NEED TO VENT - Anyone Feel The Same??
![Shocked]( sorry about the rant ladies, but I needed to get all of that out to a group that would understand what I am going through instead of my poor husband who is trying so hard to wait on me and be sympathetic, but is starting to cower in the corner when he sees me coming.
Cant wait to see my doc
Oh and one last tiny thing... I love my flat tummy
Does anyone else feel remotely the same?
Current Weight: 180
Goal weight: 160
**259 Lbs lost!!**
I'm w/ you. I'm going on 5 weeks post op LBL & brachio. Started back to work last week and am tired, my back aches and I'm tired of this last drain. It pulls and hurts w/ everything I do and doesn't seem to be slowing down to where it will be coming out soon.
I do love my flat belly and arms and would do it again in a second.
We're ALL with you!!!
I'm also seeing my doctor tomorrow. Three weeks since a shower . . . and not able to decide yet whether it's best to work up to my pain level, or better to avoid pain by remaining perfectly immobile, which makes me crazy.
Probably you're goin to lose some drains tomorrow, Susan. (Take pain meds before you go there, just in case.) And BTW -- Congratulations!!!
the beauty of ob is that we are here with you, I think we had our procedure three days apart, I understand what you are going thru. my drains were not draining so my doctors took them out. but it feels as if some cut me in half and sewed me back together tight. I was so busy thinking about surgery, and pain, I never plan for anything after. The heat is bad in NY, and i am tired of the air conditioner. when I took my first shower I passed out, good thing I paid attention to other people's journeys, and I Had My Man take a shower with me, and he was there to catch me.
but I keep thinking my chest is now my stomach, and I will be OK. soon and I am down 20 pounds, and have no hernia. is that not cool?
Why did someone tell me that their is nothing on TV during the day?
take care, one the drains are out it gets better