asking the experts........

on 6/9/09 9:07 am guys!!!

I'm having a TT w/ lipo and a BR in a few weeks. I'll start out by saying that I'm a big baby when it comes to pain, so, just wante to know:
1.How long were you in excrutiating pain?
2. When did you start to feel "normal"?
3. When were you able to get a full night of sleep?
4. When were you able to wear real pants?( you know, jeans, and pants     with none stretchy waistbands)
5.Right after surgery, how long did it take you to walk around and do normal chores, shopping, etc..
6. When were you able to wear a real bra, how about underwires?
7. Did your clothes fit afterwards?, or did you need to buy a bigger size because of the swelling?
8. Lastly,(for now anyway), When were you able to feel like you hadn't gone through any surgery at  all?
Sorry to be such a bother but I looked through the old posts but couldn't find concrete answers to these questions. I know that everyone's experience is different but it makes it easier to compare everyone's response. I'm REALLY SCCAARREEDDD!!!Thanks.-Jessie

Highest weight:215/ Surgery day:199/ current:139/ Goal weight:130

on 6/9/09 11:01 am - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
Hi Jessie --
I had a TT and BR six years ago, before WLS but after a significant weight loss.  Being six years ago, I'm a little foggy on the exact details, but I'll do my best:

1.   The pain was only excrutiating the first time I tried to get out of bed, and only in my abdomen.  I never really had any pain from the BR.  Every time I got out of bed it got easier.
2.  I'm not sure I ever felt "normal" again, because normal for me was big boobs and a big ol' belly, but I was back at work, on the organ bench and directing the choir at church, in three weeks.  Not at 100%, of course, but good enough.
3.  I am a complete insomniac without meds, and the hospital didn't know that so they didn't give me my usuals, and I lay awake ALL night the first night.  After that, I was fine.  But normal folks should sleep very well and a lot right after surgery.  If not, ask for drugs!
4.  Shoot, I still wear stretchy waistbands!
5.  I was walking within a day, as soon as the catheter came out, putzing around the house by the time I got home a couple of days later, doing light stuff as soon as I got home, driving about a week out, and light shopping as soon as I could drive.  You just musn't lift anything until the doctor says so.
6.  I was wearing a bra within a couple of weeks, but only when I went out.  I've never liked underwires, so I never did, but the surgeon recommended I didn't for quite a while.
7.  There wasn't really any swelling, so I was fine in my own clothes.
8.  Never a day goes by that I am not aware that I had surgery!  It is the most enormous blessing to have those awful boobs and kangaroo pouch gone.  One needs to have lived for years and years as an obese person with huge breasts and a giant belly to appreciate the constant awe and gratitude I feel at my current condition.  I NEVER take it for granted!

You will do just great with your surgery!  Just focus on how fabulous you will feel in just a short amount of time, do everything the doctor says, and go for it!  Best wishes :-)          --Dorothy

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

(deactivated member)
on 6/9/09 11:20 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Jessie,
I have not have my TT yet but I can respond regarding the BR......

1.How long were you in excrutiating pain?  I had some pain day 1 that was it.
2. When did you start to feel "normal"?
For me by day 3 I was feeling very good.
3. When were you able to get a full night of sleep?  2nd night
4. When were you able to wear real pants?( you know, jeans, and pants     with none stretchy waistbands)  N/A
5.Right after surgery, how long did it take you to walk around and do normal chores, shopping, etc..N/A
6. When were you able to wear a real bra, how about underwires?  I wore a sports bra for about 2 - 2.5 months then went into a regular one.  My surgeon specifically told me to wear a sports bra and NOT to use an underwire for at least 3 months.  Your surgeon might be different...
7. Did your clothes fit afterwards?, or did you need to buy a bigger size because of the swelling?  My boobs were swollen but it did not impact the size of my shirts/tops...
8. Lastly,(for now anyway), When were you able to feel like you hadn't gone through any surgery at  all?  Like I said I'm just talking about the BR and it was a piece of cake for me.
Don't worry you'll do fine!!!!!  Take your pain meds on time...don't try to be superwomen, just take them when due and you'll be fine. 

Keep us posted on how you do.
Best wishes

on 6/9/09 11:41 am
Thanks Ruth! I'm glad to hear that the BR isn't as painful. Honestly, I thought that would be VERY painful. My breast normally hurt now, especially during that time of the month(they feel as if someone is peeling the skin right off them!!), so any additional pain was unthinkable. Once again, thanks for your reply. -Jessie

Highest weight:215/ Surgery day:199/ current:139/ Goal weight:130

(deactivated member)
on 6/9/09 11:46 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I also was expecting A LOT of pain.  I remember on day 3 or 5 asking the Surgery "when does the pain start?"
Now my arm lift was a different story........that was painful!

Anyhow, best wishes with your surgery
on 6/9/09 11:35 am
Dorothy, thanks so much for your reply. I love to hear about everyone's personal experience here on OH because I know you guys won't lie to me! Sometimes I like to fast forward scenarios in my head and try to imagine how wonderful my self esteem will be without my extra padding, I wish I could by pass my fears though.
I'll keep reading all the posts deligently, it makes this process easier, thanks.-Jessie

Highest weight:215/ Surgery day:199/ current:139/ Goal weight:130

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/9/09 1:02 pm - OH
I eill spare you the details since youa re already nervous about surgeyr, but my TT was the worst surgery recovery I have ever had  -- well, maybe it is tied with my hernia repair... Even without my incision breaking down and turning necrotic, I had a lot of pain for a long time.  I slept in the recliner for close to a month (and took pain meds at night for longer than that).

I was able to wear "real" pants after only a couple of weeks, but they were a size larger than I had been waering before the surgery.  I was back to my normal size about 2-3 months post-op, and am now down a size from pre-op.

I was walking hunched over to a certain extent -- and feeling pain when I first straightened up to walk -- even when I went back to work 6 weeks later.  I am almost 5 months post-op and I still feel twinges of pain when I roll over in bed or go to lay on my tummy for a massage or whatever.  I still have days when I am a little swollen and my pre-op pants feel more comfortable, but most days the swelling is minimal.

I know that probably isn;t very encouraging, but you asked about our experiences, and that was mine...


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/10/09 7:01 am
Yikes!!,  Lora thanks for your honesty. I'm sorry to hear you had such bad experiences. I did ask hear the truth, and appreciate it. I hope you feel better soon. -Jessie

Highest weight:215/ Surgery day:199/ current:139/ Goal weight:130

on 6/9/09 9:53 pm - MN
1)  I never had excrutiating pain
2)  After 6 months, I still don't feel "normal"
3)   Full night sleep after drains came out at 4 weeks
4)  Wore real pants at 3 weeks
5)  Walked around almost immediately, normal chores - milked it with DH as LONG as I could, I started shopping (online) the day after surgery, and in a store after a week.
6)  Did not have BR, thank God as there's nothing to reduce, but was back to my training bra as soon as I went back to work.
7)  Clothes fit fine, ultimately ended up being too big.
8)  I still have numbness and tightness all the time so even after 6 months, I'm fully aware that I had surgery.  Every time I look in the mirror I'm aware I had surgery.  But, my life pretty much resumed to a "normal" status after 6 weeks when I was able to hit the gym and start exercising.

Scared is fine, but a positive, healthy attitude is the best medicine.

Take care and best wishes!!

~  BJ

on 6/10/09 7:10 am
BJ, Thanks for your reply. It seems that you are healing nicely. I'll try to relax a little with all the worrying, I'm actually making myself sick in the stomach!!! Thanks, -Jessie

Highest weight:215/ Surgery day:199/ current:139/ Goal weight:130

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