What do you tell people about your plastics?

(deactivated member)
on 7/22/09 2:13 pm
Do you tell people about your plastic surgery?  Do you tell different htings to different people?  Do you say nothing at all?  Do you tell all? 

I am telling people that I'm having my gall bladder out, the old-fashioned way (six weeks recovery, heh heh).  This is chiefly because I have an aspbergers 9 year old who otherwise will get very into it and tell eVERYBODY, in muchh more detail than they want to know, every imaginable thing, and then I will have no privacy.  So ... since no one on earth remembers my FIRST gall bladder surgery 12 years ago, I am going in for gall bladder surgery (imagine that!) in exactly one week.

What did YOU do?  Or, what are you planning to say?
on 7/22/09 3:57 pm - UK
I told my immediate family the truth (unavoidable as I live with them) and now thanks to a combination of my Step Dad & Grandmother blabbing pretty much everybody knows I have had some kind of 'cosmetic' surgery.  

Uhm, I guess it is not so important to me but  I did find it a bit embarrasing when the guy who works on our cars was asking if my stomach had healed OK yet..........  I mean goodness knows how people manage to gossip this kind of stuff around  so quickly??    It is hardly an everyday conversation topic is it?

I think you are doing the right thing,  it is nobodies business and giving the gall bladder as an excuse is perfect as it gives you a reason to lay low for a few weeks.

on 7/22/09 9:56 pm - MN
It was easier for me to tell people about my plastics than it was WLS for some reason.  I would have to say that what or how much I tell people depends on the situation and how comfortable I am with that person.

I told my friends, my staff and some other people that I work with.  When I see people I haven't seen for awhile, sometimes I tell them, sometimes I don't.   For some people, it would just be TMI.  If anyone asked me outright, I would be honest, but no one has. 

I'm not at all embarrassed if people know.   If anyone thinks badly of me for it, so be it.  I wear my flat belly and new belly button proudly!!

~ BJ

    HW- 313  SW - 292   GW - 185  Current - 165
on 7/22/09 10:24 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
The truth.....I am proud of the fact that I lost 185 pounds, but had lots of extra skin on my legs that just drove me crazy so I elected to have it removed.
Gayle  6'2" 

on 7/22/09 11:51 pm - Central, FL
I paid damn good money for mine and plan on showing anyone who's interested and maybe even some who aren't...LOL  *kidding*  I just tell the truth and have no problem showing friends and family my results. I'm very proud of what my doctor's and I have accomplished!

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 7/22/09 11:53 pm - San Diego, CA
I don't tell people anything.  If they ask, I'll say I had some reconstructive surgery done and then let it drop - giving appropriate signals that I don't want to go into details.  There are lots of jealous and/or mean people out there who like to make you the discussion topic of their gossip sessions. . . . . .  it's nobody's business. 

Why do you think that celebrities keep it a secret?
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
Sally W.
on 7/23/09 12:03 am - IA
I'm not calling my surgery cosmetic, because I am having the excess skin removed to improve the quality of my life!  I have already improved it by losing weight, now I just need to not have skin to stuff into my pants or slap against my leg when i try to do things!  Hopefully I won't have my back pain issues either!
on 7/23/09 1:19 am
Let me start out by saying that you need to do what YOU need to do, but..........
It drives me crazy when people aren't truthful. When I had WLS I became the poster child for it and in the process helped out MANY people. At work, 5 other people have had WLS after me and they thank me for being an open book. The same has been for the plastics, it seems natural to do this after WLS, people are very accepting of it. It really is reconstructive surgery, not cosmetic. You have excess skin, not a few wrinkles or crooked nose.
I flash my boobs and show my TT scar to everyone! As a matter of fact, I was in the salon a few weeks ago and was walking hunched over. The hairdresser asked me what happened so I told her about my plastics. She really wanted a BR but didn't know how to go about it, after our talk, she was able to start the procedure with the insurance comp.
I walk around with  a "before" WLS pic, I pull it out once in a while to inspire others.
BTW, my son too is very TALKATIVE, he told everyone at school (teachers, parents, classmates). They knew about the drains, stitches, and the Vicodin!!! They all were more concerned than judgemental.

Highest weight:215/ Surgery day:199/ current:139/ Goal weight:130

on 7/23/09 1:42 am
My family (mother, kids, cousin, & aunt) knew what was going on becuase they were there. I told people I was going to see a man about a dog and left it at that. I haven't gone back to work yet but two co-workers seen me out in oublic and they said I looked good. I didn't tell them anything so I think they figured it out on their own. If not I really don't care. My co-workers have a habit of making things up and they feel free to share it with the kids as well. So I don't tell them nothing unless they are very close to me. A lady that used to be my workout partner told everyone at the gym that I had a tummy tuck. I'm going to talk to her today about telling my story. She was out of place and can't no one tell my story like I can. Good luck with what ever you decide. Plus with my surgery I lost 20 lbs so it's very noticable.
on 7/23/09 5:01 am - phila., PA
I am very proud of my RNY and my Plastic Surgery. I tell anyone & I tell them the truth I have helped several people hae |WLS because they saw how well I did and the same with Plastics, several friends have had the same procedures that I had because they saw how well it all looke afterward ,  I will show anyone my pix before & after and I will also show them the real thing. I am proud of every scar on my body
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