The day has finally come and I'm scared!!

Melissa M.
on 6/15/09 9:27 am, edited 6/15/09 10:20 am - Seabrook, TX
Gosh we spend months and months researching plastics and learning ever tiny bit of information we can about the surgery and when the day comes it's like OMG!  I can't believe it.  I have been working like crazy tying up all loose ends around the house and stuff.  Today I got up made breakfast and then started dusting everywhere.  I changed the sheets on my bed and then off I went to get a pedicure.  After that I went to see my hemotologist and had one last iron infusion.  Everything is looking good in that dept.  I then went to the bank and got a cashier's check for the hospital. Went over there and preregistered and paid!!   So looks like it's pretty much a done deal!

Now, I am an emotional mess.  I know I'm in good hands and in good health, but gosh I wish I had more family support.  I swear, NO ONE in my family wants me to do this.  They all tell me how worried they are that something might happen to me and what about the kids.  They worry especially about my 10 year old.  God knows I have worried about this as much as I have researched my surgery.  Yes I'm scared about dying.  Yes I'm worried about blood clots days AFTER surgery.  Yes, I'm worried about excessive bleeding and needing to go back to surgery.  You name it, I've thunk it!  Don't get me wrong, my family is genuinely scared for me but I heard it last night and then just now!!  It's like they are trying to guilt me out of it.  So here I sit crying wishing that they had a little more faith that everything will come out just fine.  There is something to be said about the power of positive thinking and a little moral support.

I guess the stress and worry of it all is getting to me right now.  It's hard to be excited when your immediate family is even wondering why I'm doing what I'm doing.  They have this attitude that I should be happy the way I am and that I look just fine.  They just don't get it and never will.

(self talk follows) So I am going to go forward and pray some more that everything WILL be all right, DANGIT!   I won't have any regrets when this all said and done and I will be happy that I did have surgery like so many of you have!  It may take several weeks, but I WILL get there.  Right????

Wish me luck tomorrow.  Thanks for listening! 

Shirley H.
on 6/15/09 10:04 am - Bradenton, FL
        hey Melissa well I don't know if we were in the same boat but 18 days ago I was hearing it too.. And guess what now they are all looking and seeing how much better I already feel about myself !!! They and I too are seeing a different person bloom out of all that skin so pick your head up high get a good nights sleep and prey one more time that we have put our self in Gods hands but again and if he is willing there will be a way if it wasn't suppose to happen he would not be letting it! 
      I had all my staples removed today all 116 of them and OMG I feel good tonight first time in 18 days that I can say I feel good!my binder doesn't even bother me! I will also say a preyer for you and just remember it really is not in our hands! my Dr asked me today Shirley I know you have been through alot in the past month but truefully would you do it again and are you happy with how it turned out? I said YES and YES, I still wish I had a belly button but other than that I am very very happy!wishing you the best tomorrow and keep us posted!
Jessica H.
on 6/15/09 10:24 am - Johnson City, TN

My situation isn't exactly like yours.  Most of my family was very supportive in my decision to have a TT.  They understood that it was something I needed to do for myself and it had nothing to do with anyone else.  My husband, however, was a different story.  I scheduled my surgery back in April and he knew about it.  I told him I would need his help the first few nights and I would arrange for someone to stay with me during the day while he was at work.  Well, a few weeks after I scheduled, he bought a ticket to leave the country the day after I was to get out of the hospital.  He never came right out and said he didn't support me or didn't approve - but his actions spoke volumes.  Two weeks before my surgery everything fell apart and we split.  He moved out and I filed for divorce.  Even up until my surgery day, he was sending me emails intended to stress me out and upset me.  I almost cancelled the surgery because I didn't think it would be a good idea to go into it with all the stress I was under.  I spoke to my doctor, my therapist, my friends...they all said the same thing - to not let him keep me from doing something that I had wanted for so long.  So, I didn't and I'm so glad.  I am so thrilled that I went ahead with the surgery.  Is the surgery risky?  Sure it is, any surgery is risky.  Your WLS was riskier that what you have planned now - just due to your health and weight at the time.  Now, you are much healthier, you look young and in good shape, you have researched the surgery and your surgeon.  You obviously trust him or you wouldn't have scheduled surgery.  This is an important thing for you to do and you are going to be fine.  You have all the support from everyone on this board, I'm sure.  I will be praying for you and I'm sure others will be as well.  Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay, and I expect you to post as soon as your able ;)


highest/surgery/current/GOAL!  *Below Goal!*

Pat Rice
on 6/15/09 10:28 am - Northern, NJ
Oh Melissa,
I do feel for you. I am so glad you have made peace with your decision to go forward.  I think the biggest decision we have made was to have WLS. Plastic surgery is part of the journey.
Good luck tomorrow and I will pray for you. Please don't forget us and post when you are up to it. I am having my PS on Wednesday. I too am hesitant. I opted not to tell anyone in my family about it, because I knew they wouldn't approve or support me. I am going it alone and I am very scared, but what i know is that if I didn't go forward, I would be more upset than I am now.
Hugs, Pat
RNY 8/26/05 preop 226.2 lowest 132.7
LBL,TT,MASTOPEXY 6/17/09 preop 141.7 removed 7 lbs current 131.5 7/14/09
on 6/15/09 10:31 am - Phenix City, AL
I think we all go through the second thoughts. I normally do not even get anxious or give a second thought to surgery but something about this one really got to me. The last two days before surgery I was SO anxious and SO jumpy I second guessed myself also. And I had family support so I can image your ordeal is much worse! I'm so glad I went through it, even though I'm not far out and still dealing with the worst of the recovery. 
I was looking for every excuse in the book to cancell or postpone but I'm so glad I did it. Has it been an easy recovery Heck no, but not unbearable either! I'm happy with the results already even though I have a lot of swelling. And I know each day gets better. 
Hang in there and  remember why you're doing this, and how exciting you were before the nerves and the family guilt took over.
Best of luck to you!

HW 314, SW 287, PS Weight 198, CW 181

Panniculectomy/Anchor TT   06-10-09 

7.4cc in 10cc band 

on 6/15/09 10:40 am - Edmond, OK
I wish I could tell my mom.  I know she would be supportive of me, but last year, she slipped mentally and I am afraid that it would push her over the edge.  So I am opting to not tell her and she will see after I have had it done.

God is watching over you and protecting you!  He has a plan for all of us!

No matter what, your 10 year old will look back on this and say "My mom is really living life to the fullest" and that should make you proud!  I think it is setting a great example and you should be proud of yourself.

Don't let anyone break your spirit.  Some people will speak out of fear and some will speak out of jealousy.  Just will feel like you have finally finished that "re-birth" that you had started a while back and now you can fully live the way that you intended with having the wls.

We are all so proud of you and support you 100%.  Is all this scary?  Heck yes!  Is it thrilling?  Heck yes!

I am so thankful that God brought all of us together so we can all go through this crazy time with each other and support each other through it.

You are going to kick butt and come out looking like a hot goddess!  Just jealous that it isn't my turn yet!

Obesity Help Support Group > 

I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.



on 6/15/09 11:43 am - League City, TX
Melissa, I'm so excited for you.  I'll keep you in my prayers.  I understand about the family support.  My mom is freaking out about my plastics too.  Mine will be November 18.  I just saw Dr. LoMonaco today.  I wanted to wait until the holidays to be off work.  You have worked so hard to loose the weight, you deserve this surgery.  Your family just loves you.  I don't think they can really understand.  My mom just says that I look good, so why have surgery.  She can't understand how I feel with the deformity from the damaged skin.  Just because nobody else can really see it doesn't mean it doesn't affect me.  You are doing this for you, and you have earned it.  Good Luck.
(deactivated member)
on 6/15/09 11:48 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Will be thinking of you!  You'll do great.  Can't wait to hear all about it.....
Take care of yourself.......don't stress!

Look forward to your next posting when you are recovering.
Best wishes!


PS - Keep positive thoughts in your head!!
on 6/15/09 12:41 pm - Nashville, TN
Your family are worried for you, but they will see afterward just why you need this for yourself. You are in my thoughs, and I very much look forward to hearing about the new you in a few days.

Take care and get lots of rest.

RNY 02/16/04
LBL, MTL, Lipo 06/04/09
351lb to 170lb
on 6/15/09 1:14 pm - Santa Rosa, CA


One minute at a time.
I was scared at the last minute too but don't have any regrets.

Deep breath!!!

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