The fluid has found its way out!

on 6/29/09 1:40 pm - Huddleston, VA
My PS has had to draw fluid off my belly 4 times.  The first time he pulled off about 600cc's.  Four days later, he pulled off 800cc's.  Two days later, he pulled off 380cc's.  Five days later (last tues), he pulled off about 360cc's and he then injected Tetracycline back into my belly to help stop the fluid build up.  (He said it is irritating to the tissue.)  I jumped up and down (literally) for 20 mins and he then pulled off the medicine.  That night, I spiked a temp of 102.8 and felt like crap!  I called his office the next am and was told it was prob a reaction to the tetracycline and he put me on antibiotics.  (I have ran a low grade temp since surgery with no obvious sign of infection.)  He even tested the fluid he drew off my belly the first time and it came back negative for any infection. 

Now, the day after he injected me with the tetracycline, I went camping for 4 days with my family.  After 2 days of taking the antibiotics, I felt better than I had in a while!  Temp was back to normal.  Sat night when I was taking a shower at the bath house, I noticed 2 areas on my lower *nicely healed* suture line.....down near my *hoo hoo*....that was bulging out a little.....almost like a zit that needed to be popped.  So, I pressed against it and burst.  And out comes the fluid....same color as the fluid he's been pulling off my belly.  Only a little came out that night so I put a bandage on it and went to sleep.  We were packing up early to come home the next day anyway, so once I got home, I got in the shower and expressed a BUNCH of fluid.  It wouldn't stop!  I have kept an ABD pad on it since then and it is continuing to drain.  No smell to it, running a fever of 99.  I called the PS today to let them know and he was happy it was draining.  WELL, I'm not happy that my nicely healed suture line is now open!  I have an appt to see him tomorrow anyway so I'll see what is said.  I have one more day of antibiotics.  I did notice it has slowed down draining tonight. 

Has anyone else had this kind of a problem?  I will be 6 wks out this Wed from surgery.  I guess I am just ready to get on with going to the gym and swimming in the pool, etc and this whole fluid build up is getting old!  I'm told this is not "uncommon"......

on 6/29/09 9:23 pm
I didn't have to have any fluid drawn out of me. However, I did develop a fluid build up and it found it's way out of my belly button. My doc said my drain was working properly perhaps due to me wearing pants. My belly button drain for drained steadily for about a week and then it slowed down. Now it appears to be healing. I know what you mean about getting back to the gym and swimming. My plans are to hit the gym on Monday which will put me at 31 days post op. I won't swim until after eight weeks. Good luck to you.
Melissa M.
on 6/30/09 9:16 am - Seabrook, TX
So sorry to hear about all the draining issues, but glad that it is coming out.  Hopefully once it stops draining it will heal well and you won't have a noticeable scar.  It just amazes me how well some people heal the first few weeks and then all of a sudden something like this happens.

Hope things only get better from here on out. Keep us posted!
on 6/30/09 4:55 pm - UK
I think this draining issue although unpleasant is fairly normal, especially if you are very active and building up a lot of fluid only a short time after surgery.

I know I had my inner legs/thigs done last year, I healed really quickly and I went back to the gym very early on.................. whilst doing some exercise there my left leg exploded and gushed red, watery fluid everywhere and then continued to drain for a good fweek afterwards............... luckily the gym was very quiet at the time!

I have also experienced a seroma after having my tummy tuck and I can say it did seem to make me feel crap and run a slight fever despite being on antibiotics and having no visible signs of infection.

on 7/1/09 1:01 am - Huddleston, VA
I saw him yest for a check up and he is happy the fluid is draining itself.  It is barely draining anymore so hopefully it is drying up.  No fevers.  The area that opened is already on my old suture line so it shouldnt cause a new scar.  He wants to see me again in 2 wks.  Back to work next weekend.  Whew.....I didn't think the fluid would stop gushing there at one point.  But it has.

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