . . go to sleep. Answer an email.  Wash my face.  Nap.  Ignore my children . . . sleep . . . forget that I did any of the above  . . .watch a little TV . . . play a computer game . . . sleep . . . sit, sit, sit . . . and then start eh whole darned thing all over again.

I don't think I have cried even once during this whole friggin' process, but I'm pretty close right now.  Circumferential flab blasting is a horrible procedure and it is very hard for me to see the light at the end of the tunnel right now.  

I could use some motivational arse whupping right now.  It is now two years since I began the process of pursuing gastric bypass, renewing my health and physical appeal.  But this is so, so, so hard . . . I had no idea this portion of the process would be so extraordinarily difficult.  I realize that everyone heals differently, but I was well enough from the RNY to go back to a fairly rigorous work day only 18 days later.  

Ugh, ugh, ugh.  

I used to spend a certain portion of every day pullling my stomach flab around, imagining what I might look like if it was gone.  But it will not look anything remotely as I imagined until maybe Thanksgiving or Xmas time, and I am feeling rather forlorn and despairing.

(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 8:06 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
So sorry you are feeling so sad. I feel for you!    I can tell you that some of this is absolutely natural and expected.  Your body has gone through major shock, your hormones are out of whack so there will be moments that are much lower and tougher than most.

Everyone heals differently......I had no issues at all with my breast reduction but my arm lift knocked me off my feet......I was exhausted for weeks.......I could not muster enough energy/strength to walk on the treadmill and felt guilty and stupid because others who had much more work done, like the whole LBL were up walking 2 miles after 3 or 4 weeks.   I only say this to emphasize that we all react differently and even as individuals we may have it easy after one procedure but the next might be a bear.  For me I'm not expecting to be doing any real activity 3 weeks after my Tummy Tuck (I'm having it done in 2 weeks).

Are you getting plenty of protein....I mean lots of it?  I try to get in at least 100 grams pre surgery and will up it to 120 post op.  How much protein and water are you getting each day?
How about vitamins?  Are you getting enough? Maybe you need to up your iron......I do that after surgery.  How about some sunshine........I always feel better when I have the window blinds open and everything is brighter.

I wish I could offer you something more to help you out of this funk.
I hope you feel better and stronger real soon!!!
Hang in there!!!
Best wishes on your recovery
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 8:12 am
Ruth, thank you.  I have just ordered out chinese, and I'm eating a biteful of chicken or saitan every moment that I remember -- along with flavored water.  

I guess I just feel totally out of my element, and absolutely useless and unproductive.  There are five things I specifically was looking forward to doing next week, and I'm thinking now I might not be able to do any of it, which is just terribly demoralizing.  

Did I mention that when it comes to overachieving, I'm the Queen?  And here I am, achieving nothing.  And frankly not really able to enjoy the novelty of it.  To relax because it's a break from other things is a luxury.  To relax because it's your only option is ... well . . . like being in prison.

Thank you for your advice and kind thoughts.  They are appreciated more than you know.

(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 8:50 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
For me being told to "rest and relax" is very difficult.  I'm used to always going, going, going and spent the majority of my adult life working loooooooooooong hours and burning the candle on both ends.  So to sit and do nothing for more than a day is something I struggle with.  I literally have to plan and organize my recovery rest time......so I'm working like a nut around the house now preparing to do nothing.  LOL!
I have enough meals food and frozen to feed the neighborhood for 2 weeks yet there are only 2 of us so why am going to cook more on the weekend???? 
I just got 2 books from the library to take to the after care facility and I've got a bunch of crossword puzzles and suduko to take too.

Re-work your to-do list for next week so it is "realistic" given you just had MAJOR surgery.......make it only 1 or 2 small goals.......then when you accomplish them you'll feel great.  Don't put big expectations on yourself right now.

Enjoy your dinner......Matthew is putting the steak on the BBQ as I type....yum!
Feel better!
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 9:06 am
We have teenagers.  We went through a month of meals in about two weeks.  Also, I came out of surgery with a remarkable desire for Chinese food, which I have otherwise not eaten in about three years (no kidding).  And I used to love sushi -- I bet I spent $30-50/week on sushi, but I've only had about three pieces since I came out from under the knife.

I guess I'm saying that what appeals right now, might not appeal after surgery.  

A cleaning lady is coming to my house tomorrow -- a gift from my MIL -- because no one here otherwise sweeps or picks up anything.  In fact, two teenagers are currently grounded until they take care of their laundry.  I'm not a neat freak (oh, if only you knew what an understatement that is) ... but the filth here is just tearing me down.

Anyway .,.., dinner tonight is some kind of pasta from out of the freezer because my pre-made meals are done with.  Ugh.  I usually spend this time of year preparing mealsw for the school year ahead.   This year when I start work ... this year, what will I have?  NADA!

GRrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . .

Kim J.
on 8/25/09 8:59 am - Claremore, OK

Can you give me some ideas of things you made and froze?  I have a husband and a 9 year old son.  My husband can't boil water.  He is kitchen illiterate!  He didn't even know how to start the dishwasher until a few weeks ago.  I showed him where the vaccuum cleaner was and showed him how to scoop the catbox!  I made him sound terrible, but I work from home and he works long hours so I do the housework.  Poor guy, he is taking a week vacation to take care of me though. 
Anyway, I have to worry about what they are going to eat while momma is laid up.  I don't want them eating out everynight.  That gets expensive and isn't good for either of them.
Thanks for any ideas!
Kim J.!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck
19 lbs lost before surgery
9/3/09  Full TT, MR, BL, BA, Arm Reduction and Lipo 10-12 lbs skin/fat removed

(deactivated member)
on 8/25/09 1:09 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
You can cook and freeze almost anything.........

I made a meatloaf and then cut it into 4 oz portions, wrap each portion in wax paper and put them all in a large zip lock bag.  Just pull out how many pieces you need, pop them in the microwave.

I made a bunch of meatballs and sauce.......I but enough for our dinner (2 portions) with the sauce in a plastic storage container....AND I par-boil (not totally cooked) spaghetti.  I measure out the spaghetti into individual portions put into zip lock bags. 

I made a  Lasagna.....cut up into individual portions and wrapped each piece in wax paper.

I did 4 Chicken breast cut into cubes....marinated in olive oil, LOTS of curry, ginger, garlic.  Saute with chopped onion.  Freeze in plastic containers (I put 7-8 oz in each container for the 2 of us).  I serve it with boiled broccoli (and white rice sometimes).

I made stuffed peppers (I stuff the green Italian peppers), cook them, freeze in plastic containers.

Soup and chili is a great thing too and easy to re-heat............(unless you live in Florida..it's too hot to eat soup these days!)

Chicken Breast.......thin cutlets, baked......let them cool completely then put them in a zip lock bag...they freeze great and reheat beautifully.

You can cook white rice and freeze in zip lock bags or plastic containers.

You can par-boil and freeze any kind of pasta (just don't cook it all the way)...when you take it out of the freezer just drop into boiling water for about 2 mins or if you are going to microwave it you have to watch it closely.

I didn't do it this time but I have in the past made oatmeal for breakfasts and froze it in small 1 cup containers.  Take it out of the freezer the night before to thaw and then heat in the morning best if you heat it in a pot (if you use the microwave be careful or it will explode all over inside).

Hope that helps......
Send me a PM if you have questions.
Best wishes!!

Cindy F.
on 8/20/09 9:10 am - Monterey Park, CA
VSG on 09/18/07 with

If you are exhausted and need to sit and rest that is what you should do.  Your body is putting all it has into healing.  So don't think your not accomplishing anything.  Your body is working hard.  and remember as long as you need the pain meds you will be sleepy.  (At least I am)  even if it is only one a day.  With my sleeve I was exhausted for about 41/2 weeks.  Then all of a sudden I got my energy back.  But I was stressed that I would always feel that way.  But it will pass like mine did.  hang in there. 

Please let me know when you feel better.  I am here to support you!!!


 Cindy F  "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain" 
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 11:53 am
I know you're right, my body is accomplishing something.  It's just that ... what it's accomplishing is gettimng me to NORMAL.  Somehow NORMAL doesn't feel like a huge accomplishment, and I knmow everything is relative, but I'm just a whiny mess.  

I was so looking forward to being on top of things by the new school year, and this is a very defeating feeling. 

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . . 

But thank you for the sympathy and support!
MyLady Heidi
on 8/20/09 9:26 am

I didn't experience anything like you describe, it was all pretty easy on me, hence the reason I won't take anymore plastic surgery chances because I think I wore out all my good luck.  That being said, it will be worth it in the end, having a flat stomach is the best thing I ever gave myself.  I still marvel at it and I have had it for over 2 years now, actually going on 3 years soon and its still fun to look at.  You will forget the pain as soon as its over and you will be happy.

Have you seen my ps pics?  If not add me as a friend and look, the difference is amazing.

Hugs Heidi

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