Cold Feet

(deactivated member)
on 8/19/09 12:36 am
I'm right there with you.  I am scheduled for tummy tuck, breast lift with implants and lipo on inner thighs on Monday, August 24th. 

I am excited and scared all at the same time, but I know in a couple of weeks all of my fears and anxiety will be a thing of the past.  Thanks to this board, I know to expect pain and I know the pain will past eventually.  Knowing and accepting the inevitable is making me okay with my decision.

Prayer has helped me get this far and I know it will get you through too.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Monica P.
on 8/19/09 8:48 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with
Thanks Sherline, we'll be fine...I just know it. :)
(deactivated member)
on 8/19/09 12:51 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
It's normal what you are feeling/thinking.

I did the same thing when I had my breasts done last year and when I had my arms done in March of this year.  I had a small twinge of it yesterday when I wrote the BIG check for my upcoming surgery. 

I know what you mean about looking at too many pictures.  It's good to see the raw and ugly so it's not a shock when you see yourself but know that I'm educated on what to expect I don't look at the "new" pictures so much anymore, I mostly look at the ones that are a couple weeks or months out so you can see how nice they heal.  Trying to focus on the positive...

Try to keep you mind filled with all the good days ahead.  Yes we will feel like crap for the first week or two but that's a short time when you think of the many years ahead we will enjoy or new flat tummies.

Best when you are up to it post-op to let us know how you are.  I'll be right behind you having my TT a few days later....

Monica P.
on 8/19/09 8:49 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with
Thank you Ruth, and good luck to you and your surgery!!!
Cindy F.
on 8/19/09 2:12 am - Monterey Park, CA
VSG on 09/18/07 with
hey girlfriend.

I feel the same way as you do.  So excited for the body I have always dreamed about, then scared to death.  All in the same day hour you know the feeling. 

I gues we just have to push through it.  Because we have come so far and we want hot bodies right. 

Just know I am right there with you with all the same emotions.  I guess it is normal when facing something new. 

I had the same feelings when I had my sleeve.  And it was oh so worth it. 

We can do this!!!!!!!  We can support each other.

Hugs and kisses
 Cindy F  "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain" 
(deactivated member)
on 8/19/09 3:15 am
Being scared is your brain's way of telling you that you're NORMAL!!!

Because you WILL be on an operating table, you WILL be vulnerable to the skills, inspiraton, and talent of strangers, and believe me, you WILL hurt.

Someone is going to have to take care of you for a while.  And this is also scary.  I prepared a month's worth of meals in my freezer in advance . . . we're three weeks out and the teenagers have already consumed ALL of it, and then some.  

If you are staying with reliable people (at home with family, or at someone else's place) then ensure that that have some idea what's required.  Prepare to shop and have stuff delivered online or locally.  Get the things you will need to have onhand nearby -- portable phone, cell, earphones, laptop, deck of cards, knitting, magazines, books, newspapers, whatever . . .

And remember that we'll all be here to cheer you on when you are done being lifted!!!!

In the meantime, get yourself in top nutritional shape, and physical shape, and spiritual/emotional shape.  You're going to do great!

(PS -- I have friends in the entertainment industry locally who are absolutely addicted to plastics, it's kind of scary.  I don't know why they do this, but they do.  And when they go in, they are NOT agfraid, which just scares teh sh*t outta me.  Normal people are afraid.  Abnormal people -- not afraid.  So, you're in the right camp!)
Monica P.
on 8/19/09 8:52 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with

Oh Gawd! I didn't even think about what I would eat!!! WAH!!!!

Ok, one more thing to add to my pre-surgery checklist!! Thank you for the advice, and yes life in LA/Hollywood makes people weird!! I agree!! I'm glad I live outside the city!!

Susan Hegarty
on 8/19/09 5:22 am - Easton, PA
Hi Monica,
Like you, I was driving myself nuts looking at all the before and after pics and reading all the posts and possible complications.  My advise is STOP LOOKING!  What happens is that we drive ourself crazy and fill our head with all kinds of "what if's". 
Being scared is normal and healthy.  Just try to relax, make a list of all the reasons you want to have the surgery done.  Remember, no one if forcing you to do it, we choose to have it done.  After all is said and done, I am so happy I did it.  And as scared as I was, it was over so fast.  I am now 9 days post op and I couldnt be happier.  The incision will be on your bikini line and you wont even see it with a bathing suit on.  And as far as caring for yourself, you will be just fine.  The pain is manageable and as long as you have someone to help you for the first couple of days it will be a piece of cake!
Hang in there and best of luck !
Highest weight:439
Current Weight: 180
Goal weight: 160
**259 Lbs lost!!**


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