1-month post brachio/BL/BA appt

on 6/3/09 1:25 am - FL
I had my 1-month follow up with my surgeon yesterday, and I did voice my concerns about the brachioplasty results. Basically, Dr. H doesn't want to do anything yet. We'll wait 6 months to see if my elbows need a little lipo, but he isn't interested at all in getting anything tighter... he says that a tighter upper arm would look strange with my forearms and I see his point... my forearms have their own sagginess going on!

In my last post, I mentioned that I was planning on doing a thigh lift in December. After talking with the doctor more about that, his recommendation was to wait. He said I really should start with a lower body lift (because that impacts thighs as well). When I explained I'd rather wait until after kids to do a LBL, he said, "then go ahead and have those kids already! Then LBL, then save the thigh lift for last."

I get it. That makes sense.

But can I tell you all how depressing it is to know I won't get this body FIXED for several more years? Yes, I want children. We were already planning to start trying next April. But the timeline of kid + kid + wait for them to be old enough for mommy to be out of commission for recovery + LBL + recovery + thight lift.... we're talking YEARS and years before I can stop being a saggy mess!

I've lost 200 pounds. I look better, I feel better, I'm strong, I'm active. I know that's what matters.

But it's so, so depressing to have all this saggy skin along for the ride!

But hey... at least I don't have old-lady boobs anymore! And as for the arms, I'm going to give myself some time to keep healing and then I'm going to pump some serious iron to make the most of what I've got.
Vist my weblog at www.megameggs.wordpress.com

on 6/3/09 2:07 am - Northwood, IA
Well it is good that he gave you his opinion and you support his decisions but I do understand how you feel about the kid situation.

I am there too.  We have no children and I honestly couldn't take looking in the mirror any longer. I decided to go forth with the LBL - I have zero regrets.  My friend had her LBL and got prego 7mos later (oops, recommended u wait 18 mos) and while she has some looser skin immediately followin delivery (just had baby) it isn't any worse than it would be for any other mother who has never been obese and had gotten pregnant.  She coudl always do a small revision but again she feels its fine and would not have done it the other way around b/c she had 7 lbs of skin on her that would have just been additional weight to carry around.  I cannot tell u how much lighter i feel (esp in abdomen as that is where I carried a lot of my weight) now that it is off.  I had 7 lbs removed also.  

Will I have bilogical kids? IDK.  I am fearful of weight gain, gestational diabetes (had diabetes preop) and high blood pressure (had it preop also).  My husband had RNY 8 yrs ago so he understands my fears totally and is loving the idea of adoption as he has always wanted to adopt kids...  many kids need good homes he says and can love them as his own.. I am lucky that way.  Of course thats more $$ and I do want my breasts done. I made him promise me never to use my LBL against me in the future b/c of money spent - he knew I needed it mentally... we are both glad we did it this way first.

Just food for thought.  But only YOU can determine what is best for you and maybe your surgeon would totally advise you NOT to do that LBL first... mine leaves it up to his patient.

Good luck!  I hear ya, I really do!
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 6/3/09 2:18 am - FL
Thanks Melissa! If we were going to wait any significant amount of time to try and get pregnant, I'd go ahead and do the LBL now. But my next opportunity for surgery would be December (I'm a PhD student have to work around my school schedule), and then I'd be tryign to get prego within the following year--seems backwards! But you're right--there's no way to account for the "head" part of having all that excess still around... hmmm. Still thinking I guess.

I'm completely open to adoption, but hubby wants to try for biological kids first. We've never tried to get pregnant before, so we're assuming we don't have fertility issues or anything--we shall see.

And the health concerns about pregnancy resonate with me... the very idea of the scale going UP again--even if just a little--freaks me out.

This is such a head-game!
Vist my weblog at www.megameggs.wordpress.com

on 6/3/09 5:00 am - Northwood, IA
Isn't it though???? crazy stuff..

You know what is right for you, nobody else...hugs
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 6/3/09 12:18 pm - poughkeepsie, NY
Hi, I tried to look at your pic's and It keeps asking for password. I thought I got added to your friends file? I must be doing somthing wrong. Thanks.. Debbie
on 6/4/09 12:06 am - FL
Hi Debbie,

I added you, but it says it's pending your approval--you just need to "approve" it and we're good to go!
Vist my weblog at www.megameggs.wordpress.com

on 6/4/09 12:22 am - TX

I'm so glad you got good news from your surgeon and he sounds like he is "on your side". I'm sure he will fix you up in time, if the elbow continues to concern you. You look awesome now!

Children issue-
Before I had children I had major "body image issues". I was thin and worked out like a mad women. I also was on some sort of "diet" all the time even if I didn't need to lose. I was very "aware of my body" all the time. I will say for me....when I had children...nothing matter but them from that point. They are the most awesome blessing!!! Having children is an amazing life changing thing. My weight issue didn't start coming into play until I put everything into their life. You have to be careful to keep a good balance. This is my point...good balance. I think you will find your "body concerns" will take a backseat for awhile and it won't bother you as much. My advice is keep a good balance. Your body changes so much with pregnancy and I'm telling you...it's worth every bit of it!!! I think you will have a new outlook of your body once you have children.  Hopes this helps.
on 6/4/09 12:25 am - FL
What you're saying makes perfect sense! I'm sure I can't imagine how much I'll be focused on my kids until I actually have one of my own, but I can see how that would be true--every little thing that preoccupies me now won't be as important! Good to know! Yeah, I'm ready for some little ones!
Vist my weblog at www.megameggs.wordpress.com

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