Pre-Op appt for brachioplasty

on 7/16/09 7:09 am - Orlando, FL
Well, it's official.  I had my pre-op yesterday and paid for my surgery in full.  My surgery date is next Friday at 11 am and I am ecstatic.  I can't wait, but I must admit, I have some butterflies in my stomach now.  The nurse said I am in excellent health so I should have no complications!!
O. Kufi
on 7/16/09 9:56 am

It is so exciting. The butterflies will pass, its normal. My arms were a huge issue for me, I am so glad I had it done, anything was better than what I had but I am truly so much happier.

Dr Sauceda you ROCK!

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

on 7/16/09 11:20 am - Orlando, FL
Thanks Antonette, I can't beleive the time is almost here.  :)
on 7/16/09 1:41 pm - Canada
Hi Antonette.  I just had my anchor tummy tuck and breast lift June 29th.  I am setting up a consult for early august on a date to have my arms done.  The nurses are saying the arms are much fast er to recover from over tt and breast lift.  I have to fit this in to 2 weeks my office is closed for holidays.  I returned to work 2 weeks to the day of tt surgery so my question to you it possible to return to work after 2 weeks for my arms to or am i dilutional?

I hope your doing well and sorry i interupted this blog.

I now return you to your regularily scheduled program  LOL  LOL


O. Kufi
on 8/1/09 1:34 pm
Hi Wendy

I missed your post somehow, I 'm sorry. Anyway I think its possible to go back to work after 2 weeks from an arm lift. You wont be miserable but you might be a little uncomfortable. For me wearing the garment helps. Since it will be one procedure I am sure you will knock it out. But I definitely would not overdue it.


We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

on 7/16/09 10:59 am - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
Awesome!  I had brachio last week, so we will almost be bat-wing-less sisters :-)

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

on 7/16/09 11:21 am - Orlando, FL
How cool Dorothy!  Antonette had quite a few things done at once, so for you on a scale of 1-10, how bad is the pain for the brachio?  How soon was it before you could move your arms??
on 7/16/09 10:28 pm - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
Oh, pain was minimal, maybe a 2.  Mostly just a little throbby.  It does scream at me if I forget and lean on an incision, like first thing in the morning getting out of bed.  At first, I found myself forgetting I'd had surgery -- you know, I'd wake from the dead and go to hoist myself out of bed.  OW OW OW!  But it is kind of like hitting a skinned knee -- brief OW and it's over.  The doc gave me hydrocodone for pain, which I used the first day or two sort of as a "Oh, why not, I've got the stuff" thing.  Now, I take a couple before I go to bed each night, because it does help me sleep (I've suffered for years from insomnia and try to take as little stuff as possible, but I've enjoyed sleeping like a log the past week!)

I could move my arms from the beginning, unlike some folks.  I've never really had any lack of movement ... which may have been to my detriment.  I've used my arms more than I should have, I'm sure.  That may be why I'm bruised really badly -- black and blue from shoulder to wrist!  But the surgeon saw it yesterday and said it looks fine to him.  I do tend to bruise really REALLY easily.  But I live alone, so I've done a few things I might have asked someone else to do if there had been someone here.  That said, I really have been very careful -- no lifting, etc.

Anyway, best wishes on your surgery!  You will do just fine :-)            --Dorothy

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

on 7/16/09 10:53 pm - Orlando, FL

Thanks so much for the info!  that makes me feel better.  I'll have plenty of help, so it sounds like I'll be fine.  I can deal with soreness and the sporadic ow moments.  :)

on 7/16/09 11:50 am
Very exciting!!! Good luck to you!! May I ask what plastic surgeon you are going with.  I live in the central fla area and I am just starting my research.

Revision Band to Sleeve scheduled 10/29

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