
Jessica H.
on 6/19/09 1:23 pm - Johnson City, TN
I have been an emotional wreck today.  Granted, I was going through a lot before the surgery - and today I started feeling worse.  I've actually got a low grade fever, chills, and aches.  This, of course, made me cry even more.  My doctor isn't concerned...he says I'm too far out for it to be related to my surgery and my incision still looks great.  Has anyone else been a little down?  Okay, I'm more than a little down - but I'm doing better now.  I was aksing myself why I did this knowing how stressed out I already was....convinced I'm never going to feel any better....looking at my house and everything that needs to be done and knowing I can't do it....not being able to go anywhere...not many visitors....not being able to sleep...I'm just down.  Any words of encouragement from someone who's been there?


highest/surgery/current/GOAL!  *Below Goal!*

(deactivated member)
on 6/19/09 1:55 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Jessica,
So sorry you are feeling so bad.  I can relate.
Most of my family is still not talking to me since I moved out of state.  It's been very difficult to go through all this plastic surgery stuff all alone.  After my arm lift I spend 2 or 3 days in such a low funk I didn't think I'd be able to dig myself out.  But the sun came out and I started to get back to my old self.

I feel so bad you are going through all of this alone....wish I could do something to help you out.

Please post often, you have people here who will give you friendly support and comfort.

Get plenty of rest...you need your strength to recover.

Here's a hug......hope it helps a little to know someone is thinking of you and sending well wishes your way.  Hang in there!!

on 6/19/09 2:05 pm - Middletown, RI
There's a psychological aspect to this surgery that seems to be ignored.  It took me weeks before I could look at myself more than small areas at a time after tt & br.  The whole surgery while a welcome relief, was also somewhat shocking.

On top of this there is the recuperative time.  Pain is relatively easy to control, all the other things that happen, not so much so.  Swelling, being uncomfortable, & totally losing my appetite was difficult to live with.  Just moving about felt awkward and while I knew that I had made the correct decision healthwise, I certainly questioned my desicion to have major surgery.

There's also likely major hormonal changes while your body is trying to re-program & re-build itself.  A lot of stuff going on along with major healing!

So it will pass.  Relax, be kind to yourself, and give yourself the gift of time and generosity.  At one point I went out & had a pedicure.  I know that it sounds silly, but just getting out of the house, having some pampering, & a shocking, laughable, delightful burst of color to gaze at everytime I shuffled about was delightful!

Some "alone" time is not a bad thing, just something that most of us are not used to.  So take advantage of it!  Read some good books, listen to the radio, watch some classic movies.  Make yourself some protein shakes, get a great new haircut, and allow yourself time to heal.

Not to worry.  It will pass shortly and you'll finally being to reap the benefits which you richly deserve!  Belly-aching is definitely allowed.  As my hubby said, no wonder you don't feel so good- they cut you from stem to stern!  Yup!  But I sure look fine now! 


on 6/19/09 2:12 pm - Gig Harbor, WA
I have been depressed after every surgery I have ever had. I dread that more than the pain with my upcoming plastics in late summer. I think sunshine helps, and taking it one day at a time. If the sun is out I would sit outside even if you have to bundle up. Take care and hope you are feeling better soon.
on 6/19/09 8:25 pm - AUBURN HILLS, MI

It's the drains!! They are SO annoying!! I had 2 in for 3 weeks and 1 in for 4 weeks. When they come out, I promise you will feel like a "new" person. Keep your spirits up and you still need to take it easy. All will be well!! Hugs!!

High/VSG/Surgeon Goal/My Goal/Current 257/242/170/155/141  I love my sleeve!
5' 3.5"    Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Raymond Hajjar, Bingham Farms, MI   Extended TT, muscle repair, lipo & hernia repair 2/25/09  Direct neck lift and muscle repair  4/14/09  Short scar lower face lift, more neck work and lower bleph 9/15/09
Jessica H.
on 6/19/09 9:02 pm - Johnson City, TN
Thanks everyone - It was good to read all of that after yet another sleepless night. 


highest/surgery/current/GOAL!  *Below Goal!*

(deactivated member)
on 6/19/09 11:08 pm
Melissa M.
on 6/19/09 11:49 pm - Seabrook, TX
Sorry you are having a hard time.  Going through a separation on any given day is hard in itself, much less after going through such major surgery.  I know you were questioning whether you should go ahead but I'm glad you did.  I think once you get past these PS blues and are a few more weeks out, you will be glad you did do it too.  I understand the messy house thing.  I can't stand having my house that way either.  As immobile as I am and uncomfortable as I am, I am ordering my kids around like a drill sergeant!  Well, not really but I feel like it because I am so used to doing everything myself and now I have them doing things for me and telling them to pick up this and that and put that in the trash or whatever.  When I take my breaks to get up and walk I find myself cleaning what I can at hand's reach. I'm crazy like that I know.  Anyway, if you can get your kids to help here and there than that would be great.  If not, it will still be there when you're able to do more.  Rent some movies or order them online if you can't get out.  Read a book or some magazines or something to help you focus on other things for a little while.  Just remember that a lot of what you are feeling is normal and once you are back to your old self you will be able to deal with this better.

Take care,
on 6/20/09 3:25 am

You are not alone in what you are feeling. Look around and I'm here as well. Each day things get a little better and I'm trying hard to believe that too. Contact your PCP if you don't feel better soon. Together we can and will overcome this funky state.

Jessica H.
on 6/20/09 4:29 am - Johnson City, TN
Thanks everyone.  It's good to know that even though I may not have the support of everyone in my life - I can always come here and talk with someone who's been where I'm at.  I'm somewhat better today.  I think my energy is zapped because I haven't been able to eat all that much and it's finally catching up with me.  2 1/2 more days of drains....I can do this...


highest/surgery/current/GOAL!  *Below Goal!*

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