Update on Jasmine/seroma

on 6/24/09 8:21 am - Clayton, NC
Hey guys just a quick update.  But you all know about the seroma/fluid build up at my drain sites.  Well my drain sites were in my pubic area.  Well yesterday I saw my Surgeon Dr. Stoeckel and thought he was just going to drain the area again.  NOPE!  He said that I just bought myself another drain.

So we put another drain in and before we left it drained over 250 ccs and then by the time I got  home I had to empty it again because it had another 75 ccs so in the matter of an hour 325ccs and this morning it was another 75ccs.

So I don't know what went on with the drains I had before but between the two they never put out this much.

But I wanted to give you guys an update.  Feel free to ask any questions.

on 6/24/09 10:09 am
Oh my God was that painful? I'm assuming he replaced the drains in the office. I sure hope you feel better soon.
Nicole P.
on 6/24/09 12:11 pm - NH
hopefully this will solve the seroma prbblem...it beats having to go back in and having it drained all the time.  Keep us posted though. I am going through the seroma thing right now too.  I had 60 cc drained yesterday and I still feel some in there but we will wait and see what happens for a few days.

lap band 7/12/07, port revision 2/09
TT, lipo, BA 6/5/09

/present/goal/surgeons goal
250      148    160       150

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/09 10:20 pm
on 6/27/09 10:36 pm - Clayton, NC
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the support. I am feeling okay.  It didn't hurt but by the timeI got home the numbing medication started to where off.

Yesterday on 64 ccs in a 24hr period.  That is alot better that 325ccs.  The down side is I drove on Friday and did a lot of run of round errands.  By the evening time on Friday my right leg was swollen from hip to ankle,drain site was irritated, and I was running a fever of 100.6.

My mom told me to take some aleve, we got me to bed with my feet  up and cold compresses on my drain site and forehead.  Needless to say Saturday I was feeling tired and weak. But my temp. was normal and my right leg looked normal.  THANK GOD!!

Anyway I am now having and lot of clear fluid with blood clots and tissue coming out of my drain. It is kind of freaky seeing those long dark red and white worm looking things coming out.  I am also seeping around my drain site.  I have an appointment with my doctor on July 13th for my check up. at which time the drain will come out.  I just hope I can make it that long with out any else happening.

My plan is to do as little as possible for the next 2 weeks and pray that nothing else happens.

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