Thigh & Tummy Lipo Done

Danielle H.
on 6/12/09 2:54 am - Atlanta, GA
Had my lipo this morning, got home about an hour ago.  Wasn't bad at all, done in the office in their operating room.  The worst of it was the numbing meds in the already existing LBL scar - but 4 pokes later and that was done.  There was slight stinging and some pressure, along with what felt like pinches, but I had had a valium and didn't cry at all, though I made a few faces!

Home now and just leaking fluid from the left side..getting my friend to go buy some pads so I can stop leaking into my binder!  She said it would probably last 24 hours or less, but I am almost out of gauze.  That and tape.  Guess I didn't really know what to expect with just local lipo, only had it under general anethsia but let me say this was not tramatic at all! 

Ask me again in a few days and I'll let you know if I feel the same once the bruising sets in.  The thighs look wierd and I know I really needed the small lift, but if I can acheive them not rubbing together, I'll be happy (for now that is!).

Nothing new on the job front, will keep looking but anticipate it will be after July 1 when people reopen their positions (second quarter).  Anyway, hope you are all well.  Took some preventative hydrocodone but its not doing much right now - thought it would knock me out, but nope!

Small pain on right over the hip area, not sure why that's not numb but everything else is!  Pics later...

High Weight 260, Surgery Weight 218,  Lowest Weight 156, CURRENT WEIGHT 177, Goal Weight 140

Breast Lift /Back Lipo 10/2008
LBL (Belt Lipectomy with Fluer de lis cut TT) 2/27/09 (Dr. Dennis Smith) (Dr. Sheldon Lincenberg)

(deactivated member)
on 6/12/09 4:36 am
At work we tend to send people home with maxi pads-they're self adhesive and very absorbant
(deactivated member)
on 6/12/09 5:05 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Danielle,
So glad to hear the local lipo wasn't too bad.  What kind of lipo did you have??
I'm facing some laser lipo as bad of my arm revision and I'm hoping it won't be too bad since I'm only having IV anesthesia (not general anesthesia).  Want to bet I cry during the numbing

Hope you continue to feel well!!
Danielle H.
on 6/12/09 7:49 am - Atlanta, GA
Just general lipo as far as I know.  Graphic description - betadine the area, I had 4 needle sticks with numbing and the already scarred areas were more painful but didn't last long.  Then he did tiny incision - completely numb.  Next he instered fluids with numbing agent into the fat areas, little stinging there.  Finally waited few minutes and then began with the suctioning out.  There were some areas that didn't numb completely and those just felt like pinches, nothing I couldn't breathe through and make faces!

You'll be fine, I had 4 areas done and it wasn't horrible at all.  Of course now the pain from the process and the bruising is starting to show!  And I did get my friend to run out and get maxi pads for me!  It is working better definitely.

When I can take off the binder, I'll do day oafter pics and then updates all along.  Must figure out what to delete from my profile though since we're limited to 50 pics!

High Weight 260, Surgery Weight 218,  Lowest Weight 156, CURRENT WEIGHT 177, Goal Weight 140

Breast Lift /Back Lipo 10/2008
LBL (Belt Lipectomy with Fluer de lis cut TT) 2/27/09 (Dr. Dennis Smith) (Dr. Sheldon Lincenberg)

What is laser lipo?
(deactivated member)
on 6/13/09 12:19 am, edited 6/13/09 12:19 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Basically instead of the "old" way of sucking out fat like a vacuum the "laser" melts the fat... I think this is often referred to as "smart lipo".
Here's some info I found on it on the web.....hope it helps......

Techniques Comparison

SmartLipo is by far the best kind of liposuction available today. It is a ethod that offers the best results with less trauma and less downtime. It has a fast recovery time and the cost is very competitive.

SmartLipo uses laser technology to melt and liquefy the fat within the fat cells. In addition, it smoothes and tightens the skin to decrease the looseness that one sometimes sees with traditional liposuction. It can be utilized alone to treat smaller areas of fat, such as below the chin, or in combination with liposuction to remove larger areas of fat such as in the abdomen, flanks and thighs.

Over the years, liposuction has evolved into being one of the safest cosmetic procedures performed today. Liposuction was originally invented by a gynecologist in Italy in the mid 1970s. Initially it involved using a “dry" technique, but this resulted in excessive complications, such as blood loss and shock. The technique improved when the “wet" technique was developed in the early 1980’s. Further refinements in the late 1980s lead to development of the “tumescent" technique which is the safest method to do liposuction today.

Tumescent liposuction is performed by instilling dilute solutions of lidocaine and epinephrine into the fatty areas of the areas to be treated. This fluid anesthetizes the areas to be treated, plus it decreases bleeding very significantly. The procedure can thus be performed while the patient is awake with minimal discomfort and quicker recovery. Many people can return to work and normal activities within one to a few days.

Once the tumescent fluid had been infused into the fatty areas, the fat could be destroyed by many methods. Several different techniques developed over the years from the 1990s that could be used to dissolve or destroy the fat in these areas. Simple mechanical disruption, high frequency ultrasonic waves dissolution, or laser lipolysis can all be utilized to break or disrupt the fat cells and allow the freed fat to be suctioned using very thin tubes called cannulas. Most of the time these procedures are combined to provide the best results for removal of the fat, for improved skin smoothness, and to tighten the skin.

SmartLipo was the first laser to be approved by the FDA to be used for fat dissolution and removal with tumescent liposuction. Introduced in 2007, this laser technology utilizes a 1064 wave length that targets red blood cells and thus results in less blood loss. In addition, it produces a burst of energy as it enters the fatty tissue that dissolves the fat so it can be removed by suctioning. This improves the safety of the procedure by being able to melt the fat without heating the tissue excessively. Smaller areas of melted fat can actually reabsorb into the body and may not even need suctioning for optimal results.

Other laser technologies include the CoolLipo laser lipolysis which uses the 1320 wavelength and the ProLipo which uses the 1319 wavelength. These produce fatty dissolution by heating the water within the cells and exploding them. The liquid fat can then be removed in a similar fashion with cannulas. All these techniques normally utilize tumescent fluid to provide the anesthesia, to decrease bleeding and to decrease infection.

By utilizing the tumescent technique, these liposuction procedures can be performed in an office-based setting while the patient is awake. No longer is it a requirement that patients be put to sleep using general anesthetics nor do they need to be admitted to the hospital for the procedure. Moreover, these new techniques, especially SmartLipo, allow patients to return to normal activities more rapidly than when the older methods were used. It is safer and provides improved results for smoother and tighter skin. Thus, SmartLipo is the procedure of choice for most physicians and patients.

Article submitted by Robert L. True, MD, FACOG, AACS


Here's another article.....

Unlike old lipo, the laser liposuction makes possible to lose a few sizes – fast, have no loose skin after the procedure, and feel well enough to go back to work in just a few days.

According to People magazine, “SmartLipo may be as close as humans can come to that fat-melting fantasy." So what is all the fuss about? What are the major differences between old-school lipo and laser liposuction?

Old Lipo: usually under general anesthesia, loose skin remains where fat is sucked out, a 4-to 6-mm tube sucks out solid fat; lots of tissue trauma, scarring where tube enters body; stitches often required, resume work after a week, lipo on abdomen: $6,500

SmartLipo: always with local anesthesia, tightened skin from collagen production where lasers are used (visible after three to six months), 1-mm tube fitted with laser melts fat; little trauma, almost no scarring; no stitches needed, resume work after two days, laser lipo on abdomen: $5,000

Why is laser liposuction better than old-school lipo?

Traditional liposuction uses a vacuum with a metal tube attached, which the doctor moves back and forth manually. Because the human hand cannot be very precise, you get a lot of bleeding, swelling and destruction of tissue. But the SmartLipo laser glides through fat like a hot knife through butter, which means less destruction and bruising.

What is the biggest improvement?

Now we can treat a lot more people who, before, would need to have surgery on top of liposuction – either a neck or face lift, because loose skin would get worse from the lipo. Or if they had loose, flabby skin on the arms, they only thing we could do was to cut out the skin.

Now we can use the laser to take out the fat and, as an added benefit, tighten the overlying skin too.

What is laser lipo considered safer?

Because you do not have to go under general anesthesia. There is no surgery that is completely safe, but there have been no serious side effects associated with this procedure. And the recovery times are much faster.

Cindy F.
on 6/12/09 7:35 am - Monterey Park, CA
VSG on 09/18/07 with

Wow that is great.  You will have a perfect body now.

Hope the recovery is easy.


 Cindy F  "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain" 
on 6/12/09 9:15 am - Charlotte Hall, MD
Congrats Congrats.  Call anytime if you need to chat.  Send me pictures along the way.  Miss talking to you!!
Kristi Akers
Gastric Bypass - Feb 6, 2004
Lower Body Lift - Feb 25, 2009
Breast Lift/Lipo - Dec 7, 2009
Upper Body Lift/Arms - Feb 23, 2011

(deactivated member)
on 6/12/09 9:50 pm
on 6/13/09 4:10 am - Northwood, IA
Yay Danielle!!!  Glad it wasn't bad and u are home and on the mend. I cannot wait to see the results.  Glad you got the well absorbing maxi pads.. they are fabulous "dressings". 

Are you taking bromelain for the bruising and healing with your lipo?  I think it helped me so much.  I am still taking it once a day.  I am sure an anti inflammatory would help the best right now.. U r RNY aren't you?  If so then obviously can't do that.. I think that was the hardest part for me.. I woulda killed for ibuprofen or aleve.. but I stuck with tylenol. Can you ice or use heat? did they say? Hang in there!
Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

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