jan R.
on 6/1/09 6:03 am - PA
I am 2 weeks post op from my final round of plastic surgery!!  All I can say is I LOVE ME!  I never thought it would be possible to be as happy as I am with my body and the results....I have been heavy since I was born (10 1/2 lbs at birth) Never dreamed I could have a waist, flat tummy and all the things wonderful about being thin!
I have all of those now and I wish that for all of you who have struggled!  I was not even happy after loosing 203 lbs, and I never dreamed I could afford plastic surgery after all my consultations here in Pennsylvania!
Thank god I met Dr. Cardenas from Monterrey, Mexico....he is and always will now be a huge part of my life.  He is like family to me....he has given me the body I have only dreamed of......  Please don't ever give up on your dreams because I feel that my life is just now beginning.......I am so happy I could burst!!
Good Luck to you all!
on 6/1/09 8:20 am - IN
Thanks for the post Jan, I am sitting on the fence trying to decide what to do so these updates really help!  Did you find one year post op pics anywhere?  I am trying to find out how much the scars fade, all I see are fresh post op pics!  Thanks, Zeldarin

Plastics with Dr. Sauceda April 8th/2010
Mini AL, Mini TT, Medial TL, BA, Lipo

jan R.
on 6/1/09 8:25 am - PA
I tend to have keloiding scars...but even with that mine are nice white lines and especially on my tummy you can hardly see them!!
I can send you off (when I get my computer back with my pics) some of my 1 year post op tummy pics.....I had the LBL, done in 10/07 so I am a little more than a year....I just did my thighs and mons area less than 2 weeks ago!!
It has been well worth everything I have done!!
on 6/1/09 8:56 am - IN
That is awesome, I will send you a friend invite, please keep me updated.  Are you spreading it out due to money or was it recommended?  I kind of just want to take the plunge and do an LBL, tummy and breasts as close together as possible.

Plastics with Dr. Sauceda April 8th/2010
Mini AL, Mini TT, Medial TL, BA, Lipo

jan R.
on 6/1/09 10:25 am - PA
For me I spread my surgeries out on the recommendation of my surgeon....mainly due to having Crohn's disease.  I take immuno supressive drugs and it is harder for me to heal from anything especially major plastic surgery....
If you want my opinion...I wish I would have started with my LBL first...cause it was the most drastic result........I did arms and breasts first..which was good but I loved my LBL!!!
Your LBL would do your tummy....I don't think I would do the breast with them cause you need your upper body to lift yourself...think it would have been hard to have both at the same time....
I did go it alone for all my plastic surgery ....I did not have any family or friends travel to Mexico with me....so that also makes a difference on what you can do together!!
on 6/1/09 1:00 pm - IN
I went alone for my VSG to Mexico and it was rough so that is probably a good suggestion.  LBL first, then back for breast and arms.  How does it split out financially when done in Mexico?  My VSG was $10K.  I had severe nausea for 2 days after which made for a very rough hospital stay.  Z...

Plastics with Dr. Sauceda April 8th/2010
Mini AL, Mini TT, Medial TL, BA, Lipo

jan R.
on 6/1/09 1:22 pm - PA
All I know is I had the same issue post lapband with severe nausea and discomfort......with plastic surgery...(at least with my surgeon) I had a long discussion with the Anestesia doc and told him that was my worst fear...and I can say I felt like a million bucks when I woke up...LOL  I know that sounds crazy, but I like that my doctor puts all the pain control and meds in the hands of the Anestesia doc....Dr. Heriberto!  My other angel!!  He was a god send......
He promised me that when I awoke I would not have any pain......and boy was her correct......The only pain I had post tummy tuck was when my IV blew when I was getting my pain meds...... This happened at like 8pm the 1st night...and within 15 minutes in flys Dr. Heriberto dress in his Tae Kwondo Suit...I about laughed it was crazy...he was at class with his boys and told the hospital not to touch me he would be right there......and boy was he!!  I swear I could hear his breaks when he pealed into his parking spot...LOL  I tease him about that all the time!!
It was nice to know I was in such good hands......I can't tell you how much I love my doctors.... not for what they have done for me...but more that they care so much about me......
I wrote them letters before I left, thanking them so much for making me a part of there family!  It was nice to know you are the priority while you are in their care!
As far as costs.....it varies on procedure and I did my over 4 procedures so I was able to split my costs up over 2 years....which was nice for me!!
Well if you ever need anything please let me know....good luck to you on your Journey...I do hope you and everyone here finds the happiness I now feel!  It is the best feeling in the world!
on 6/1/09 2:17 pm - IN
I would love to hear more about your docs and maybe get a link to their website.  I haven't decided on a doc at this time.  Thanks, Z...

Plastics with Dr. Sauceda April 8th/2010
Mini AL, Mini TT, Medial TL, BA, Lipo

jan R.
on 6/1/09 11:06 pm - PA
    Well currently The Plastic surgeons direct site is down, he is doing a brand new site because his old one needed update.  If you want to read about him you can on the main site it is ready4achange.com.  Dr. Alejandro Cardenas  He is listed under surgeons....I will let you know when he gets his site up, he will have mine and lots of patients before and after photos on it....he has mine right now he is permitted to share via email also, but he will not have the finishing touches yet......
    I don't know where you are from but the do a bash every April and October in either Houston or Dallas and the doctors all come and put on seminars.  I think this fall they are doing a free Plastics seminar and consultations.  I have been hounding him to get here on obesity help, because him and Dr. Heriberto the anestesia doc, are just so wonderful.
    It is important for everyone to choose there own doctors, but I told him what he has given me is priceless!  I know in my heart if I would have had to have plastic surgery in the US I would still only be partially done.....my quotes around home were so very expensive.....
    Good luck and if you have any questions you can email me or [email protected] she has all the price lists and stuff......I don't have any of that...
Take Care and good luck....please stay in touch...I will ship you over those photos of my scars...
on 6/2/09 2:06 am - Houston, TX
Thank you so much for this post!  It's so nice to hear that after all the pain and scars, it really is worth it. 

Spring has Sprung

Corrie T.

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