Excess Skin Surgery - Anyone Out There?

on 7/4/09 3:05 pm - United Kingdom
Hi All!

Im 22, and iv lost about 57kgs over the last few years, iv still got 14kgs to go before im at ideal body weight. ( which in pounds means 303 - to currently 185 - i just figured out the conversions! ) 

Iv been to see the surgeons on the Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons list in the Uk and one of them recommended me to look into the procedures in America.

So many ppl have had body contouring surgery, and some of the results look gr8. Has anyone used the Body contouring clinic in Iowa? Its a plastic surgery clinic that has soo many weight loss patients photos online, plus the surgeons have written a book for other surgeons to carry out weight loss surgery on weight loss patients.

I think il need a brachioplasty, and a fluer dis lis type abdominoplasty with a thigh lift. However after studying the sites, I think I would get the lower body lift, and though the scar is 360 degrees round i think it might mean, no thigh lift.

Iv done it all thru diet and exercise, but still feel huge.. though im so much closer to goal than ever before. Im 5.7 n im about 84kg now, hieght wise I want to be 70kg before the surgery, which i intend to do next summer. Im flying out to the states in a few weeks, to meet with some plastic surgeons.

Has anybody had the excess skin removal surgery post massive weight loss?? 

Who did u use? Why? There r sooo many clinics - but I cant seem to tell why anyone is better than any other... Has anyone used surgeons from Baylor Medical Centre or Harverd ? 

Whats life like post ops? 

Iv got soo many questions!! Would be really grateful if anyone has had any of the procedures or any insight on surgeons or surgery.

MustBeSkinny ('',) x
on 7/4/09 3:24 pm - UK
Hi, I'm 23 and also from the UK.... Most people on these boards have had excess skin removal surgery, that is what the forum is all about basically.    My weight went from approx 225kg to around 115kg now....... also did mine through diet and exercise over a long period. I'm male and 6ft 5 so my weight is still a little over ideal but with my height and large bone structure I look basically normal.

You are correct in that if you want to see before and after pictures you have to turn to websites based in the USA - I believe this is something to do with the rules in the UK, I think it is against government  guidelines for UK surgeons to post pictures on websites or something similar, although you can see photos if you go and get a consult.

If you problem is really bad you may be able to get some treatment on the NHS - I was unsuccessful but that doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try and get it done free of charge does it?

Personally my problem was pretty extereme and I have had many operations and quite a few revisions to get things perfect.   I would recommend the lower body lift or belt lipectomy for removing the flabby skin all the way around the lower/mid body, the recovery is a bit rough but the results are worth it - it even pulls up the outer thigh and pubic areas.

the arm-lift for me was probably one of the most rewarding surgeries, but beware it seems quite tricky to get right first time and the arms do seem prone to quite heavy, thick scarring.

Post op your confidence will obviously be hugely increased and you will fit in so many more clothes - just don't expect the surgery to remove massive amounts of weight, because it usually does not.

I had all mine done in the UK so I can't really comment on what American clinc to use.
on 7/4/09 8:35 pm
I used David E. Morales at Baylor Univerisity Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. He is great
on 7/4/09 10:07 pm - United Kingdom


Baylor medical center is in dallas, iv read some stuff about it - my aunt is a doctor in Hostoun... why did u go for that particular surgeon ? 

What procedures did u have? ( if u dont mind me asking! ) 

MustBeSkinny! ('',) x

on 7/4/09 10:06 pm - United Kingdom
Hi bigV! Congrats on ur weight loss! Well done!! 

I spoke to the surgeons in Uk on the list of aesthetic plastic surgeons, iv had consultations in Dubai as well as here.. it was actually one the Plastic Surgeons here that told me the results are much better in the states, just because its been a procedure thats been done there for so long.

I shouldve qualified for free treatment on NHS but they have some stupid rule that it all had to be done on weiigh****chers otherwise it doesnt really count. I dont no if they told u the same thing - but it annoyed me immensely.

If you dont mind me asking how many ops did u end up having - and how many revisions? and what surgeon here did u use and why? Coz all the surgeons I spoke to here didnt have a clue about the extended brachioplasty and belt lipectomys the surgeons in america seem to know about, actually I found this one clinic in Iowa - which is just for wieght loss patients - and the results look terrific - the surgeons at the clinic have also written a book for other surgeons on massive weight loss patients.

Im asain and so were prone to scarring - So i expect celloids n heavy scarring everywhere they operate pretty much.. as a patient on the other side - are the scars totally worth it ? How log after the belt lipectomy did u resume normal activity? Im a total dancer and have been for years.. after ops - I really hope i can still hip hop and dance coz - thats just jumping up n down n all ovr the place all the time - i wondered if the scars or the ops would mean i couldnt on the other side of it. How long is the healing process? 

Im about 14kgs from Goal - but have totally platued!! How do ppl lose the last bit?? Didnt help that I just sat my finals - so my beloved gym has been out the picture for a while - but - the last few months did result - I just graduated this week with my masters in Pharmacy !! :D 

sorry for the 100 questions! n btw - uv lost like double what i have n ur like just a year older - how did u do it?? 

Mustbeskinny ('',) 

on 7/5/09 4:30 pm, edited 7/5/09 4:33 pm - UK
On July 5, 2009 at 5:06 AM Pacific Time, mustbeskinny wrote: Hi bigV! Congrats on ur weight loss! Well done!! 

I spoke to the surgeons in Uk on the list of aesthetic plastic surgeons, iv had consultations in Dubai as well as here.. it was actually one the Plastic Surgeons here that told me the results are much better in the states, just because its been a procedure thats been done there for so long.

I shouldve qualified for free treatment on NHS but they have some stupid rule that it all had to be done on weiigh****chers otherwise it doesnt really count. I dont no if they told u the same thing - but it annoyed me immensely.

If you dont mind me asking how many ops did u end up having - and how many revisions? and what surgeon here did u use and why? Coz all the surgeons I spoke to here didnt have a clue about the extended brachioplasty and belt lipectomys the surgeons in america seem to know about, actually I found this one clinic in Iowa - which is just for wieght loss patients - and the results look terrific - the surgeons at the clinic have also written a book for other surgeons on massive weight loss patients.

Im asain and so were prone to scarring - So i expect celloids n heavy scarring everywhere they operate pretty much.. as a patient on the other side - are the scars totally worth it ? How log after the belt lipectomy did u resume normal activity? Im a total dancer and have been for years.. after ops - I really hope i can still hip hop and dance coz - thats just jumping up n down n all ovr the place all the time - i wondered if the scars or the ops would mean i couldnt on the other side of it. How long is the healing process? 

Im about 14kgs from Goal - but have totally platued!! How do ppl lose the last bit?? Didnt help that I just sat my finals - so my beloved gym has been out the picture for a while - but - the last few months did result - I just graduated this week with my masters in Pharmacy !! :D 

sorry for the 100 questions! n btw - uv lost like double what i have n ur like just a year older - how did u do it?? 

Mustbeskinny ('',) 

The NHS will use any excuse not to pay for this type of surgery - then there is the issue of whether or not they actually have enough qualified & experienced plastic surgeons to perform these type of operations on massive weight loss patients.

I have no doubt that this type of thing is not common place in the UK like it is in the US, so finding someone experienced and confident enough to do the operations is tough.

My Surgeon is Paul Levick  (I went with him because he was the only doctor I met who didn't treat me like a freak show when the saw my skin issues, and he has a top reputation for correcting gynecomastia).........I have had 7 operations, infact I have almost been his personal project for the last 18 months!- but I should say I had massive amounts of loose skin on every part of my body.   I had a belt lipectomy (lower body lift), gynecomastia correction (manboobs), brachioplasty (arm lift), Inner thigh lift/tuck (scar all the way to the knee), and a buttock reduction/tightening which is kind of a made up procedure.....  not sure if my surgeon has ever done one before me but the results have turned out great as the scar is hidden in the lower thigh/buttock crease........................... I then also had a couple of revisions to remove even more skin, such as having the top 50% of my arms done again and further skin removed from the tummy.

I followed the weigh****chers diet for about 2.5 years and the weight flew off, keeping it off after stopping WW was the difficult part - I rebounded and gained 3.5stone back and then had to lose that again before plastic surgery, and I am still a tad overweight but no longer super obese so you can't have everything.  I'm so glad I managed it when I did because I don't think I would have the mental strength to do it again now.  I had to lose the weight to get on with my life, as I was completely agoraphobic & social phobic from the age of 14 to 17.5 basically, losing the weight gave me the confidence boost I needed to actually step out the front door.

Basically every bit of loose, saggy skin can be swapped for a scar - planning where the scars are going to go is the important part.   I am mixed race black caribbean & white, I too suffer from quite thick, hypertrophic scars - so the surgery is a trade off between skin and scars........ but they do fade in time.

I notice you said you have just done a pharmacy degree?  What university did you go to and how did you find it?  How hard is the course and what are the mix of other people like??   Did you need work experience to get onto the Pharmacy masters course, if so how did you go about getting it?

  I missed out on all my secondary school / further education (no GCSE's or A-levels) and I am planning on getting into a local college to do a science  based  Access course as soon as I have finished with all this surgery.............. Pharmacy is top of my list of things I would like apply to study, as I understand many Uni's will now accept Access courses as an entry route.

sorry for all the questions!

on 7/6/09 4:23 am - United Kingdom

I know what u mean, and my dad was a GP too, its kind of pathetic - u think with obseity being the no.1 problem in Uk they would encourage and help such patients! 

The actual surgeons I came across were the ones tht told me to go to the states - and iv spent the last year researching.. kinda..

I never did wiegh****chers.. I Just gymed it like a crazy freak 7 times a week with 800 calorie work outs - but then the degree got so hard n it was too hard to manage the time and not eat carbs! Last 3 months I didnt go to the gym - and ATE carbs non-stop - and for the first time in my life something made me cry more than all this had! lol so it IS possible!!  But I think becoz by now my whole metabolism has changed - i didnt really put on any weight apart from like 2kg - which i couldnt believe! ( though it is the first time in 4 yrs iv ever gone up a kg at all! so kinda hard dealing with it..) 

My God uv had 7 operations!! and u also have the scar thing im gona have!!! Ur an inspiration - seriously - iv come across so many wieght loss patients - but few are really near my age - or did it through my route! I told my dad about u! He was really proud too! :D 

Pharmacy wise - well - to be honest - it wasnt my career of choice - but I just did it - coz it pays well and its a flexible job. Until this year, I didnt like it much, and becoz of the obsession with wieght loss - I wasnt a gd student - i would runa away from lectures to the uni gym - n watch the 10 6 pack guys the one size 0 girl and me !!! haha..

But after studying a lot and kinda gettin my first ever resit in 3rd yr - I studied alot in final year - n finals were AWFUL!!! More so, becoz the more I studied, the more I realised - how much I should already know! But - on this side of it - I really do like it ( almost?!) Its really tough, and u need to know sooo much stuff drs need to know, especially to practice in hospital - but I guess studying pharmacy and doing all my weight loss kinda taught me so much more about my body and about how what was working on me - and so I understood what i was doing and what I had done and what I could do to make it all work better? 

And so I really do like it - plus everyday wen u go to work - u help someone - u give them medicines or fix some problem they have or catch something thts gona get worse.. so there is a lot of Job satisfaction - which was really important to me.

I went to strathclyde university in Glasgow, I actually got into the School of Pharmacy in london too - but then coz i got into Glasgow I decided to stay home. I havent heard about access course entries - but im sure there is a way in - possibly easier if u did a levels tho - coz i think they r harder and they stand for more, in scotland we have highers n advanced highers. Pharmacy is a great course coz unlike other courses in science - its actually a job on the other side. However as it is a masters condensed into 4 years instead of 5 /6 in normal courses -so ur timetable is really hectic and not set - we had a different schedule everyday! 

to get into pharmacy u need really strong chemistry and maths - and biology would help too! 

So how long since u had all the surgery? and what are ur scars settling like?? God dont u think its test enough having to do it all - never mind dealing with surgery and scars! It actually terrifies my whole soul. I wish I didnt need them! Like SOOO bad. But Im well proud of u mate, I mean thts a lot of surgery and uv done amazingly!!!! How did u lose so much?? all thru weigh****chers? Iv soo hit plateau and doing atkins again now - but i no thts not really tht good for me - it breaks down a lot of muscle and it affects ur cardiac muscle in ur heart too.. hmmm..

Where is ur surgeon in UK? Coz I wouldve liked to have done it here.. but didnt really trust the drs.... Im going to the states to have a few consultations coz there is this one clinic and from the day iv seen it - i dont know - it feels right. And then - thru finals my sister met this make up girl in Debenhams, thts from the same city in america as the clinic I want to go to - AND shes used that clinic and had surgery there!!! - A SIGN or what? 

Uv come sooo far, just really get stuck into education now - and u no wen u become really good at other things - u stop defining urself as a number on a scale - tho i think i always will a bit.. actually gettin that degree made me realise - that yeh it is really important, but i think finally to me - its not absolutely everything. Which is hard to come away from - coz to able to do somethin as crazy as this - it does become absolutely everything for a good long time.. but anyways well done! 
And feel free to ask as many pharmacy questions as u like :) 

on 7/6/09 5:15 am - UK
Hi, the Pharmacy sounds interesting, difficult but not impossible.   I will be starting from scratch with all my subjects as I literally dropped out of school by the age of 14.............   I'm hoping I can get entry via an access to science course with extra chemistry  and maths modules............. as I really don't facny studying A-levels with a bunch of spotty 17yr olds in college!

Anyhow, my surgeon is based at the Priory Hospital (BMI healthcare), Birmingham.      I had my first surgery Jan 2008, and my latest one 11 days ago......... I was hoping to get my stitches out today but they are not ready yet.

The scars from the early surgeries are starting to fade very nicely now.  Scars seem to go through stages - they look great for the few few weeks after surgery, then they go red, raised (bit itchy too) and kind of thick and ugly looking.. then they soften up and go a lighter colour and fade away over the next 6 or more months.     I think mixed race/asian people are not really blessed with great genetics in terms of leaving pretty scars unfortunately.

Are you still dieting?   Make sure you get your weight stable before even considering surgery - the pain isn't too bad but you don't want to go through it twice because you spoiled the results with further weight loss or fluctuation.

I also love to work out, one of the biggest challenges for me is NOT working out after surgery before I get the all clear to do so.

I hope your consults in the US go well

on 7/6/09 10:55 am - United Kingdom
Well as far as pharmacy goes, call up the universities ur interested in going to and ask about entry qualifications - becoz - even for strathclyde - the entry says BBBB at higher - but most ppl had AAABB, and its really competitive - with entry being 20 to 1, and almost AA must for chem and maths, but depends on the school on pharmacy, the ones in london asked me for 2 Advanced highers but for english students its 3 A levels. I have heard about a few access courses n HnD etc for entry into some schools - but not positive about how they r developing for science, but im sure ul find out.

I still want to lose 14 kgs b4 ops but Im not doing the surgeries till next June, just going out for consultations right now, iv changed my workout now so its concentrating more on toning - and becoz we are still young every few months i feel my muscle tone get better, the weird thing was - the skin got better in the months I didnt go to the gym - and my clothes dropped size.

I know wat u mean about working out, its pretty addictive - it actually raises ur cortisol level and balances out so many toxins, but be careful coz it can stretch out scars if u go too soon! 

I know the scars will be awful, and iv heard of ppl that end up with mental issues later becoz of the scarring. Iv even heard of pateints that after all the ops - put all the weight back on, but usually thats when they havent had a lifestyle change.

Did u ever feel like u couldnt lose anymore? What do u do to kickstart weightloss again? 

What was your latest op for? Hope the stitches come out soon! 

Mustbeskinny ('',)
on 7/4/09 9:22 pm - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
Hi, mustbe!  Oh yeah, skin!  I had a tummy tuck and breast reduction in 2002 when I'd lost a bunch of weight.  One of the best things I ever did for myself.  The tummy tuck was painful at first, but I've never looked back.  Now that I've had weight loss surgery and have lost over 100 pounds, my tummy and breasts have held up well, but I have serious bat wing issues going on.  I will have brachioplasty this Friday with Dr. Joseph M. Woods, IV in Atlanta.  He operates out of Piedmont Hospital.  He is the one I used for the 2002 procedures, and several of my friends have used him as well.  He does absolutely beautiful work and is a wonderful person -- voluteers a month every summer to go to poorer countries and do facial surgery on kids with cleft palates and facial deformities.  I recommend him whole-heartedly.  Best wishes on your quest!

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

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