Kinesiotape anyone?
I am 3 weeks out, and am lucky to have a friend in the medical field of rehabilitation. She has been very kind about assessing my healin/scars, and has begun taping me with this special tape, using a sort of criss cross pattern. We started with the arms first, since they healed the fastest, and when she changed the tape I was pleasantly surprised. If my scars heal this thinly, I will be one happy camper. We did my thighs on Friday, and I'm going to do the tummy myself tonight. Of course, this means that when I take my 4 week pics, the scars will be taped, but as soon as this therapy is done, I will be sure to post pictures.
Of course I am compressed 24/7 and I massage several times a day. The website is or 1-888-344-tape (8273) You can even look up to see if there are any licenced providers in your state. If you follow the directions carefully, I believe you can even order it on amazon or wherever and try it yourself.
Diane B.
275# RNY 1-7-08 156# Dr. Bell Yale New Haven CT
Brachio - BA - TT - TL 7-8-09 Dr. Sauceda Mexico
Is this the same black tape that volleyball players were wearing during the summer olympics?
I got a sample of it at the SF Half Marathon and wore it around my knees because I read it would alleviate the soreness.....13 miles later, it works!! Didn't know it could aid in the healing of wounds, that's awesome!!
Diane B.
275# RNY 1-7-08 156# Dr. Bell Yale New Haven CT
Brachio - BA - TT - TL 7-8-09 Dr. Sauceda Mexico
This is what I used:
I wish I had kept the packaging because it made a significant difference on my knees. Usually once I cross the finish line I begin to hobble around because my knees begin to get stiff and hurt. I really thought this tape was a big hoax when I saw it on the Olymipcs but it works!!
Yes, its strethcy and my samples came in black and pink. It HURT to peel off though!! :)
Have a safe happy recovery!!
It has been great. It was applied in a criss/cross pattern to keep it thin once the scars were healed. Now I use it in a long strip to keep the scars from being too "raised". I would reccommend it!
Diane B.
275# RNY 1-7-08 156# Dr. Bell Yale New Haven CT
Brachio - BA - TT - TL 7-8-09 Dr. Sauceda Mexico