stopping the drains

on 7/23/09 11:53 am - Riverside, CA
Does anyone know of something that I can do to help the drains hurry up and drain so that I can get them removed?  I had a very large hernia repair and TT on the 8th and still have all FOUR drains in.  My ps first said they would stay in 10-14 days, but when I went in on day 12 they were all still producing, especially one, so he wanted them left in another week.  My next appointment is on Monday and it will be 19 days since surgery and the drains are still producing.  I am so afraid that he will want to leave them in another week if they don't slow down.  I need a shower soooooo bad and they really hurt at times.  There is only so much you can do with a washcloth.

Anyway, is there anything I can do to help with the fluid?  I do squeeze the tubes a couple times a day to help to declog anthing.  Anything else I can do?  I'm not really that active yet (still very tired), but maybe more walking?

Any advice would be appreciated.
on 7/23/09 3:12 pm - Northwood, IA
Hi Mary.

I am an RN and I can tell you if you are "stripping" them a couple times a day.  There is nothing else u can do I am afraid.  You are doing it all.  Trust me u don't want them out too early or you will end up with a seroma that will have to be aspirated with a needle.  I know they are a pain and I certainly cannot imagine as I had mine out way early at 8 days postop b/c I quit draining but hang in there.. this soon shall pass.  I will be saying drain prayers for you for speedy removal.

Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 7/24/09 12:01 am
I'm truely sorry, I know drains are such a pain but (I know you are tired of hearing this) necessary. I had mine out at 8 days post op but have a small incision that STILL oozes a little. You don't have to stop draining all together to have them removed though, I think its 24cc each drain a day and under.
I'm so over this recovery thing too, can't wait to be me again!

Highest weight:215/ Surgery day:199/ current:139/ Goal weight:130

on 7/24/09 1:17 am - San Diego, CA

Limiting salt and processed food may help. 

Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
on 7/24/09 1:18 am, edited 7/24/09 1:19 am - AUBURN HILLS, MI
Hi Mary, I know that the drains are VERY annoying, but don't be too anxious to get them out. I had 2 drains in for 3 weeks and another 1 drain in for 4 weeks. I know that sounds like a long time, but I have never had ANY problems with drainage, seromas, wound separation or any of the many problems I have seen on this board. I really feel that having my drains in for a little longer really helped. I am amazed at all the problems I see here and am so thankful that I never have had any of them. Better to be patient than sorry!! Good luck, you will love your PS when all the original hassle is over!!
High/VSG/Surgeon Goal/My Goal/Current 257/242/170/155/141  I love my sleeve!
5' 3.5"    Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Raymond Hajjar, Bingham Farms, MI   Extended TT, muscle repair, lipo & hernia repair 2/25/09  Direct neck lift and muscle repair  4/14/09  Short scar lower face lift, more neck work and lower bleph 9/15/09
on 7/24/09 7:45 am - Schenectady, NY

I am 10 days out today and am still left with 1 drain... that's only because the day following my LBL they had to reopen my entire incision because I was bleeding from some where... I think it's because of that that 2 of my drains fell out pre-maturely. I'm afraid to think how many I would still have if they didn't fall out.


The RN at my PS office gave me this really great advice.... as much as they are a pain think of it like this...... all of that fluid is not building up under your incision to cause a seroma or anything else..... and it's that much less fluid that your body had to process.... AND...... it's that much less swelling you will have... So we can hang in there togeather with our drains.......

While my PS was taking out my staples yesterday (again from the 2nd surgery......) and even with the numbness it still stung and burnt he said..... You need to go through a little pain to get the great results...... So what you're getting right now...... is just great results.... You'll thank him in 6 months when you look AWESOME !!!!

Hang tight. Hugs,

Lisa...   HW/ 314.7   SW/ 280   CW/ 180ish

RNY ~ 01/25/2008 Terrence Clarke (Ellis Hosptial Bariatric Center).... Lower Body Lift with butt lift and upper thigh lift ~  07/14/2009 Sanjiv Kayastha (K Plastic Surgery) -- LOVE IT !!!!

O. Kufi
on 7/24/09 11:40 am
Hi Mary

I dont have a magic answer for you but sending prayers your way for minimal pain and removal soon.

I know that they are important like everyone says but they can start to be uncomfortable.

Hold on prison release is coming soon!

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

on 7/24/09 12:22 pm
Hi Mary,
I had two drains following my LBL on April 27.  They were finally removed after 4 1/2 weeks.  It seemed like forever.  My plastic surgeon told me there was really nothing I could do to speed it up, it was really just the way my body reacted.  Sorry, not the answer you or I wanted.  He said the reason I had the drainage and swelling is because I am so long waisted.  Even after the drains were removed, because he just didn't want to leave them in any longer and there was some infection of the drain sites and fluid he still had to use a needle to pull out some fluid after the drains were removed.  And if that happens for you, don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds.  In fact it feels so much better when the fluid and pressure is gone. 

Just wanted to share my experience with you.  It wasn't fun, but I am very happy with the results and thrilled with the understanding and caring of my plastic surgeon during this process.

Best wishes to you,
Chris N
on 7/24/09 12:27 pm
Hi again Mary,

I was able to shower with my drains though.  My plastic surgeon allowed a shower with the drains the day after surgery.  Everyone seems to have different rules on that one.

on 7/24/09 4:37 pm - Riverside, CA
Thanks for all of the encouraging words.  I know that it is all for the best and I really trust my ps, but I was just hoping there was something I could do to speed things up.

I have an appointment on Monday, but I still don't think he will take them out.  One is still producing about 55cc a day.  The other three are producing 10-20cc a day.  He said last Monday it was because they had to do so much extra work because of the hernia (about 9 inches by 4 inches) and then the removal of 9 lbs. of skin and fat.

If he does leave them in, I know I will get through it because of all of the encouragement on this site and the sharing of so many others.  It makes it a little harder because I would not have had the tt if it had not been for the hernia.  I am just really tired of going through surgery and recovery.  I know the results will be great, I'm just tired of spending every summer in recovery.

Thanks again, I will let you know how things go.
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