1 Week Post LBL Update + Pics

Melissa M.
on 6/24/09 11:11 am, edited 6/24/09 11:50 am - Seabrook, TX

Just came from the Dr for my one week post op appt and he said everything is healing nicely.  He removed one of my two drains since it had slowed down to almost nothing.  The other is still draining quite a bit so we're hoping to get that one taken out next week.  Now we just have to wait and see that I don't have any fluid build up since the one drain was removed.  Hopefully not.  I have lots of swelling and lots of bruising on my back and thighs.  He just emphasized not to overdo anything because that is what sets people back.  He said people get to feeling better and start lifting baskets of laundry or start trying to bend over and all it takes is one wrong move and then you have a wound separation.  So needless to say I don't want that to happen.  Not a problem now since I'm still tired but I can see that happening easily.  

The pain really tapered off over the weekend.  I was nauseous for a couple of days but that went away.  I tell you the trip to the ER on the night I was released from the hospital was a nightmare.  That was the first day I actually got up to walk, and that night I walked more from 1030pm to 2am than I have this whole first week! Plus they wanted me to lay as flat as possible to do the ultrasound on my groin area and thigh.  Thank God my Dr was there in the room with me holding my hand the whole time.  He was awesome!  The whole ER staff was believe or not.  But talk about pain pain pain.  I swear every time I sat down it was time to get up!  Anyhow, I was so relieved when that was all over and I could finally just rest in my recliner.  The pain is gone for the most part and now I just feel like a big stuffed sausage!

So after my appointment my daughter and I stopped by Church's on my way back for a "protein stop" and I got me some yummy chicken strips.  No biscuit or fries, just strips.  I like that kind of protein!  Didn't eat much but they sure hit the spot.  My son went to see Transformers with a friend this afternoon so I've had a nice quiet afternoon to rest.  It was nice getting out actually even though I dreaded having to get enough energy to get up and get dressed.  I was feeling pretty down being locked in my house feeling like crap.  I feel better now.  It really made a difference.

I posted some before and after pics of my LBL but you have to be a friend to see the link to them on a separate website.  They removed 10 pounds of skin.  Wasn't brave enough to post the BL but they look nice too!

Kristina M.
on 6/24/09 11:26 am - North East, MD
 Just keep resting and I hope you have a speedy recovery. It will all be worth it in the end. BUT REST REST REST even when you think you feel better YOU DONT!!!! LOL 
Melissa M.
on 6/24/09 2:15 pm - Seabrook, TX
That's what I'm worried about.  I managed to make some dinner tonight in the crockpot so it wasn't too bad, but still.  I just need to sit still!!
Kristina M.
on 6/24/09 9:43 pm - North East, MD
well I guess I should have taken picture of the open wounds I had and my husband having to pack them 3 times a day with that medicated gauze lol bet even if ya felt better you'd rest then. But I'll go a head and get graphic for ya cause EVERY TIME he would pull them out alllllll this nice ***** fluid stuff would ooze out and then he would have to squeeze the site to make sure as much of the fluid came out as possible then id need to sit down and rest i think it was more mental yuck then physical. then with the end of a wooden Q-tip he would have to poke that gauze stuff backkkkk in 3 count them 3 times a day. SOOOOOO rest let someone else make dinner let people pamper you lol. pretend you are at a spa and they are all cabana boys Ring a bell lol. ok im done!!
on 6/24/09 11:29 am - Phenix City, AL
Hi Melissa!
SO glad you got a good check up today! Thanks also for the reminder to take it easy. I'm two weeks out today and just yesterday and today feel A LOT better and beginning to want to do stuff around the house like laundry, the diswasher etc... However I do not want any open wounds so I'll remember that every time I feel the urge to get busy. 
I can see right now I'm going to need to get my Mom to bring me a couple of her books over. I'll need something to occupy my mind other than Facebook. 
I go tomorrow for my 2 week check up. I have some hip sutures that are not healing properly but they are not open. I'm anxious to see what he says about them. They are very tender!
Good luck on getting the 2nd drain out next week!

HW 314, SW 287, PS Weight 198, CW 181

Panniculectomy/Anchor TT   06-10-09 

7.4cc in 10cc band 

Melissa M.
on 6/24/09 2:18 pm - Seabrook, TX
I hope your hip surtures don't open up. Just keep taking it easy and hopefully everything will heal niceley.  My butt sure does hurt from sitting on it for so long though!
DS Facts
on 6/24/09 11:41 am
It's great to hear you are doing well Melissa and be sure to take it easy. Keep us posted on your progress and recovery.

Melissa M.
on 6/24/09 2:18 pm - Seabrook, TX
Thanks Bev! 
on 6/24/09 1:52 pm - Northern CA
Hi Melissa,

glad to hear you are on your recovery journey.  Yes take it easy, the more tension the greater chance of a separation.  Eat, eat, eat.  I know it is hard for the first few weeks, but you need protein and calories to heal. 

Your pics look great and the auto aug looks wonderful as well.  Expect swelling for quite awhile.  but you may be one of the lucky ones who don't have so much.

Keep rested!

5' 1, 221pds to 120pds, BMI: 42.5 to 22.8, Size 22WP to 2P.  
Dr. Agha-Newport Beach, CA:  
12.29.08:TT/LBL/UTL/BL/Butt Aug!
 5.10.09: Face/Neck Lift,Implants,lipo, lower eyelids,fat transfer

Melissa M.
on 6/24/09 2:25 pm - Seabrook, TX
Gosh, I hope your right!  I was able to eat better today actually.  I'm trying to focus on protein right now.  It sure is tough getting it all in though.  I just can't drink the procare like I had hoped.
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