10 days post-op LBL, MTL and Lipo

on 6/14/09 3:15 am - Nashville, TN
Hello everyone,

I had a LBL, Medial Thigh Lift and Lipo of outer thighs on June 4th with Dr. Micheal Hueneke in Nashville, TN. I've read these forums for the past 2 years, gathering information while saving money for my surgery. I'd like to pay it forward by sharing my experience and pictures.

I chose my PS after being referred to him by both my gastric bypass doctor and my gyno who knows him personally both as a patient and a friend.I went to 5 consults, weighed my options and made my choice. Dr. Hueneke has been fantastic, so I definitely made the right choice.

I went to the hospital at 5:30am on Thursday, June 4th. I was quckly admitted and set up and sent to the pre-op room where I was IV'd, but not ****tailed yet. My veins were a little thin from not being able to have anything to eat or drink since midnight the night before. PS came in and I stood up so he could mark all over me. I was then wheeled into OR, drugged up and then woke up in Recovery. I was happy, well drugged, and recall joking around with the nurses. I was then taken to my room to be greeted by my dear boyfriend and best friend with a happy reunion.

I slept alot, and remember my drains being drained very often after getting to my room. Around 11pm, I was due to get up and walk for the first time but my nurse was concerned about the color of one of my drains (very dark) and how often quickly it kept filling up. She decided to call my PS who arrived at the hopstial about 15 minutes later. He felt that there must be a spurting vein and immediately sent me back to OR. It was a random fluke thing that very, very rarely happens. A sneaky little vein had ducked below the muscle and after I was sown up it poked out and started spurting. My PS reopened one side and then the other looking for the sucker and luckily found it and coterized the vein. I was rolled back to my room around 5:30am. I was given a unit of blood as well as some plasma. My PS was great. I was never concerned, I just knew he'd fix whatever needed fixing.

The next morning my PS came by to see us and stayed for a while . We talked about the incident and he assured me that it would not set back my recovery at all - and it hasn't. He said that when he lifted my abdominal skin, my stomach muscles were perfectly flat and well toned..nice to hear that my hard work at the gym was paying off, whether I could see it or not. I stayed an extra night in the hospital, to make sure everything was ok. Didn't have much trouble getting out of the bed, which was a pleasant surprise. I did feel rather unsteady and teensy bit nauseous sitting in a chair. The binder took some getting used to since it rests right over my pouch.

I got home on Saturday, not too uncomfortable with the ride home, pretty drugged. lol I slept alot, on the couch with back propped up and pillows under knees. I was allowed to take a shower the day after I returned home, which was nice. It was exhausting but I felt so gooood to be clean!

Each day has been a bit better than the one before. I rest alot, but pace around the house a few times every 1-2 hours or as needed. It's so odd to look down and not see this mound of skin piled up on my lap - and I love it.

I'm now only take extra-strength tylenol every 4 hours with Percocet as needed at night to sleep. The most difficult thing for me with this surgery after day 5 or 6 has been sleeping. My back incision feels sore and bruised from laying on it so much - so I'm not getting much sleep at this point. I'm also a side/belly sleeper, so that doesn't help any. I bought a new matress topper for my bed yesterday and switched from the couch to the bed. I'm able to lay on my sides for a little while - but not quite long enuogh to actually fall asleep. Still I propped myself up alot with pillows and finally slept off and on for a little while last night in my bed - which was nice. I'm hoping that the sleep issue will resolve soon.

I should get one of my drains out Monday, it's hardly putting anything out and the other is putting out less and less each day, so I'm hopeful that I won't have it for much more than a week longer.

My appetite has greatly decreased, as I expected - so I have been pushing proteins. 2-3 shakes a day plus 2 all protein meals (baked chicken, cheeses).

I'm over 5 years out from WLS and I started out at 351 lb, 5'3. I lost 189 lbs. I had a 27 lb bounce up - mostly due to depression over body image. 189lbs morning of surgery, 20 lb of tissue removed with PS. My scale is down to 170 already and I know I'm very swollen - so I guess we will see where thies leads me. I know I'm eager to get back to the gym - as I'm excited that I'll actually be able to SEE results now! (but I realize it'll be a few weeks before released to light exercising)

I turn 30 on Wednesday, June 17th - I'd say this is a great birthday present to myself!

I think that's all for now, I hope you don't mind my long winded post. Pictures are on my profile.
Pw: skinbegone

RNY 02/16/04
LBL, MTL, Lipo 06/04/09
351lb to 170lb
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/09 4:12 am, edited 6/14/09 4:13 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
WOW, so happy for you!
Your pictures look great.  thanks for sharing!

What a way to celebrate turning 30 next week with a whole new body.  ENJOY!!!!

I hope you continue to recover speedily and with no complications.
Take care of yourself....get lots of rest!

PS - You handled the squirting vein so well.........I would have freaked out!  I have to learn the lesson from you to stay calm and have faith in the surgeon and medical staff.

on 6/14/09 6:49 am - Nashville, TN
Thank you! :) I'm actually looking ahead to 30, rather than dreading. lol
RNY 02/16/04
LBL, MTL, Lipo 06/04/09
351lb to 170lb
Nicole P.
on 6/14/09 4:43 am - NH
you have done so well with your weight loss. You look great and your surgery looks great too.

I am glad that that minor return to the OR did not set you back!!!

Stay well

lap band 7/12/07, port revision 2/09
TT, lipo, BA 6/5/09

/present/goal/surgeons goal
250      148    160       150

on 6/14/09 6:49 am - Nashville, TN
Auw thank you so much!! :)
RNY 02/16/04
LBL, MTL, Lipo 06/04/09
351lb to 170lb
on 6/14/09 5:37 am
Hiya Brandi,

Thanks for sharing so much of your experience.  I am further out from plastics than you are but, I still love to see the transformations and read the experience let's me know I am normal and that there are other strong women out there doing it and doing it successfully.  So thanks again!


I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 

on 6/14/09 6:53 am - Nashville, TN

Thank you! I was (and still am) following everyone's progress after PS, trying to get a good idea of what to expect. It helps to know there others that have been there and are currently going through everything that I am. It's truly comforting. :)


RNY 02/16/04
LBL, MTL, Lipo 06/04/09
351lb to 170lb
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/09 10:32 am
You look so good, exceot for that nasty bruise on your left thigh...ouch!  I have never seen the scar line like you have for your thigh lift, but it looks like its goingg to heal very well.

on 6/14/09 12:06 pm - Nashville, TN
Thanks so much!

The lipo definitely left my outer thighs pretty sore - still are a bit...but the bruising is looking much better than it was. lol I had the medial thigh lift because I just had this handing skin at the tops of my thighs but not all the way down the inseem.

RNY 02/16/04
LBL, MTL, Lipo 06/04/09
351lb to 170lb
happy girl
on 6/14/09 10:43 am, edited 6/14/09 12:48 pm
congratulations!  I cant wait to see/hear how your leg recovery goes.  mine has been pretty bad, so I am always on the look out .  I just wanted to add, I only had skin on my upper thigh, so it sounds like our TL's are very similar, I do not have the scar down the inside of my leg. 

take care of you!

2003 RNY, 2007 Revision Distal RNY
April 17, 2009 ~ fleur de lis TT w/Muscle Repair, Medial Thigh Lift, Ventral Hernia Repair 



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