7-weeks post op..now there's this weight gain..WTF

David ..
on 6/10/09 10:51 pm, edited 6/10/09 10:57 pm - Hartford, CT
I’m 7 weeks post op thigh/hip buttock lift. Pre-op weight was 213.  Two weeks out post-op my weight was 220 mainly due to swelling.  Over a matter of 4-weeks post-op my weight when down about 3lbs each week to the lowest at 208lb   

Just last week Thursday (June 4), my weight went up to 211lb and today (June 06) 211.6lb.    I started by going to the gym two week ago, the same date my weigh was at the 208lb. I’m doing a light workout (minimal weight and cardio and some running). I’m not sure about this weight gain and what its related too (Eating a bit more or the fact that I’m working out and that could affect the swelling). 

***Note that I don’t see or feel swelling as I did the first 3 weeks out***.    So my question is…what the “F" is this weight gain about and why I’m not at the 208lb I was just 2 weeks ago and this was my weight before I started going to the gym and working.   

Please reply… I need to know if I should hold off on the gym and just concentrate of my diet and eating more. Overall I feel and look great, it just that I’m one of those persons that should be weighing oneself.
on 6/10/09 10:57 pm
hi there David!!!  I had surgery last year and this year and from last year I was able to lose 15lb just doing a tight eating plan, no working out at all - but as soon as I got back in the gym - my weight went up BUT I was wearing smaller sizes than I did when I was the same weight before.

Are you taking your measurements?  You may find that you are, indeed, slimming down. 

I understand your pain - I went into surgery on 5/27 at 196 and am now 206 - the doc removed about 5lbs from my stomach so I am wondering where da heyl this weight came from too!  BUT - I realize that I am still swollen and I am totally restricted on any working out - so I am keeping my eating in check and focusing on getting more water in - that will help as well.

Calm down!  It will take about 6 mos for your body to get used to the new 'formation' so as long as you watch your food and don't overdo your workouts - you should be fine (in more ways than one! )

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on 6/10/09 11:19 pm - UK
Stop weighing yourself as often if you are going to get upset aboutn it.

Swelling makes a huge difference, I'm months post op and my weight still swings around a fair bit.

You still weight less than you did pre-op, so you obviously haven't gained anything to worry about.......... and working out will cause more swelling.

Most results come in the kitchen, so diet is key for weight management...... but obviously exercise plays a large role in staying healthy too.  Maybe restrict yourself to regular walking annd hold off on the heavy gym work for a while?
on 6/11/09 1:04 am - San Diego, CA
I had swelling after workouts at the gym in the early stages.  Just get back into your routine - eating and gym workouts and wait another five or six weeks and the swelling will eventually end.   I didn't think I was swollen at six weeks and I bought new jeans.  At three months post op, I had to buy a smaller size.  You may not see the swelling but it's there.  Watch out for salt in your diet as well. 
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
David ..
on 6/11/09 2:43 am - Hartford, CT
Thank you all for the feedback...and I should now this already. I had a FULL TT about the same time 2-years ago..and my weight was a HOT MESS of ups and downs.    Maybe I should focus on lite workouts (walking and riding my bike a few times a week). 

Yes i'm 7-weeks post op, not even a full 2 months and yes theres swelling as I still wear my binder and compression shorts..about 17 to 22hours a day... So I'll hold off with the weigh-ins until July..and just pay more attention to my clothing and how i feel.  REALLY its a matter of 3lbs..not like the days before Gastric Bypass and pre-TT and such..when our weight gain was a matter of 25lbs...

I do like my size and can really see a difference...  But in my  face, there are times I wil look more puffer than some days. 

Thank you guys..for the replies..it really helps...
(deactivated member)
on 6/11/09 4:50 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
My guess would be it is some swelling and probably building some muscle too.
Stay the course and I'm sure the scale will show a change pretty soon.

I feel like a hypocrite saying don't weigh yourself everyday cause I've been doing that this week myself; but we really shouldn't!
David ..
on 6/11/09 4:58 am - Hartford, CT

Oh no..I dont' weight myself everyday...once a week, the same day of the week in the am. 

But like I mention, I'll hold off on the workouts a bit and walk and ride the bike a bit more...

Thank you for your reply..

(deactivated member)
on 6/12/09 10:37 pm
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