Estrogen and water retention

on 6/9/09 1:42 pm - Northern CA

Hi,  I am more then 5 months out and one month out from some additional lipo/fat transfer and slight scar revisions of opens.

I recently started taking estrogen (about 2 months ago).  I am in complete swell hell. But not just in the areas of my recent procedures, all over!

Is anyone just starting estrogen or has anyone been on estrogen and noticed water retention as a complication?  It has really helped my night sweats, but really i would take those over the swell hell.

I just found out from my PCP tha****er retention is a side effect of estrogen.  Is it all estrogen or are other types of replacement better then others, for example gel vs a mist.

Any help would be great.  I am thinking I would stop the estrogen for awhile to see if the swelling subsides.


5' 1, 221pds to 120pds, BMI: 42.5 to 22.8, Size 22WP to 2P.  
Dr. Agha-Newport Beach, CA:  
12.29.08:TT/LBL/UTL/BL/Butt Aug!
 5.10.09: Face/Neck Lift,Implants,lipo, lower eyelids,fat transfer

on 6/9/09 1:59 pm - Northwood, IA
Hi Kelli!

Bless your heart, I hope it goes down soon.  I really have nothing offer other than what you have already been told.  Estrogen is known to make you accumulte fluid.  I was supposed to start taking back when I was missing periods and I chose not to because I was told "expect to gain 20 lbs".  I couldn't handle that thought.  Hugs.. I hope someone has answers for you.
Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 6/9/09 2:11 pm - Northern CA
Whoa, 20 pds!  I actually thought the estrogen would take care of some of my pre-swelling issues thinking the swelling was a menopausal issue.  OMG, i guess i didn't check it out very well.  You have helped me, I will stop it for now to see what happens.


5' 1, 221pds to 120pds, BMI: 42.5 to 22.8, Size 22WP to 2P.  
Dr. Agha-Newport Beach, CA:  
12.29.08:TT/LBL/UTL/BL/Butt Aug!
 5.10.09: Face/Neck Lift,Implants,lipo, lower eyelids,fat transfer

on 6/9/09 2:18 pm - Northwood, IA
I think it depends on a lot of factors and with you already having a tendency to swell after plastics it might be exacerbating the problem some? I am not really sure - have you talked to your doc about your concerns with fluid accumulation post estrogen?  I am wondering if it is that way for everyone.. I just know hormone changes in general can bring upon decent amounts of fluid shifts and I hate for you to be miserable with night sweats etc when u aren't taking this... id talk to your doc and see what other options are out there and see if it is truly correlated in your situation.

Good luck Kelli.  You sure have been such an inspiration to me with all your surgeries.  You have done so well!
Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 6/10/09 1:12 am - San Diego, CA
Ive been on estrogen for 16 years and I've never had water retention from it.    Most people have swelling after plastics.  Salt is a big factor in swelling and excessive refined carbs with some who are sensitive - make sure your diet is controlled well during this healing period. 

I use an estrogen patch - absolutely no side effects.
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
on 6/10/09 5:31 am - , MO
i think everyone is different but w/ that said you have got me thinking...I went into PS w/ about a 5 lbs gain cuz of back/heel pain that was keeping me from working out effectively.  I was otherwise stable in my weight and needed to get the TT badly to remove my issues.  I am 13 weeks out and still swelling pretty good.  Cuz of recovery I didnt exercise until released and had a hard time getting started...exercise has always been my key to maintain or lose weight....I still have a bit to lose.  I have been stuck for years now at the same weight and its not small. 

So, I have been looking into other ideas as to why I am having a hard time losing, having crazy periods and crazy hormone swings and such and found that I must have reached my point that the estrogen in my fat is making my body do crazy things.  I am still diligent in losing some weight...10 lbs removed but gained 20 in recovery and swelling.  So, I think there is something to the estrogen thing and holding on to fluids....I have been having the hormone issues for years off and on and I can say that hormones play a big role in our health.  It may not effect everyone the same but I think maybe this is why I have not been getting rid of the swelling either.  I do not eat a lot of sodium or processed foods in any way and every evening I look like I am 4-5 months pregnant.  I think its cuz of the extra estrogen I am holding on to cuz of the extra fat I put on....maybe I am wrong.  I am going to see if I cant lose like 5-10% and see if it makes a difference.  I will let y'all know.  It wouldnt surprise me one bit if the swelling has something to do w/ your hormones.  Best wishes in getting tha****er off...
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