Drains vs no-drains on brachioplasty???
I was happy and surprised to wake up with no drains, I thought for sure I would, I honestly never asked just assumed. I had no problems, the brach surgery was a breeze for me, the worst of it was one stitch popped under my arm pit, but that healed over in a day or two and everything healed fine. I wish he had taken off more but I got what I got and look basically normal in a tank top now.
Good Luck
Hugs Heidi
Good Luck
Hugs Heidi
Thanks to ALL of you for your imput! I think I will go with my "gut" and select the more expensive surgeon...I guess sometimes you "get what you pay for"?? :-) I appreciate your taking the time to reply to my post...I'll let you know when I get my surgery scheduled...probably not until winter when I can take a few days off school...which is a question for another post....how much time do I need to be off work?? :-) Thanks again for your help!